Chapter 1

Dick Casablancas is certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he can still pinpoint the day that it started, that everything changed between them. He knows the exact moment when he first became aware that he had a latent forbidden desire for his dorky little brother.

Beaver had been just thirteen, small and slight as he ever was and as per usual incredibly nervous. Apparently there was a big dance coming up at Neptune High and Beav didn't know how to dance. He had seemed so certain that everyone would laugh at him when they found out. Dick didn't even bother trying to convince his brother that attending high school dances was not mandatory. Beaver was just too paranoid, he would have been convinced that Dick was lying.

Dick had smoked a lot of weed that day, of that he was certain. It sure as hell didn't excuse his behavior, but he felt it played a part. So rather than laughing in his anxious little brother's face, he'd offered to help, to show him his moves. After all Beaver considered his fifteen year old brother to be rather worldly, in those days he still looked up to him.

Beav's lips were red and swollen from his habit of biting them when he was anxious and his big eyes seemed wet, like he was on the verge of tears.

"For fuck's sake Beav, chill. You have to loosen up or I'm not going to be able to teach you anything, except maybe the robot," Dick laughed.

Beaver took a deep breath to calm himself, he was taking this whole dancing thing way too seriously.

"So what do you want to learn first? Slow dance? Fast dance? Bump and grind?" Dick was still very giggly from the joint he'd had earlier.

Beaver just looked at his brother and shrugged. So Dick threw on a random CD, skipping through the songs until he found something suitably slow and sappy and then he took the lead.

It felt surreal slow dancing with his little brother, one of his hands resting on Beaver's delicate hip. Even with the solid physical contact, Dick had always felt like his brother was frail and insubstantial, like he might vanish in a wisp of smoke at any second. It occurred to him as he twirled his brother that he was going about this all wrong, he was teaching his brother the girl's part. Dick couldn't bring himself to care very much though as they danced around the room cheek to cheek.

It all felt bizarrely romantic, but then the song ended and they sprang apart as if burned.

The next song on the disc was fast and dirty with thumping bass and Dick decided to further Beav's education. He pulled his little brother back to him and without thinking about it started grinding against him all hot and heavy. Dick couldn't help but smirk as he saw the bright red blush spread up his brother's neck. Dick's hands fell to Beaver's hips, grabbing them to get his brother to move. Beaver let out a surprised breathy sound and tentatively thrust his hips toward Dick. For fraction of an instant their cocks ground against each other through their jeans. Beaver closed his eyes and licked his lips which let out a small groan and Dick suddenly found himself embarrassingly hard.

It was at this point that Dick couldn't help, but notice how pretty, delicate and vulnerable Beaver looked. He reminded Dick of a skittish wild animal, a colt or maybe a doe with those big sad of eyes of his. Dick became acutely aware of the rolling pressure of Beaver's denim-clad hips against his as they ground together. He noticed how big his little brother's lips were, how they always looked red and swollen and he couldn't help but wonder, how red and swollen those lips would be after a long makeout session or a blow job. Beaver's t-shirt was also both too loose and too short, the way the collar had slid to the side to reveal a creamy shoulder, made Dick's mouth water. The shirt was also riding up on one side and involuntarily Dick's hand wandered down to stroke the pale skin that felt hot and feverish under his hand.

In those few minutes, Dick became hyper-aware of so many things about his brother, so many sexy things about his brother that he really wished he'd never noticed. Once he had seen all these things they were impossible to unsee. He knew he would forever look at his little brother differently.

Dick's hard on was aching for some friction, so he rolled his hips and ground his crotch against Beaver's to gain some relief. He delighted in the whimpering sound this produced. Before he was even aware of the thought Dick found himself with his head buried in his brother's shoulder sucking and bruising the skin as he all but dry-humped his little brother's crotch. At some point Beaver's hands had become tangled in Dick's hair and Beaver was making the sexiest little moans. Dick's hands were now firmly planted on Beav's tight ass as he rode out his sudden climax. Dick soothed his tongue over the livid purple mark he had made on Beaver's neck before pulling away.

Beaver looked breathless and quite thoroughly ravished, but above all confused. He stammered something incomprehensible possibly including the word homework and all but bolted from the room.

Dick was left standing there with an uncomfortable stickiness in his underwear and a bad feeling in his stomach. What he'd done was so wrong and yet he couldn't help wanting to wank himself raw over it and pounce his brother and do it again.

What Dick will always remember is that it was his fault, he started it. This was however just the beginning of their fucked up, incestuous relationship. Despite all the fallout and aftermath of it, Dick just can't bring himself to regret it.