Disclaimer: I don't own Glee, if I did Kurt and Blaine would be getting together within the next two or three episodes.

There weren't many Kurt and Blaine stories out there. I thought they needed one. They should have gotten together after 'When I Get You Alone' but they didn't. But in my mind, they did. This is how I wished it would happen :)

This story is dedicated to: Rachel, my friend who inspired me all throughout and helped me make sure it stayed true to the characters.

I rested my back up against the window of the GAP store watching Blaine dash around the store trying to get the boy named Jeremiah's attention by belting his heart out. By the looks of it, Jeremiah wasn't at all interested; he was just trying to get away. But I knew straight away that Jeremiah was gay. It was the way he walked around the store and looked at the rest of us.

The rest of the store clerks didn't realize it and I wasn't sure how. The hair was my first signal. No straight guy had bushy curly hair at his shoulders like that. I didn't even think he was cute, but actually rather ugly. It didn't make sense to me why Blaine would be interested in someone like that.

Why not me? I sighed, letting my shoulders sink into my body as I let myself daydream about what it would be like to have Blaine sing like that to me. It was magical; I knew that. But I couldn't see it. It wasn't that I didn't know what it would be like, I did. I had dreamed about it all the time. But after watching him sing to Jeremiah, I couldn't help but think that maybe what I was dreaming was all a big lie.

From all the moments Blaine and I had shared I could have sworn he liked me. The way he looked, touched and sung with me, it was very clear. Wasn't it? I thought everything was going over so well until that first moment Blaine started to sing. Not once throughout the song did Blaine even glance my way. I guess that was my first clue that maybe I was in a little over my head.

Blaine obviously saw something in Jeremiah, and whatever it was I had to accept it, because he was in love, or at least that's what he had said. I decided as I watched failure fall across Blaine's beautiful face that I'd from now on have to just be a good friend. If I wanted any of this to work out in my favor, I thought that starting out just as a best friend would work. After all the best relationships start with being friends first right?

That made perfect sense. Your best friend is always the person you tell everything to. I wanted that to be Blaine. I wanted to be able to tell him everything, all the sad and happy moments in my life and I wanted him to be there for me the entire way. Sighing yet again, I knew that as of now, none of that would happen. I let my body slide down the window so I was sitting on the floor.

I couldn't let Blaine see me like this, I was afraid of what he'd think. Did he know I liked him? I mean I thought I made it obvious but maybe I wasn't obvious enough. But I didn't want it to come across as creepy; I wasn't that kind of person. I just wanted Blaine to know how I felt, that I had a really big crush on him.

He was beautiful, he really was and I wanted him all to myself. I didn't want anyone else to have him, but I couldn't tell him that, I just couldn't. There was a part of me that was afraid that once I told him how I felt he'd reject me. I didn't know if I could handle that. I didn't want to lose him, in any way. He was all I really had; he was the only one who understood me.

But maybe I was wrong, maybe he didn't understand the way that I wanted him to understand me. Did he not get that when I placed my hands on his shoulders and told him he was amazing that I really meant it? Did he not understand that I wanted him to be amazing for me? I guess not. I was just about to let tears fall down my face when I saw Blaine exit the store. He saw me, took my arm and dragged me out of the store.

Gently he sat me down on a bench outside of the store. He fiddled with his scarf and looked over at me. His eyes were sad and his face almost emotionless, "Too much?"

I looked into Blaine's eyes and scrunched up my nose and blinked a couple times. I wanted to tell him right then and there that I thought he was going to sing to me but I was afraid. He just had his heart broken and I didn't want to ruin him anymore. Watching him sitting there playing with his scarf and gazing into my eyes with his gorgeous hazel ones.

"Too much." He said lowering his head and looking away from me.

Jeremiah exited the store and looked over at Blaine, who stood up to greet him. I didn't want to look at either of them. Fiddling with my hands I listened carefully to the conversation going on between the two. As I heard Jeremiah had been fired for Blaine's outburst I wanted to burst into laughter at Jeremiah's fate, but I knew that wouldn't be a good idea. It'd hurt Blaine; he wouldn't have appreciated it at all. Instead I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

Once their conversation ended and Jeremiah had left, Blaine turned back to me and sat down next to me once again. He looked over at me and spoke with the voice I love so much, "Well shit, that didn't go as I imagined it would."

"It never does, trust me, I'd know." I said looking away for a moment so he wouldn't see me blush.

"Thanks for coming with me Kurt, I appreciate it. It makes me happy that you were here to support me. You're a really good friend." He said squeezing my shoulder as he stood up.

I smiled, "It's no problem…you're…you're a good friend too."

As we walked away I couldn't help but think about what he had just said. I was only a friend. That was it, that's what he thought of me. My head fell as we walked back through the mall trying to catch up with the rest of the Warblers. We caught up quite quickly, but no one said anything. The ride back was quiet. None of us said anything.

I kept looking at Blaine hoping he'd look over at me. But it never happened. He sat in the passenger seat staring out the window with his chin rested on his hand. Even when he was sad, upset and humiliated out of his mind he still looked beautiful. His eyes were so full of hurt and his face so gentle and calm. I wanted nothing more than to just pull him close, hug him and breathe in his scent.

But I couldn't, not when he was like this, it would just be a little bit too awkward. Letting out a small sigh I slouched back into my seat and saw Wes glance over at Blaine for a moment with a soft look of support in his face. I could have sworn I saw one of Blaine's killer smiles. I think I just died a little inside.

When we arrived back at school Blaine pushed the door open as fast as he could and jumped out of the car dashing into the school. He snatched his school bag and before I could say anything to him, I watched him leave the school with his face still expressionless and his eyes still full of hurt. Everyone knew not to say anything to Blaine or even talk about it amongst them.

But I didn't. I started to turn to face Wes and David to ask them about what to do but they both just shook their heads. Sighing I grabbed my bag and took my keys from Wes rushing out almost as fast as Blaine had. I jumped into my car, put the keys in and drove away. Just a few blocks from the school I stopped in a parking lot and pulled out my phone.

Dialing Mercedes' number I knew she was just getting out of school as well. I waited patiently for her to answer anxiously bouncing in my seat. She picked up the phone quite quickly, Kurt, hey, what's up?

"Mercedes, we're in need of an emergency sleepover, tell Rachel to come too."

Kurt? Is everything okay?

Sighing Kurt took a deep breath, "I'll explain later, is seven okay?"

Yes, just knock on my door.

"Thanks Mercedes, you're the best."

You're welcome Kurt, see you later.

"See you."

Ending the call I squeezed my phone and let my head fall onto the steering wheel. Why was this so hard? Why couldn't Blaine just admit he likes me and make me the happiest boy in the world? I want him, and I want him bad. But I can't have him, at least not now, or in the future? Will we be together in the future?

I let out a cry of sadness, and looked up at the roof of my car wondering whether it was all worth it. Was it? Was there even hope for this? Was Blaine just playing with me or was that just the way he always was? I couldn't handle this. It hurt me too much. I could feel my tears falling down my face as Blaine's name ran through my mind. Looking out at the other cars in front of me, I saw a young couple enter their car with a bag of groceries, huge smiles on their faces. I wanted it.

Thinking that maybe one day that could be Blaine and I made me smile, the tears slowly stopped but I could still feel them drying up on my face. After watching Blaine sing to Jeremiah I just couldn't imagine it anymore, and honestly, I hated it. I hated this feeling and wanted it all to go away right now. Turning my car on again I started it and drove out of that parking lot as fast as I could.

Pulling into my driveway I turned the car off and climbed out slowly. Before unlocking my door I just stood there taking all of this in. I made sure that my face was dry and there weren't any more tears. Once I was almost sure my tears had disappeared and no longer was my face a deep strawberry color I entered my house and fell onto the couch with my face in a pillow.

I knocked on Mercedes' door holding tightly onto the strap of my duffel bag waiting patiently for the door open. The door unlocked and opened to Mercedes standing there. She moved towards me to open her arms and hug me just as I moved towards her. I wrapped my arms around her and her around me and we just stood there in each other's embrace.

When Mercedes finally pulled away from me she let out a small smile, "Please tell me everything is okay."

I sighed and shook my head, "Is Rachel here?"

"Not yet, but she will be soon." Mercedes said taking my hand in hers bringing me to her room.

I sat down on her bed, dropped my bag onto the floor and let myself fall back. Sighing as we waited for Rachel I tried to prepare what I was going to tell them. When I first told Mercedes I needed to talk I thought I would just belt it out, but it wouldn't work that way. It had to all be coordinated correctly or else it would be a big fat flop, and I couldn't have that.

There was a knock at the door and I immediately thought it was Rachel, soon happy to see that it was. She sat down on the bed and looked over at me, "Kurt, what's wrong? Is everything okay? Why are we having an emergency sleepover?"

"I was wrong you guys, I thought he'd be singing to me. I thought it was really obvious, he always smiled at me, we were always singing cute flirty duets together and he knows my coffee order. Oh my gosh girls, he knows my coffee order." I started to hyperventilate a little bit, "But when he said we were going to the GAP store. It was … it kind of made me happy that maybe he was professing his love for me in a public place. But it was to this guy named Jeremiah, and honestly girls, he was UGLAY!" I squeaked.

"Honestly white boy, you need… to calm down." Mercedes dictated as she shook my shoulders.

Rachel looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "Wait what?"

"Blaine's in love with someone else, what do I do?" I said holding my head low.

"Revenge!" Rachel said snickering at her comment.

"That could work, depending on how much it hurt you and how much you want him and how quickly you want him." Mercedes explained.

I tilted my head up towards Mercedes with a cheeky smile on my face. It wasn't like me at all to get revenge, I was more of a quiet and laidback type except when voicing my opinion, but in the case I really wanted Blaine, and I was going to get him. The only thing I needed now was a guy. I needed someone who was willing to help me play Blaine, without kissing me.

I wanted Blaine to be my first actual kiss. I didn't count Karofsky; it was just nasty. I've been trying to forget about it and it had been quite good. I can only thank Blaine for that, in all his beautifulness.

"Okay waait, so what does Blaine look like? I don't remember." Rachel said looking at me while she tried to think.

I smiled, "He was the one that sang 'Hey Soul Sister.'"

Rachel's mouth dropped and her eyes widened before a big smile grew across her face, " ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

Mercedes and I looked over at her shocked. Laughing Mercedes said to Rachel, "What the hell was that for?"

"KURT! He's GORGEOUS! I'm so proud of you!" Rachel giggled as she reached in to hug me.

I hugged her back and bounced up and down happily, "I know."

"And he's really talented and I mean like really talented…and that's coming from me."

A grand smile grew across my face at that thought. Rachel never said things like that. She saw, laughed and poked me, "I'm totally kidding."

"RACHEL!" I said laughing, faking sadness.

She burst into more laughter, "I'm kidding about kidding."

The three of us were sitting on Mercedes' bed, laughing, giggling and trying to come up with ways to make me feel better.

The next morning after I had left Mercedes' house, I flopped down onto my bed and stared up at the ceiling trying to come up with ways to make Blaine mine. The only way I knew of to make someone jealous was to flirt with another. But I couldn't find anyone to help me. As I started to count the specks on the ceiling I began to sing to myself.

I wasn't coming up with anything; it was more like complete nonsense. But it definitely helped clear my head. For the rest of that day all I wanted to do was lay in bed and think, but that afternoon the Warblers had organized a meeting to brainstorm for the next few performances we had. I wasn't particularly in the mood but I knew that Blaine would be there, so I had to make sure I looked cute.

Rolling off the side of my bed, I jumped in the shower. When I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my lower body I looked in the mirror. Running my hand through my wet hair, I tilted my head to the side. To me, it just looked like a flop of nothingness. It wasn't falling correctly. Usually I used a bit of hairspray but today I didn't want to. I wanted my hair to look extra fluffy.

Taking my blow dryer out of the drawer, I plugged it in and turned it on. As I dried my hair I ran my hand through it, hoping it would accentuate the fluff, therefore making it look rather sexy. I gave it one final swoosh before I turned the dryer off and put it down. Running my hands through it I let it just fall. My eyes widened and a grand smile grew across my face. It was just… unbelievably perfect.

I had never seen if fluff or fall like that. Did this mean something? I felt this was ridiculous good luck. Still beaming, I went over to my closet and pulled on my favorite pair of tight black pants. Standing in front of my closet I pursed my lips and flipped through the clothes I had hanging on my hangers. Ultimately deciding on a white shirt with a whimsical red design, I pulled it over my head, trying not to mess up my hair.

Succeeding in barely touching my hair I grinned. I shut that closet and spun around on my heels to face my coat, jacket and blazer closet. Pulling open the doors I bounced on my heels as I looked down at my outfit. It had to match, but stand out as well, after all that was the kind of guy I was. I reached in for my beige Dolce & Gabbana blazer. Pulling it on I let it just flow there.

Looking into my full-length mirror I smiled. It was perfect. I looked casual yet calm and collected. I was ready to let out and have fun. Not entirely sure about my shoes, I slid back into my bathroom and checked on my previously fluffy hair to find it was just as fluffy, even more if possible. This was good and I was ecstatic. I pulled open my drawer of perfumes, taking a moment. I settled on Calvin Klein because I knew he always made me smell good.

Spraying some over me I took a whiff of it and breathed the beautiful scent in. I was ready, I was simple yet sexy and I smelled good. You can't get much better than that. I slipped on a pair of simple dress shoes that matched my outfit very well and grabbed my bag hanging on my chair. I slipped my phone in there and just about anything else I thought I needed.

Leaving my room, I took one last look in the mirror very proud of my outfit. I waved to my dad who was sitting in the TV room watching TV as usual. Grabbing my keys from the bowl next to the door, I headed out. Hopping into my car, I got more and more excited as I moved on. As I put my seatbelt on and turned on the car my face flushed. I was blushing already and I hadn't even gotten out of my driveway.

Was I this obsessed with Blaine? Not that it was a problem; I just didn't realize that even the mere thought of him would make me this happy. But I guess so. Driving out of the driveway and over to school, all I could think about was how happy I was going to be when I saw Blaine once again in non school uniform. He looked so sexy in a T-shirt and jeans. Oh my dear Prada.

As I pulled up into school, I quickly checked my hair and face making sure I looked perfect. I did. Smiling I turned my car off and hopped out. Heading into the school I prepared myself for Blaine and his beautiful face, body and personality. The office hall was filled with the Warblers smiling and laughing. But Blaine was sitting on a couch with his head in his hands.

I knew it wasn't right for me to go talk to Blaine but I couldn't stand to see him like that. Sitting down next to him I started to play with my hands, "Blaine? You okay?"

"Oh, hey Kurt." Blaine said softly looking up at me for a moment.

"Are you okay?"

Blaine shook his head and looked up at me, his beautiful brown eyes staring into mine, "I just… I thought that yesterday would go better that that. And I don't know what to do anymore."

"You don't have to be afraid Blaine, you don't have to worry, I'm right here, and I always will be."

Smiling, Blaine looked at me with that beautiful smile I adore so much, "Thank you. I… appreciate it."

I smiled back and whispered to myself, "L is for the way you look at me."

"Huh?" Blaine said tilting his head to the side.

Merely shaking my head I looked away from him, hoping he hadn't heard me.

Like it? :) I hope so
