After The Mess

Chapter 1

I own nothing towards the Vampire Diaries; because that belongs to L.J Smith. Except this plot line I created this.

Hey this is my first fanfiction don't be too harsh.

Wednesday June 16

Dear Diary,

It's been six months since Elena's and Katherine's deaths in the tomb, six months since Stefan and Damon left for Italy. It's been very quiet seen they left, no supernatural phenomenon or madness to disrupt this peaceful town. But people are starting to forget what happened here, that these events did happen, their beginning to forget what Elena died for. Even Matt and Meredith are starting to forget. I wish I could forget what happened but I can't and never will, I'm a part of this world now and I have to except it.

In two days' time everyone I know will leave this town, Matt's got a football scholarship and is heading off, Meredith and Alaric are traveling the world together, even Caroline is heading off to New York to some design collage, and where does that leave me? Little old Bonnie McCullough is staying in the beautiful town of Fells Church, yeah.

All my life I've dreamed of doing something great and adventurous, I've never gotten to do it. Well Now is the time, all this mess with vampires has opened my eyes life is too just short to let it fly by! I'm a witch for goodness sakes and I'm going to start acting like it!

Bonnie put down her pen and smiled she knew what she was going to do now. She jumped off her bed and ran to her phone; she had only two days to book a flight to Italy!


After a teary goodbye to all her friends each one of them on different a flight and a different destiny, Bonnie boarded the plane that was headed to Florence, Italy.

She clutched the piece of paper Stefan had left with the address of the house he would be staying in before he and Damon took off as the plane lifted off the ground. …

Stefan sighed, he's at it again he thought as he climbed the stairs leading up to the second floor bedrooms. He met the girl at the top of the stairs as she was about to descend down them. She stumbled but quickly grabbed onto the banister for balance.

"What's your name?" Stefan asked softly trying not to scare her.

The girl was pretty blonde hair, brown eyes, slim and tall. She was dressed in clubbing clothes, a dress and heels. Blonde, slim, and glamorous just like Elena. Stefan heart began to hurt again, six months he thought six months of pain and loneliness. Stefan was quickly pulled out of his reverence by the girl's voice.

"Haley. Spelt H-A-L-E-Y." she said with a little hic-cup at the end.

Drunk Stefan thought the drunker they are the easier it is for him to take advantage. She was also a tourist judging by her accent probably American. She was probably going to the collage here and was at a bar with her friends.

"Where are you staying?" Stefan asked feeling obliged to help this girl that his brother had wronged.

"Oh, my dorm is just a couple of streets down the road I'm sure I can get a cab there." Haley said rubbing her neck.

Stefan leaned forward and saw two little holes on the side of her neck which were just starting to heal.

"Ok" he said and watched her walk down the stairs and out the front door.

Stefan felt the anger towards his older brother rising up inside his core as he walked to Damon's bedroom. The bedroom door was closed without knocking Stefan opened it and walked in. Damon was sitting on the window seat that was across the room where Stefan was standing, eating an apple. The room's colours were dark browns and blacks including the furniture, bed sheets, and curtains. A four post bed was pulled up against the east wall and a small sitting space with leather couches complete with a fireplace was in the west wall. Damon's black leather jacket was slung over one of the couch side.

"Ah, don't you just love tourists little brother? They're always looking for some exotic fun." Damon asked slyly, with his infamous smirk.

Damon Salvatore was tall (half an inch shorter than Stefan though), dark, dangerous, gorgeous, and most of all cocky. He wore all black clothing, which contradicted with his pale white skin, his eyes and hair matched his clothes. Stefan looked very much like his brother except one thing; his eyes were an oak leaf green instead of a midnight black.

"You can't keep treating people like this Damon; they're creatures who share this planet with us!" Stefan shouted, ignoring his brother's question.

"Share little brother; I doubt humans would ever what to share their planet with monsters like us. Anyways if you don't like my way of live why don't you just leave?" Damon asked.

You know why I won't leave Stefan thought, thinking of the vow he made to Elena before she died but the words never left his lips because there was a knock at the door. Stefan his room and walked down the stairs to the door.

When he opened the door he saw a short teenaged girl with curly red hair, she was soaking wet do to the rain outside. She was wearing a dark green sweat shirt and a pair of jeans, with old looking sneakers, a duffel bag was slung over her shoulder. Her heart shaped face, full lips and brown eyes lit up when she saw Stefan.

"Stefan!" She squeaked with obvious happiness and relief.

Bonnie Stefan thought with shock.


Bonnie got out of the cab and grabbed her carry-on bag, then headed up the very long and neatly paved driveway. The house at the top of the hill took Bonnie's breath away; it was a huge Italian villa (the kind you see only in 007 movies) that over looked its own personal lake. Wow Bonnie thought this is definitely better than the boarding house.

Half way up the driveway the dark and gloomy clouds that had been hovering above the beautiful city all day finally released their rain. So Bonnie hitched up her bag on her shoulder and sprinted to the house.

When she did reach the villa she raced up the few stone steps to the front door and knocked on it. Then she checked her watch, it read 2:00 am oh no I hope I don't wake them up, I'd hate to see what tired vampire looks like this early in the morning she thought nervously. But then the door opened and there standing the frame was Stefan Salvatore.

Stefan looked like a regular seventeen year old guy (but he was really a 500 year old vampire), tall with curly black locks that were tousled at the moment probably from sleep. His eyes were a deep green like a forest after a storm; his eyes were particularly luminous against his pale skin. He was gorgeous, just like Bonnie remembered except he looked thinner and very tired like someone who has been through a natural disaster. It didn't matter though because Bonnie was so excited to see him.

"Stefan!" she squeaked and flung herself at him.

She felt arms go around her as Stefan hugged her back.

"Bonnie, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Virginia." he said softly as they pulled apart.

"I was but then with everyone gone I started to get lonely then I figured you'd be lonely too, I mean Damon isn't the best company in the world so I came here." she said with a soft smile.

"Well thank you for coming I was very lonely, now come inside it is pouring rain out there." Stefan gestured inside.

Bonnie smiled and stepped over the threshold and into the magnificent villa. The hallway was richly decorated with marble, gold, stained wood. It was lit with modern looking torches hung up on the walls. Bonnie followed Stefan into a sitting room area that had comfy looking sofas and a beautiful fireplace on the side wall.

"This is the house you grew up in?" Bonnie asked awed

"No, I was born and raised in the Salvatore castle a little south of here. This is a place that Damon and I got a couple of hundred years ago." Stefan answered shifting slightly uncomfortable about talking about his age.

Bonnie sat down on a sofa with Stefan sitting down next to her, she was right these sofas were comfy.

"It's so good to see you again Bonnie." Stefan said happily, surprising her by giving her another hug.

"It looks like I'm interrupting something here." A new voice said causing the two to turn around to see Damon Salvatore lounging against the wall.


Damon smirked before following his brother out of his bedroom, wondering who could possibly be at their, he and his brother had no friends all they had was each other for eternity thanks to Katherine.

It was at the top of the stairs when he smelled her. Damon could recognize that scent anywhere; it was the fiery little witch -Bonnie- from Fells Church the best friend of Elena. But what was she doing here? Damon decided to follow his brother and Bonnie into the sitting room. The sight he saw shocked him and at the angered him to his very core. He had just witnessed his brother and the witch sharing a friendly embrace, a little too friendly for his liking. When did the witch and his brother get so close? Damon smirked again and decided to break up this feel good family moment.

"It looks like I'm interrupting something here." He said with cool smile.

Both his brother and the little witch turned around when they heard his voice, both giving him similar looks of annoyance.

"You're not interrupting anything Damon; Bonnie just surprised me with her visit that's all." Stefan said smiling at Bonnie who smiled right back.

"Well it was a bit of a last minute decision on my part though," she said then added "it is nice to see you again Damon, even though you're being a jerk."

Both vampires froze at that bold comment coming from such a small girl, before they both burst into laughter.

"I've missed you so much Bonnie, but how is everyone else?" Stefan asked after wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well… Matt got that football scholarship that he wanted so badly, Meredith and Alaric are traveling the world together, so it was just me left in Fells Church." Bonnie answered softly before adding "But how are you Stefan? Everything that happened with Elena completely wreck everyone especially you." She said bluntly.

Stefan sighed by then neither of them noticed Damon sitting on the conch beside Bonnie.

"No Bonnie I'm not okay, it's been rough these past couple of months without seeing anyone. I think because when I was with Elena I began to think as my life as a dream where Elena and I were just a regular human couple. And when she died it was just like water was splashed in my face…" Stefan said trailing off at the last part unable to speak anymore.

Bonnie felt her heart break for her friend as she looked at his face so sadden by his loss.

"Stefan you never let anyone share in your pain and suffering, but you always take on other people's suffering. Sometimes, little brother you need someone to help." Damon said shocking everyone with his sensitivity and wisdom.

Bonnie just stared at Damon opened mouthed, Damon caught her staring at him and shrugged and was about to say something sarcastic before Stefan shook himself and said.

"You're right Damon, I do need help but right now we all needs to get some sleep," he said looking at Bonnie "I mean you just spent eight hours on a plane and you're probably jet lagged so you need to sleep."

Bonnie yawned just then to prove Stefan's point.

"Well then little brother I'll show our little witch to her room." Damon said with a coy smile. Stefan was about to protest when Bonnie said:

"It's alright Stefan, I'm sure I'll be okay."

Damon smiled victoriously when she agreed; he even offered her his arm and walked out into the hall with her arm in arm.


Bonnie yawned for the second time in two minutes and blushed, mostly because she was with a dangerous vampire that she didn't want to show weakness to and slightly because she was in the company of the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

"You think I'm gorgeous, Cara?" Damon asked slyly.

Damn Bonnie thought I forgot he can read minds. Bonnie's only answer was a blush and Damon's smile widen. Instead of looking at him Bonnie decided to focus on where they were going to memorise how to get to her room.

Damon led her up a beautiful marble staircase the second floor of the villa which was just as vast and well decorated as the main floor. Bonnie couldn't help but feel this place was more suited for Damon than Stefan. The villa seemed to fit Damon's extravagant, powerful, overwhelming personality, but Stefan's personality needed a place that was less open, less glamorous, and homier like the boarding house. She guessed Damon must have picked out this place for the two brothers to live.

"Here we are little witch, your lovely guest room. This is also contently right next door to my heavenly suit." Damon said as he opened the door that led to her suit.

Bonnie didn't have time to have her warning bells go off about sleeping so close to Damon because the room she was supposed to stay in was so beautiful that it took her breath away. The floor of the room was a soft cream color and the walls were painted a light lavender color. At the opposite way to the door was a pair of French doors which led out to a balcony and right beside the French doors was a soft looking window seat full of pillows. On the right hand wall was her own personal bathroom.

All the furniture in the room was cream coloured to match the floor. There was a four posted bed on the left side of the room and the curtain surrounding it along with the linen matched the rest of the room. She had a small sitting area with small fire place near the bed. All in all the room was spectacular. Bonnie wanted to thank Damon for picking out such a beautiful room for her but all that came out was:

"Who's your designer?" realising her slip Bonnie quickly covered her hand over her mouth and blushed deeply.

Damon just laughed well naturedly.

"No one, this was one of the original rooms that were built when this house was constructed and we've had it refurbished over the years. When I saw you were here to visit I knew this room would be perfect for you." Damon said tentively.

Maybe I missed judged him when I first met him, Bonnie thought I think Elena's death really made him a sweeter person. I mean he's still a flirt and sarcastic but he seems to really care about Stefan's well-being.

Bonnie thanked Damon and bided a good night or a good morning before closing the door and decided to have a good bubble bath before going to sleep.

Thanks for reading. Please review