
"Oui, mon petit puce?" Francis replied drowsily his hand slowly playing through Alfred's hair as they dozed in the afternoon sun.

"First off I am not a little flea." Francis chuckled and muttered a soft 'Je m'excusez' before Alfred rolled over onto his stomach and crossing his arms over the Frenchman's chest ,while laying his head down to look at the other man. "Why does Arthur hate you?"

"We have gone to war often ,cher you know this." Francis replied with a soft sigh crossing his own arms behind his head to better look at the man lying on his chest.

Alfred scowled and Francis smiled at the childish facial expression before the younger nation pressed further. "I know that Francis, Arthur has been to war with tons of people though. Tons! And he doesn't hate them nearly as much as he hates you."

"I helped you leave him." The Frenchman said with a shrug and yawn. Really, it was far too soon after sex to be talking about such disheartening things.

"So did Antonio, Holland, Gilbert and Feliks." That hung in the air between them a moment before Francis sighed heavily.

"If I tell you Amérique will you let it go?" He asked closing his eyes and running a hand over his face as he yawned again.

"Oui." Alfred replied giving Francis a Hollywood worthy smile making the other peek his eyes open and chuckle again before he caressed the side of the younger man's face with the back of his knuckles.

"It probably has something to do with the unicorns."