A little drabble based on tonight's episode BIOTA, where in Kurt has to take a drunken Blaine home. I know that there will probably be a bunch of fics about the ep, but whatever. :) -Insert Disclaimer-

"Babe." The drunken man slurred as he held onto Kurt. "Baby….baby…..baby ohhhhhh!"

Kurt rolled his eyes as he worked on getting Blaine into his navigator unharmed. He knew that Blaine was drunk as hell and wanted to be responsible enough to bring him to his home and take care of him since the Warbler was just not cut out to drive himself home.

"H-hey. Hey. Hey." Blaine started again. "I was talking to….lippy laroo. And…and…now you listen to me Kurtie!" the drunken boy spoke as he sat in the passenger seat of Kurt's car as the countertenor started towards his house. "He said that….that he seduced blondie with…with that kid!" and apparently these words were hilarious because the male then broke out into hysterical laughter.

Kurt just shook his head at the laughing and drove a safe pace down the road.

"D-do you think I can seduce Barbara? Like….sing about her and…OH! Did you hear us? We were so SEXY!"

Kurt chewed on his lip and felt a little sick to his stomach even though he couldn't stand the fact that Blaine had kissed Rachel and seemed to have enjoyed it. What he wanted more than anything were for those gorgeous lips to be kissing his own.

"Sure Blaine. You can seduce Rachel."

Blaine giggled, like seriously giggled at the words before turning the radio on and singing out loud. "MAN! I feel like a woman! Da da nahnah da dada!"

Kurt groaned at the blasting of Shania Twain through his speakers and immediately slammed the radio off before Blaine then persisted to turn it back on.

"I'm going out tonight! I'm feeling alright! I'm gonna let it all hang outtttt!" he screamed.

Kurt slammed the radio off once more. "Blaine for the love of Versace please shut up!" he groaned.

Blaine silenced himself almost right after those words and leaned back in his seat before promptly falling asleep.

Kurt sighed softly to himself in the silence only interrupted by Blaine's small snores. He thought that the party would have been great after everything that happened considering he got Finn to bring Blaine and himself after the little blackmail stunt. But then everything had just turned sour and now he loathed the game Spin the Bottle.

He was suddenly pulled out of his reverie when Blaine started to sing once more, very loudly and obnoxiously as he came out of his sleeping state. "Take me home tonight! I don't wanna let you go 'til I see the light!"

Kurt thankfully pulled into his driveway and got out, helping Blaine out of the car where the boy was murmuring into his ear. "I think…that you…are an awesome person! And you make me feel super-duper awesome! And….and…I want us to be friends."

Kurt nodded his head. "Okay Blaine. We'll be friends."

"Not just friends though Kurtie pie! BESTEST friends!" he giggled.

Kurt shushed him as they made their way up the stairs and into his bedroom, laying him down on his bed and taking his shoes off for him. Blaine rolled around on the sheets for a few moments before settling into the bed.

Kurt walked and got him a glass of water, bringing it back and letting the boy take a few sips before tucking him into the sheets and going to put on his own pajamas.

When he returned Blaine was snoring so he made himself comfortable on top of the sheets, covering himself with a spare blanket. He hoped that maybe sleeping this off would make him feel better. Maybe in the morning he would feel better.

"Goodnight Kurtsie poo." Blaine mumbled.

Kurt sighed before grabbing his pillow and blanket, making his way onto the floor.

"Goodnight, Blaine."