Chapter Six


Story Title: Pure White Feelings

When Lavi and Kanda returned from their mission, they weren't the happiest exorcists that the Order could have, unfortunately. The innocence they were supposed to collect had been destroyed by a Noah before they could get to it. Much to their dismay at their wasted effort, there was nothing they could do about it except go back to the Order after the failed mission.

The next few days were the usual days the Order has. Lavi was back to annoying Kanda. Lenalee served her coffee to the scientists and others, Komui was creating robots that were destroying the Order, Miranda was as sorry as ever, everything was back to normal...except they had a white-haired exorcist that was thoroughly curious about everything.

That didn't exactly surprise everyone, it wasn't like other exorcists haven't been curious before. She, however, was extra curious, making sure to get every detail about every story she heard. She'd also wandered around the large building, getting into everyone's private hideout spots. Truthfully, she had no intentions of being nosy but she wanted to know everything about the place she'd be staying at. Besides, it's not like she'd be sent on a mission during her first week there..hopefully.

Lenalee ran into Kanda when he was on his way to the cafeteria. "Oh! Hi Kanda."

He just looked at her before going to the cafeteria where Jerry awaited someone's arrival to eat. The only thing he ate was soba, much to many of the people at the Order's distaste.

"Lenalee," the young unnoticed white haired girl asked. Lenalee jumped a little, before turning around to face her.


"Is Kanda always that rude? He didn't even say hello back to you."

Lenalee gave her a confused look, and then smiled. "No, he isn't rude like that, it's just his way of communicating. It might not be the best way to answer people, but we all have our own ways, right?" She said. Then, before Allen could ask her another question, a certain redhead joined the conversation. And then he dragged them to the cafeteria.

"She's going to starve. It's not good for her to eat so little at her age and weight," Lavi whispered to Lenalee, watching Allen eat nothing but applesauce.

The Chinese exorcist nodded. He was right. "What do we do? You can't just force somebody to eat."

"I don't know."

They both watched her for a while. Finally, she put down her spoon and bowl and just sat there, staring at Kanda who was eating soba as usual. She moved her head a little to the side.

"Is that all you ever eat?" she asked suddenly.

He said nothing as he contently ignored her.

She tried again. "Don't you have any variety with what you eat?"

When she got no reply, she narrowed her eyes at Kanda slightly. "Are you going to answer me? I just asked you a question."


"You aren't going to say anything? Not even for me to shut up? Are you seriously not going to answer anything?! Nothing?!"


She let out a frustrated sigh before talking. "You know, they say that if you have long hair, you're more likely to die. So you'll die before I will. Technically, I'll die after you anyways even if your hair was short because I'm younger than you and girls live longer."


"You know, I think I could be better than you at fighting with swords. Why? Because I'm smaller and have more agility. What do you have to say about that?"


"Nothing? Again? Are you serious?"


Groaning, she thought of another topic. As she made many fatal attempts to get Kanda to answer, she sighed deeply and frustratingly at each failure. Soon, she just gave up. Allen couldn't get him to answer so she reached over the table and gave him the hardest flick to the forehead that she could manage. Everyone at the table froze, shocked at her daring movement. Kanda finally looked up at her with the most fowl and murderous glare anyone in the world could muster.

"Oh, so now you look up at me. I guess all it took was a flick. Well, I don't even want to ask you anything anymore so that was a waste. Ciao," Allen said bravely before getting up and walking away. Before she left the room, she glanced at Kanda who went back to eating his soba once she left. Turning her head straight, she walked out.

Days later, Komui was in the middle of giving Lavi his assignment when Komui's door was busted open and a short girl walked in.

"Komui, I need something to do. I'm SO bored!"

He sighed. "Well, I don't have anything for you until we can figure out what you can do."

"Komui, I've already told you what I can do! I know self defense and everything!"

Komui frowned. "And what if you run into an akuma? They aren't the same things as people. They'll destroy you if they sense an exorcist without innocence."

"Yes and no."


"Yes, I'm aware that akuma could easily kill me with their bullets and other attacks that are fatal. I know, I know. And no, they won't destroy me. I know how to deal with them. I know how to stay alive! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!"

His voice suddenly got serious. "We can't risk it, Allen. We don't know what you can do yet. Hand to hand combat isn't enough. If you run into an akuma, you can easily get the innocence and run from it. However, that still leaves that akuma in that town where it's prone to damage building, kill innocent people, and all sorts of other things. We can't risk your safety along with the fact that everyone else will be in danger."

Allen sighed dramatically, giving up in her fight again. For the second time. Much to her dismay.


She opened the door and left, annoyed. By accident, she slammed it. The force was hard enough to break a bone had it been in the way of the door.

"I'm sorry Komui, but I have to agree with Allen on this. She can't be kept here with nothing to do," Lavi said to Komui.

After a few minutes of silence, he procceeded on, completely ignoring what the exorcist had said to him. "Lavi, as I was saying, you will be going to a village called Fuana Village to look for the source of tons of akuma showing up there."

Lavi couldn't help but wonder. "Komui?"

"Yes Lavi?"

"Why can't Allen go on a mission with another exorcist? It's easier than her going alone, and she wouldn't have to be couped up in here all the time."

"Well, I want to examine her innocence a bit more before I trust her on the field. She has absolutely no abilities in her innocence, it seems. Due to this occurance, she's under watch in case she shows something with potential ability. We can't risk her dying out on the field. What if she were to be the heart? What if she's the key to winning this war, and we lose her to an akuma because we sent her off with no abilities? Even with another exorcist, it seems risky."

Lavi thought about it for a minute. "What occurance? Is it the fact that she has no abilities yet she has innocence?"

Komui shook his head. "As much as my statements pointed to that conclusion, that isn't it. This occurance is that her innocence has no specific type."

The redhead was quiet for a minute. "I see."

"Do you really? As in, do you really see what the occurance issue this can cause in future presence?"

"Probably not, but I will," he said as he left the room after collecting his paperwork for his mission.

Komui was left alone in his office to study papers and file through things. What Allen said just earlier in the week was still running through his mind, and somehow he couldn't get it out, as if it was demanding an investigation of its situation. To his disappointment, he realized he couldn't research it without confirmation. Groaning in despair, he let his head drop onto the desk with a thud.