Hey this is my first fanfiction please be nice and don't forget to review :)


"Passengers please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for landing" the plane's captain said through the speakers.

This was it I was finally going home, back to Washington, the small reservation of La Push to be more précis. I loved La Push it was my home, I missed my dad and my half-brother Sam, we were such a happy family until that bitch I call my mum left my dad and took me with her.

I resented her for three years for taking me away from my dad and brother. Then she met her new husband Phil and went out parting ever night with him and left me to fend for myself.

She would come back drunk every night and ordered me around like her servant and she would hit me when I didn't do what she wanted me to.

But now I was sixteen and I was free to do whatever I wanted, so I was going home back to the place that I felt protected.

Just then the plane landed and the cabin lights went on. I collected my suitcase form the over- head locker and joined the line to get off the plane.

As I excited the tunnel I was instantly looking for my two favourite people in the world.

"Bella?" I male voice asked from behind. I pivoted to see the best big brother in the whole world.

"Sam?" I asked he had changed so much; he wasn't the scrawny kid that I had left behind. This Sam was tall, really tall. He had the most insane muscles I had ever seen, and I lived in California. I frowned at this, doesn't he know that steroids are bad for you.

"Yeh, belsie-boo it's me" he said. I squealed and jumped into his arms; he spun me round and kissed my forehead. God I had missed him.

"You've grown so much what are you 7 foot now," I gaped at him

He just laughed and said "yeh and you look like you haven't grown at all," he joked.

"Hey I have so," I said punching his arm playfully. We both burst out laughing then.

"I've missed this, you know spending time together," I whispered sobering up

"I know me too Belsie," he said seriously.

"Sorry dad couldn't make it; he's swamped down at the station at the moment. He was really bummed he couldn't come though; it's all he's been talking about for weeks. I think the whole of Washington knows that Isabella Uley is coming home," he joked.

I groaned and he laughed, he knew I hated being the centre of attention, then ruffled my hair affectionately. I glared at him and his chest rumbled as he laughed again. God I missed him.

" I can't wait for you to meet my fiancé Emily, aw you will love her Bella she is so sweet, and beautiful," he gushed.

"Aww you sound like such a girl," I teased breaking off into a fit giggles at the end. He growled at me playfully before throwing me over his shoulder and running through that the parking lot with me over his shoulder.

I kicked and screamed but he only laughed harder and started running faster, we finally got to an old truck with a beautiful woman sitting inside it, this must be Emily the girl Sam acts like a girl around" I giggled inside my head at that.

Sam set me the right way up ruffled my hair AGAIN. HE REALLY NEEDS TO STOP DOING THAT. He got into the driving seat and I huffed then stomped into the back seat of the car.

Sam leaned over and kissed Emily passionately.

"Eww, eww, eww, ugh stop that, really with me in the car." I whined putting my hand over my eyes.

Sam turned around to glare at me and I just stuck my tongue out at him. I knew that it was childish but that was just the way me and Sam always were and it seemed silly to change that now.

Emily laughed and turned around to look at me.

"Hey I'm Emily, Sam's fiancée," Emily said smiling at me.

"Hey Emily, I'm Sam's more awesome and better looking little sister," I said in all seriousness. She laughed again then said "right I want to know everything about you"

We spent the next hour talking and I found out that I really like her, and she is perfect for Sam he was so unhygienic and slobbish, whereas Emily was the perfect little housewife. She would be able to clean up after him, oh dear lord the house must be a mess, dad and Sam were the biggest slobs ever and without me cleaning up after them the house must have become and bomb site!

We pulled up to a really cute house with flower pots on the window sill and the whole house was made out of wood, it looked like it had just come straight out of snow white.

"Aw the house is so cute, it's like a fairytale," I squealed clapping my hands and bouncing in my seat.

"You like it," Sam asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yeh of course it's beautiful" I said sincerely

"Welcome to your new home," Emily said

"Really, what happened to dad's house, did we sell it," I asked a little disappointed I loved that old house.

Sam scratched the back of his head and looked down, he always did that when he was nervous. "Well when I moved in with Emily dad kind of decided to move in with Uncle Billy and Jake cause he didn't want to be alone in that big house you know. Sorry Bells I know you loved that house."

"No, no it's fine," I said a little put out.

"Well.." Emily said, trying to break the awkward silence. "Why don't we go unpack your things and get you settled in Bella"

"Yeh cool lets go," I said by previous excitement coming back in floods.

Emily led me into the house the first thing you see when you enter the house is a cute little wooden table and then a kitchen with pots and pans hanging from the walls.

"Right so this is the dining area and kitchen and through there is the living room," she said pointing to a door leading off from the kitchen.

She led me up the stairs and along a hall.

"Right so this is your room, I'll just leave you to unpack then," Emily said hovering at the door before turning around to leave.

"Hey Emily"

"Yeh Bella"

"Thanks for everything"

A smile spread across her face "no problem" she said before turning around and leaving the room.