A/N: Yeah, don't own the plot, Pacthesis on Deviantart does :P and the only character I own is my character Amy (Not to be mistake with Ami) LOL=Lots of Love-Your author

Chrono Days

"Hey Amy!" I heard my best-friend Teddy call out across the halls of Reton Highschool, causing me to sigh and turn around, I honestly loved the kid to death (Platonically of course) but he was way too hyper for his own good and I much preferred his older brother Landon but I wasn't about to tell him that. Instead I smiled at him as best I could "Hey" I responded as he grabbed my arm and started leading me toward the front exit "Come on, I have to show you something cool" He told me excitedly while I tried to keep up as he dragged me off, not knowing how much this would change my life.

When we got out of the school building he let go of my arm and started walking toward the lab Landon works at "So, what is this 'cool' thing?" I asked, mildly interested, "You know that time-hole that opened up in the sky?" I nodded "And the time-jumper that Landon's been working on?" I nodded again "Well, he finished it!" Teddy finished excitedly and pushed me into the laboratory doors before I could voice my amazement. The woman at the front desk looked up from the papers she was sorting when she heard us come in "What-oh, You're Landon's little brother aren't you? Well, go on in" She waved us through a black door next to the desk to a medium sized office where Landon was fiddling with something on the desk with his back away from us.

I lurked behind Teddy as he slammed close the door while grinning, causing Landon to whirl around at the sudden noise "How did you get in here Theodore?" He asked, narrowing his eyes "The lady at the front desk knew I was your little brother and let me in" He said before adding "And my name is Teddy not Theodore!" while crossing his arms against his chest defensively as his brother sighed "Well, why exactly are you here?" He asked wearily, not wanting to put up with Teddy at the moment "Amy here wanted to try out the time-jumper" Teddy shoved me in-front of him "Wh-what?" I asked, trying not to fall into Landon as his eyes widened slightly, not realizing that I was there, and blushed.

That was when I realized that Landon was holding the time-jumper and that, that was most likely what he was working on earlier "I don't know" He said hesitantly "I was going to test it in a confined area and-" Teddy cut him off "It'll be fine! Plus, Amy really wanted to try it" I glared at him, not appreciating him putting words into my mouth and Landon looked at us "Really Amy or is Theodore forcing you to do this?" He asked me "It's Teddy" He mumbled as I softly sighed and denied his accusation"Well I would like to know what the past was like" I fidgeted slightly under Landon's disappointed stare "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt" Teddy let out a quiet "Yes!" "I assume you already know it goes back one hundred years?" He asked, handing me the watch-like device as I nodded "So this button brings you back to the present and this shows you the date and time and how many days you have left until the time-hole closes and it stops working, which is a month or thirty days" Landon explained, pointing out all the features and strapped it on my wrist for me.

"Come right back once you get there, okay?" He told me gently "Wait, don't press any buttons yet" Teddy said, a little aggrivated at being left out of the conversation for so long. Right after he said that the time-jumper started glowing brightly "What are you doing?" Teddy shouted, his voice almost blocked out Landon's rushing to add "Take it off!" I started panicking and pulling at the strap "I didn't even touch it and it won't come off!" I whined a second before the light overtook my whole body and I had the strange sensation of being on a roller-coaster before falling and landing on my feet in an old looking train station.

"Wow, it really worked" I whispered in amazement and tried pressing the little button to go back before the boys started worrying except nothing happened. I panicked again and started jabbing at the button "The stupid thing broke!" I shouted in frustration before jumping in surprise when a tall red-headed man walked up to me "Hello" He greeted "Those are strange clothes, which town are you from?" I blinked and looked down at my school uniform, consisting of a blue skirt, white button down t-shirt, and a tie "I'm from Reton" I told him slowly "But...this is Reton" He stated questioningly "Yeah, but, I'm from Reton one hundred years into the future" I explained, not expecting it when he said "Oh, well, that makes sense" Did everyone in the past believe things so easily?

I twisted the strap of the time-jumper nervously "Why do you believe me?" I asked and he shrugged "Every since that hole in the sky appeared I kind of figured something like this would happen" He replied honestly "I'm Nathan by the way" To which I sighed while looking at the device on my wrist "I'm Amy and I'm kind of trapped here now because my time-jumper is broken" I smiled sadly "Maybe I could fix it" Nathan suggested eagerly "I work with clocks so it shouldn't be much of a difference" I considered that for a minute "But this is something you've never seen before" I pointed out and he just shrugged again "It's worth a shot, also you can stay at my house if you like, I'll need to go there to get my tools anyway and I have an extra bedroom" I accepted his offer, unable to think of a reason not to and walked with him.

Once at his house he took the time-jumper off my wrist and examined it "Do you mind if I open it up?" He asked "I guess not, just don't break it" I warned, not wanting my only chance of going back home to disappear "I'll be extra careful" He told me before adding "You should get some sleep, your room is upstairs and the first door to the right" I followed his instruction, finally realizing that I actually was tired and came across a small and tidy room. I lay down in my school uniform and allowed a thousand homesick thoughts to race through my head before I finally drifted to sleep.

A/N: So what do you think? Reviews are loved. I might do stories for some of her other flash games, I probably wont do another one for Chrono Days unless wanted though