Welcome to my Nightmare

When hiding from Wolves, it is best to choose a Wolf pack that cannot talk to be the one you are hiding from. I, stupidly, decided that that rule was bunk. This was probably how I ended up running through the forest, trying not to get eaten. Yeah, I was, and still am, pretty stupid.

I should probably explain my rather odd behavior, but I won't because I had to get to the Four now. I mean, NOW now.

They had supposedly arrived a few hours ago, stumbling through the Wardrobe, into this lovely, mythical, scary, weird Land of Narnia. And now they were on the run. And their little brother had betrayed them. I mean, sheesh, couldn't they have avoided imminent death for a few hours? At least enough time for me to actually get to them. And keep them safe, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, crap. Just my luck. I see them. Hooray! Except I'm leading the Wolves right to them. Veering to the left, I started running in the other direction, towards the Beaver's house. Maybe I could lose them there. I sure hoped so. I may be one of the best warriors of Narnia, have the war name The Lioness, and be able to defeat a fully-grown male Faun with a single blow, but I'm 16, for crying out loud! And I'm a girl! And they're Wolves! There's, like, twenty of 'em! And there's only one of me!

Oh, stop whining and run, I told myself. So, I did.

My heart was racing, my breath was getting ragged, I was terrified, and I was steadily losing stamina, but I was elated. They're here! Finally! They're not what I'd imagined but still! They're here! That's what really matters. Yes! I saw them. The Four! Here! In Narnia! I can die now, I thought. But first, I had to put up a fight to keep them safe. I had to get them to Aslan. I will, no matter what. I would willingly die, hundreds of times for them to be safe. First step: get rid of the Wolves. And the Witch.

There! Beaver's Dam. I can lose them here. Drawing my sword, I threw myself into the task of, well, hacking a hole in Mr. Beaver's dam so I could escape. Sorry Beaver. Hope you don't mind.

Leaping through the dam, I ran into the tunnel. Too late, I realized my mistake.

They escaped through the tunnel. You idiot. Well, can't exactly go back now, can I?

Mentally swearing at myself, I raced through the tunnel. Hey, it was the least I could do. I would protect them. Even if it cost me my life. I've been dead many times, in more than one way. Today might be just another time.

I am Sir Alexa Katherine Ride, The Lioness, Daughter of Aslan, Knight of the Table of Aslan, Swordmaiden of Narnia, and Protector of the Four.

This is my story.

Good luck, and welcome to my nightmare.