I don't own Degrassi…I wish I did though. Anyway hope you enjoy my story (:

To make things clear:

: Adam and Fiona are dating.

: Eli and Clare aren't dating…yet. They're just gooood friends.

: It will all be in Clare's POV

Aiight!...continue! :D



Tomorrow was the last day of school before our two week spring break. I wasn't really planning on doing anything during that time period, but stay at home and do nothing. My parents were supposed to be gone the whole entire time. I hate it when my parents have to leave me by myself to fix their marital problems. But they're trying. They feel bad for me having to deal with their problems as well. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell. I exited my math class and headed towards my locker to get stuff I needed for my 7th period science class. I put in my combination when I noticed Adam and Eli walking over. I shot them a smile before turning back to my locker. They reached me while I pulled out my science notebook.

"Hey lil' Edwards!" both Eli and Adam said in unison. I giggled at their greeting.

"Why hello there!" I replied closing my locker. We all started walking down the hall, noticing we still had time to socialize.

"So, Clare have you seen Fiona? She said she needed to tell us something, but I haven't seen her all day." Adam said. I chewed on my piece of old mint gum and looked around the hall.

"Nope, I haven't. Sowwy!" I replied trying to lighten up his mood.

"Maybe she skipped today?" Eli suggested.

"Yeah…maybe." Adam answered. The rest of the time we had to socialize went to waste as we all looked around the hall of any sign of Fiona. The bell rang, and we looked at each other. Adam had a bummed out look on his face.

"Well I'll see you guys after school." I said as I turned away from them and hurried to my class. Eli and Adam did the same as well, and went to their class. I walked into science just before the second bell could ring. I took my seat preparing for a long 7th period class.


Finally the bell rang, and I walked out to my locker slower than usually feeling tired. I kept walking till I felt someone tap me on my right shoulder. I looked toward my shoulder and saw no one there. I turned my head toward the right with a smile and saw Eli with his smirk glued to his face.

"Gotcha!" he stated chuckling a bit.

"Urghh…!" I complained. I can't believe I fell for it…again. I shot him a sweet smile, and prepared for him to say...

"Aha, alright I get another point." He demanded intterrupting my thoughts.

"Fine you get a point." I replied giving him a little nudge. Eli and I always have like a tapping/poking war. It was silly, but fun. And thanks to me for falling for it, he gets another point.

"Yes!…so what's the score? Come on…refresh my memory!" he said smiling. I sighed before I thought about the score.

"…11 to 4. Or something like that." I said silently giving up.

"And who is winning?" he asked with his smirk. I looked at him and a smile crept up on my face.

"…you." I said again silently looking away.

"Oh don't worry, you'll catch up." He answered with a tint of sarcasm.

"Oh I will." I said confidently. "One day…" We continued walking till we reached our lockers. Eli's locker was a locker away from mine. We both opened it up to put our things away when Adam came over to us. He was texting someone from his phone. Eli and I waited for him to be done. i popped my gum giving him the signal to hurry up. He shot his finger up in response. he shot his head up from his phone seconds later.

"Hey Fiona, wants us to meet her at her place." Adam said to us.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worried something happened.

"What? No. she wants to ask us something I guess…I think." Adam explained.

"Well Aiight! Let's blow this popsicle stand." Eli replied. We walked out into the Degrassi parking lot and hopped into Morty. The drive to Fiona's was filled with thoughts about what Fiona wanted to ask us and comic books. I sat there feeling awkward as the boys were getting into the comics. We pulled up to Fiona's house just in time I died of boredom. Eli and Adam opened their doors. I scooted towards Eli's side and got out there. I smiled at him and walked over to Adam who was waiting in front of Morty.

"Any day now…"Adam whined. I heard Eli shut the door and soon saw him approaching.

"Patience grasshopper." Eli replied. When he finally reached us, we all turned around and faced Fiona' house.

"Ready to go in?" Adam asked. The tone in his voice sounded worried. What was there to be scared of? Eli and I glanced at each other, then back towards Adam.

"Ready when you are." Eli replied. Adam looked freaked out or something. I'm sure Fiona is fine and Adam is being a baby. We all walked up to Fiona's door, and Adam knocked on the door. Seconds later, the door opened and we all saw the familiar face of Fiona.

"Hey guys come in!" Fiona said. Adam rushed in.

"Are you alright?" Adam asked a little scared. Eli and I looked at each other yet again, feeling a tad bit awkward.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be fine?" Fiona answered confused.

"Told you she was fine." I whispered to Adam. Eli smiled at my side-comment.

"Oh well I just thought…" Adam started blushing.

"Adam…I'm fine, no need to worry." She replied then kissed him on the cheek. There was that awkward feeling again. So, Eli cleared his throat to get Adam's attention. Adams head shot towards Eli, then he remembered why they were here.

"Oh yeah, Fiona. You said you needed to ask us something?" Adam asked.

"Oh right! Well as you know tomorrow is the start of our 2 week spring vaca…" she started; we all looked at each other a little bit confused.

"Yeah…and?"Eli asked. I looked at him and gave him a 'be nice' sorta look. Fiona walked to her kitchen counter then looked back at us and continued.

"Well I was just wandering if you guys wanted to go on a spring vacation with me?" She finished with a smile as she pulled out 4 airplane tickets.


So…here was chapter 1! I hope you liked it. And because im super nice, i posted chapter 2 too! AIIGHT! comment and do that nifty-ness if ya wanna. It'll only make me happy (: kthanksbye.