At the movie theater, Zhane was busy daydream himself embracing Astronema for a kiss like on the movie poster he was stares when he tunes to walk way, he bump into a young woman, dropping all her books on the ground.

"Oh, I sorry, let me help you with that" Zhane apologized by bending and pick up her books.

"I'm so clumsy" the woman said.

"No... It's totally my fault" Zhane called when they bump their heads on each other.

"Aww" the woman cried out when they rubbing their heads.

"Wow..." Zhane breathless as he stares into the woman's eyes.

"What?" the woman asked.

"For a minute there, I thought you were…Astronema" Zhane whispered in shock.

"How do you know it was me?"

"Your eyes told me"

"I thought if I excess makeup and change my hair, you can't recognize me, but I was wrong"

"What are you doing down here?"

"I want…you see…Iwanttoseeyou"


"I said I…want…to…see…you"

"Really?" as Astronema nodded. "That great, I have been thinking about you all today" as Astronema start to blush. "I can't get you out of my mind"


"Yeah, I can't get your beautiful face out of my mind"

"You think I'm beautiful?"


"None ever call me beautiful"

"They may blind or stupid" as Astronema blush more. "Why do you coming down to earth?"

"I want see if you want go campfire for a little dinner at 7 tonight?"

"I would love that" give her a kiss on the check. "I get to catch my friends, I see you at 7" drop a picture of her.

"Wait, you drop something. Bye" picks up the picture and saw it was her and watch him run off to his friends with a smile on face. "I need call in some old favors" walk away to found an alleyway to teleport.

In a city on a top of roof, a woman was stares at a rate priceless of a gold cat statue through binoculars when Astronema teleport behind her.

"I thought you not steal anymore, Selina" Astronema use a dark deep voice said.

"Batman" Selina, the woman screamed true around to see the Batman. "Astronema" see an old friend.

"Hello…Cat" Astronema embraced her friend. "I thought you not steal anymore" let go of her.

"I look" Selina answered look back at the statue with Astronema as they talk about it.

"In other words, you look for an easing way in" a deep dark scare voice said as those two stand at detention. Astronema take look behind her.

"Bruce, if you not would one of my friend and husband to her, I would have killed you for scare us" Astronema smile gives her friend's husband a huge.

"Selina, I thought you were check at the east side of Gotham" Batman aka Bruce called.

"I finish, I hear that someone was going to robbing this place" Selina answered as Astronema took the binoculars and saw two men on the roof.

"She right, two men on the roof" Astronema called handing the binoculars to Bruce. "I think HexGirl can handle it" teleport away.

"She wants something" Selina called watch as Astronema reappear behind the men, now wear a mask.

"How can you tell?" Bruce asked.

"It a girl thing" Selina answered watch Astronema take down the two men down. "She maybe needs a break from the Dark Fortress" watches as Astronema tied up the men and drop them off at the steps. Astronema, then teleport back to them. "Okay, want or need?"

"Need" Astronema answer taking of the mask.

"What?" Selina asked.

"I need to watch you the Dark Fortress with Athena and Zoisite" Astronema answered.

"Why?" Selina asked.

"Ihaveadate" Astronema answered so fast that Selina don't hear it.

"What?" Selina and Bruce questioned.

"I have a date" Astronema answered.

"Okay, I do" Selina answered as Astronema hugged her.

"Good, then you can hold Athena" Astronema called teleport away.

"Why do I only get Athena?" Selina asked as Bruce shrugged his shoulders when Selina open a time portal to a different time and walk in.

In a dark kingdom, Astronema appear in font a huge crow.

"Lady Astronema, what bring you here?" a voice called as Astronema true from the crow to face a woman sat in thorn, wave her hands around a dark purple ball.

"Good day Queen Beryl" Astronema bowed to the woman, who nodded her head in greet.

"What do I own the pledge?" Queen Beryl, the woman asked.

"I look for Zoisite" Astronema answered when pink rose's petals show. "Speck of the devil" as a woman stand in front of them.

"I do believe I was summon" the woman called.

"Yes, you were, Zoisite" Astronema answered as they hugged.

"What are you doing here?" Zoisite asked as they walk away to her room.

"I break from the Dark Fortress, so I ask you, Athena and Selina to take over me" Astronema answered as a time portal open and Selina and a woman run out with lighting follow them.

"Get down" Zoisite ordered as they all feel down and the lighting hit the wall.

"What do you did to piss off Zeus?" Astronema asked get up.

"She walk in a middle of meeting" the woman answered get up.

"I said I was sorry" Selina answered get up too.

"Selina, you know better to walk in meeting" the woman called helps Zoisite up.

"Athena, our Astronema has a date" Selina called as the woman name Athena laughs.

"Astronema, is this joke?" Athena asked still laughs.

"No" Astronema answered as Athena stop laugh then piss out.

"Pick her up" all three of them said when bend over and pick up Athena then teleport to the Dark Fortress.

On the Dark Fortress, in Astronema's chamber, Selina was tried to wake up Athena.

"Come on, Athena" Selina ordered slip Athena's check. Astronema come with a cup of water.

"Move" Astronema ordered throw the water into Athena's face when Selina move away quickly.

"That cold' Athena yelled wake up and shock the water from her hair.

"I know, we use do that lot when you drunk" Astronema answered laughing.

"Okay, Athena up, let get back to busses" Selina called as they sat down.

"Okay, I need you three to watch the Dark Fortress and make should Ecliptor doesn't sent any monsters" Astronema answered.

"Why do you need us?" Zoisite asked.

"" Astronema answered.

"What?" All three ask not hear her.

"I…have…a….date…with…the…silver…power…ranger" she answered.

"Dose Ecliptor knows about this?" Selina asked.

"No" Astronema answered.

"I in" Selina agreed as Zoisite and Athena nodded, next to Astronema, Selina was their second-in-command.

"Good, I better get down and get everything set up. So make should Ecliptor doesn't sent any monsters" Astronema ordered walk to her mirror, sprays on some perfume.

"Astronema, you worry us" Selina called as Astronema teleport way.

On the Megaship, Zhane was running all over his room, rushing to get ready for his date with danger! He's got tons of shopping bags with clothes and a bouquet of long stemmed roses in his mouth. Two figures were following him.

"Zhane, well you slowly down and told us why you summon us?" one of the figures asked take the roses out of Zhane's mouth.

"I have date and I want one of you two take over for me" Zhane answered.

"I told you, Slade, Zhane meet a lady" the other figure called.

"For once you were right, Khane" Slade, the figure smiled put Khane, second figure in a neck lock.

"Guys" Zhane called bring them back to reality.

"Sorry" they both apologized when Slade let go of Khane.

"Okay, Khane, sine you and me are the same size and almost like look, you take over for me" Zhane called pull his shirt over his head and quick blush his hair the way he like it.

"Oh, Zhane, man, she most really mean lot to you" Slade smiled, he the older of the three, he make should that they take care of.

"Slade, this is Astronema whom I have a date with" Zhane called as Khane and Slade stand in shock.

"Astronema, the princess of evil, that who you have a date with" Slade called. "Zhane, what would happen if she found out who you really are?"

"Slade, you are my older brother, you know how hard it is found someone who is not fare of dad" as Slade sat down on the bed.

"Why do you summer me?" Slade asked.

"I need you told the other that I need to be alone" Zhane answered.

"Sweet, I can do the fun stuff" Khane smiled hugged his brother. That right, Zhane has two brothers who are live.

"Oh, Khane, let go" Zhane ordered playfully push Khane away. "I get to go" grabbing the rose and walk out.

"Zhane, you better didn't anything I would do" Khane joked as Slade look at him.

On Earth, Astronema had finish light the red candle when Zhane appear behind her.

"Everything looks greats" Zhane called scare Astronema. She turns around to see the most beautiful long stemmed roses. "I get this rose for you" give her the roses.

"Thank you" Astronema thanked smell the rose as Zhane sat down next to her and they start to eat.

On the Dark Fortress, Athena and Zoisite was look for around for any evidence.

"Okay, if I was Astronema, what would I hide something?" Athena asks Zoisite, who shrugged her shoulders. "Selina, do you found anything?" as Selina look up from her book.

"I not look because I know better" Selina answer when Elgar runs in then run back out. "Three…Two…One" counting down when Ecliptor walk.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ecliptor asked.

"Astronema need some alone time" Selina answered look back to her book.

"Okay, but why is those two on the floor?" Ecliptor question point to Athena and Zoisite.

"Look for their dignity" Selina answered as Ecliptor nodded. "Astronema want no monsters attack" as Ecliptor once again nodded then walk out.

"Found something" Zoisite called holding a picture.

"Yes, let me see" Athena order Zoisite, who handing the picture to her. "Oh, Cat, you get to see this guy, no wander she fell" put the picture in Selina's book. Selina take a look then put it under the pillow she was use. "Hey"

"You know what could happen if Astronema found out that you two were look though, she kill you two" Selina answered as Athena and Zoisite sat down on the other bed that Astronema had if one of them want to stay for a night.

"I wander how she doing" Zoisite wandered.

Back on Earth, Astronema and Zhane were enjoying each other company.

"So how you get piss Ecliptor?" Zhane asked before take a bite of the meat that was there.

"Friends" Astronema answered take a drink. "What about you?"

"My brothers"

"You have brothers?"

"Yeah, Andros lied about my family, he only know who knows about them" as Astronema look him.

"Why does he that?"

"He don't like my family"

"But he your friend, why don't he like your family?" as Zhane pause for a min.

"He don't get my family"


"I show you" get up and close his eyes. The ground around him start circle around him, Zhane then kick and pouch them.

"Oh" as Zhane lay the earth back where it comes. "What was that?"

"I have the power to control Earth" sat back down. "He hates it when I use my power for fun or miss with my brothers" lean on the log that they were use.

"What power dose your brothers have?"

"Slade has the power of wind, he my big brother, Khane has the power of lighting, he my little baby brother"

"It must be nice have brothers" as Zhane look at her.

"Sometime, I mean today, when I was get really, I ask them to take over for me, Slade want me to be carefully"


"He wants me to be carefully"

"What about your father? You rare talk about him" as Zhane pause.

"My father went missing, he was searching for a dangers man" lied.


"Yeah, so told me about your friends"

"My friends, they like sisters to me, they take over the Dark Fortress for me" remember the time with Selina, Athena and Zoisite always there for her, good time and bad time.

"Said like my brothers, they there when I need them" as Astronema smiled. "I remember the time when Slade was teach Khane how to drive, he destroy one side of the house, boy, father was not happy about that" as Astronema laugh and Zhane join her then he run his hand thought her hair then lean in to kiss her. Astronema then retune the kiss.

On the Megaship, Khane was look for a picture of Astronema, Slade was lid on the bed and watch him.

"Khane, stop" Slade ordered as Khane stop.

"What?" Khane asked when the door open and Alpha 6 walk in

"Ay, yi, who are you two?" he asked.

"We are the brother of Zhane, he asks for us" Slade answered.

"Andros said Zhane's family is all dead" Alpha added.

"Oh, Andros is dead when I get my hands on him" Khane called as Slade put up a hand to quite him.

"Andros never lies, why does he start now?" Slade asked.

"I don't know, but why are you on the Megaship"?" Alpha answered.

"Zhane asked us to take over for him, he want to be alone" Khane answered.

"Oh, can you tell me how DECA don't told me about you two be here?"

I know they were here, my record show that they name, DOB, and age and they are okay be here DECA answered.

"Nice to hear you too" Khane answered as Slade walk out. "Hey, Slade, wait for me" run after him.

"Where are you going?" Alpha asks catch up to them.

"The Bridge" Slade answer

"He going to call Andros" Khane add stop.

"Why do you sound scare?" Alpha ask

"Slade piss of Andros lied about Zhane's family" Khane answer "Trust me, none want to see my brother's bad side" run to get Slade.

On earth, outside of a restaurant, Andros and the other rangers were enjoying a nice launch when they hear a beep sound. Andros coves his wrist and looks round to make should that none hear it. He nodding to the other then runs off to answer.

In an ally, Andros stop and answer.

"What is it, Alpha?" Andros ask

"Guess again, Andros" Slade's voice answered.

"Slade" Andros gasped for hear Slade's voice for lone time.

"Get your butt back to this ship with other rangers" Slade ordered cut off communication.

"I'm a dead man" Andros said as the other look at him then teleport

At the campsite, Zhane was laid on the lag as Astronema was sleep on his chest.

She so beautiful, how someone like me could fall in love with someone so beautiful likes her Zhane thought as Astronema snuggled into his chest. I hope she don't found out about my father thinking about his father then feeling sleep.

On the Dark Fortress, Selina was read and wait for Astronema when Athena and Zoisite were sleeping.

She maybe feel sleep on his chest Selina thought bookmark and close the book and lay it next to the table then turn and fell sleeping.

On the Megaship, Andros was about to step into the bridge when he starts to back up.

"Slade, it good to see you again" Andros laugh as Slade step out of the bridge with his arm across.

"Andros, give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you?" Slade asked as Khane stand by Slade to watch as the other rangers look at them.

"Andros, who are those two guys?" Cassie asked.

"We are Zhane's brother, I'm Slade, the older brother, over there is the baby brother, Khane" Slade answered.

"Zhane has bothers" TJ and Carols said in surprise, they find out that Zhane had brothers when they were told that his all family was dead.

"Yes, Andros was order by our father to keep us a secret" Khane answered. "And who are those lovely ladies?" kiss Cassie and Ashley's hands.

"I'm Cassie and she Ashley, we the female Astro rangers sine KO-35 don't have any" Cassie answered as Khane and Slade share a look.

"What are you talking about?" Khane asked.

"Andros told us that there no female rangers on KO-35" Ashley answered as Slade push Andros on the wall.

"Slade, stop" Khane ordered grabbing Slade and move him away from Andros. ''There are female rangers on KO-35, Andros' wife was one" as Ashley look at Andros. "Let me guess, he never told you he married" as everyone shock their heads.

"Now you lied to your team" Slade said.


What happened to Andros
What happened to his heart
And the ideals he once pursued? Point to Andros.

"Knock it off, Slade" Andros ordered.

"Slade is right, Andros, this is not you anymore" Khane answered.

"Í change sine that attack" Andros answered

"Then you not the Andros that we know" Slade added walk away as other did the same leaven Andros alone.

The next morning, Zhane start to wake up to feeling some weight on his chest, he look down to see Astronema clung him, he start to remember.

Oh, yeah, man, we must feeling sleeping here thought Zhane as Astronema start to wake up. "Good morning"

"Morning, we must feeling a sleeping here" Astronema said get up and start to stretched.

"Yeah" Zhane answered get up too and dust off the dirty.

"My friends will not let me live this down" Astronema called get the leafs get out her hair when Zhane get it. "Meet back here tonight?" as Zhane nodded. They kiss each other. Zhane watch Astronema teleport then he hear a roar distance.

"Father" Zhane called teleport to the roar.

On the Dark Fortress, Astronema teleport to her chamber to see Athena and Zoisite still sleep and Selina was up.

"Hi, welcome back" Selina whispered move over so Astronema sat down next to her.

"Thanks" Astronema thanks.

"So how was it?" Selina asked.

"It was romance" Astronema answered.

"I see love in your eyes" Selina called as Astronema blush when Selina hugged.

"I never had this feeling before" Astronema answered.

"Then hold on to it" Selina called "Now, let get this two up and get breakfast at my place, I know how much you love Alfred's pancakes" walk over to Athena and Zosisite. "Come on you two, Alfred making pancakes" as Athena and Zosisite wake up.

"Let go" Zosisite called start to move Astronema and Selina out the chamber.

Back on Earth, Zhane appear while Slade and Khane appear beside him.

"Okay, who told Dad?" Zhane asked as Slade and Khane shuddered their shoulders.

"Told me what?" a deep dark monster's voice question as the brothers look up to the sky to see a dark monster.

"Nothing…dad" Zhane answered.

"Right because someone call and told me that my second son had a date with a princess of Evil" their father added.

"Khane" Slade and Zhane yelled as Khane look at them in shock.

"What I do?" Khane asked.

"Zhane, what going to happen if she found out that you are the second son of Dark Specter?" their father asked. That right, Slade, Zhane and Khane are the sons of the Lord of Darkness, Dark Specter.

"Dad, I keep my mouth shut about you, I only told her about those two and our powers. She though our powers are powerfully" Zhane answered when Slade jump on him.

"You told her about our powers?" Slade question as Khane and Dark Specter look at each other.

"I get them" Khane called grabbing Slade.

'Slade, stop right there, I would love to hear Zhane's explain" Dark Specter order while Zhane get up.

"I fell in love with her, father, it like I not power rangers and she not the princess of evil" Zhane answered.

"I know the felling, your mother and I were madly in love" Dark Specter called.

"Dad" All three sons ground

"What?" Dark Specter called form into a male human in his later 30ths. "But we must be carefully now, Yasha has return" as the three sons gaps.

"Father, are you sure?" Slade asked.

"Yes, he work with Darkonda" Dark Specter answered.

"That not good, Darkonda now know you have sons, we in trouble" Slade called as Zhane sat on the ground.

"What are we going to do?" Khane asked.

"Nothing but wait" Dark Specter answered. He dismissed the brothers and disappears himself.

On the Mageship, Zhane walk to his room while Andros calls him.

"Hey, why were your brothers here last night?" Andros asked.

"I want to be alone" Zhane lied.

"Yeah, they told the other rangers that my wife is lives"

"Good, Andros, listen, I see my father, he give me a warn…Yasha is back and he work with Darkonda"

"That not good" as Zhane nodded. "We have told the other about your father"

"Yeah, but how? We know that they will never understand"

"They will but not show your powers"

"Why not?"

"I don't think good idea, with Dark Specter be your father, I don't think they can hold your power"

"Okay" walk to the Mess hall and told other. Zhane was quite while Andros explain all things but keep said bad things Dark Specter.

Later that night, Zhane and Astronema were talk and eat. They share a kiss once in way.

"Zhane, why don't you talk about your father?" Astronema asked take a slip from her drink.

"If I talk about him, I start remember he…There something I need to told you but you must promise not to told anyone" Zhane answered get up.


"My father…is Dark Specter"

"Dark Specter has kids?"

"Yes, he only Dark Specter to hide from…Yasha, he the most evil person then all the villains come together" as Astronema nodded and kiss him on the check. Zhane kiss her when they were interruption by a cries.

"What was that?" as Zhane get up to check what was in the bunch to see a baby in a bask, crying it eyes out.

"It a baby" pick up the baby and handing it to Astronema, who clung him to her chest.

"Why were someone leaven this baby?" check the baby to see what if it was a boy or a girl.

"I don't know, what it sex?"

"It a boy…look, there a note" as Zhane pick up the note.

"His mother don't want him, his father is dead. Her and his family don't even want him" as Astronema hugged the baby close her chest.

"He need someone to take care of him" as the baby boy reach up and take a hold of one of her finger. Astronema smiled and look at Zhane, who was smile.

"Maybe we can take care of him" as Astronema nodded then kiss his check.

"What are we doing name him?"

"I like…Dustin" playful with baby Dustin's nose. "But how are we going to rise him? Ecliptor start to worry and my friends can't keep lied for me"

"My father would keep Ecliptor busy unite we are really to told him and I know my brothers can help" hugged Astronema and Dustin, not knowing they are be watch.

To be counting