
The twilight sky on the planet of Galaluna shone brightly as fireworks of all colors are exploding in the sky. Galalunians everywhere are shouting and the children are running around in glee all over the area.

The Day of Victory is today, in celebration of the defeat of General Modulus and the Mutraddi.

At the royal yellow colored Galalunian Castle, King Lance and Queen Ilana are viewing the festivities of this special day with their new family.

"We've come a long way, haven't we Lance?" Queen Ilana gazed out into the blue hour sky, then back at her husband.

"We sure did, Ilana." Lance smiled at Ilana warmly.

"Daddy! Daddy! I wanna see the fireworks!" A five year old girl with beige colored hair and her father's blue eyes, wearing a pink formal princess dress, held out her arms to her father.

The King then placed his youngest child on top of his shoulders so that she could get a better view. "That better, Madison, I mean, Maddy?"

"Yes, Daddy." Maddy smiled.

Another girl, 14 years old with black hair and her mother's green eyes, wearing a dark purple strapless gown that reached her knees with a midnight blue jacket stood with her back against the wall. While she was admiring the beautiful scenery, she seemed upset while looking at her little sister with her dad.

"Something wrong, sis?" A boy, 9 years old with his mother's beige hair, but kept his father's eyes, wearing a Dartmouth green tuxedo, asked his older sister.

"Oh, it's nothing, Ed," she tried to cover up her true emotions. "Really, there's nothing wrong."

Ed looked over to his dad and younger sister, then realized what was wrong. "Celina, don't tell me your jealous of your little sister," Ed implied that that was the case.

"No I'm not! Why would I be jealous of Maddy?" Celina defended herself. "And like I said, everything's fine."

"Okay then, suit yourself." And with that comment said, Ed left his older sister with her and her thoughts.

Celina took another look at her father and younger sister. Looks like I'm no longer daddy's little girl.

"Hey guys, Uncle Octus is here!" The oldest of Lance and Ilana's children called out. He was a boy named Nolan, wearing a tuxedo similar to his little brother's, except his jacket was black and double breasted. Nolan beared a similar appearance to his father, just like his twin sister, Celina.

Octus then showed up at the other end of the staircase, making his way up to the staircase with his wife Kimmy (now going by Kimberly) and their two children in tow. When the war with the Mutraddi was over, Kimmy decided to stay with Octus and live with him of Galaluna. With this, she faked her own death so that her parent's wouldn't find out where she was really going. Then, a year after they got married, they had their two children, Tecna and James. Their children both possessed their father's sharp mind, and schooled themselves most of the time when they weren't with their friends.

"Octus! I'm glad you could make it." Queen Ilana walked up to Octus and Kimmy. "It's nice to see you too, Kimberly."

"Oh, it's my pleasure." Kimberly said. "I wouldn't miss this event for the world! And besides, festivals here are much more cooler than the ones on Earth."

Meanwhile, the kids of the King and Queen had already began to start their own conversations with Mr. and Mrs. Lunis' kids.

"Hey, James." Ed greeted The Lunis' son, who was three years older than he was, making him 12 years old. James beared a peculiar resemblance to his father Octus, except he had Kimberly's eyes and had wavy bangs that came with his burnt umber brown hair.

"Hiya, Jamie!" Maddy greeted cheerfully to her friend, calling him the nickname she gave him.

"Hi, guys." James smiled and waved to his friends.

"Hey, Tecna." Celina greeted her 16 year old, lava haired friend.

"Hi, Celina. Hi, Nolan." Tecna greeted. Nolan turned away briefly in order to conceal his blush, then turned back to Tecna.

"Hey, Tecna." Nolan finally said to her.

"You know what's weird?" Octus said. "I can't help but not shake the feeling that something may be watching us."

"Octus, don't be crazy," Kimberly replied.

"Yeah, the Mutraddi have died out years ago." Lance said.

"Yes, but-"

Just then, a huge explosion of red, yellow, and black appeared out of nowhere, in front of the castle. Now there were screams of terror in the air.

"What was that?" Kimberly said sacredly.

"I don't know!" Ilana responded loudly over the screams.

"We have to get the children out of here!" Lance exclaimed.

The four adults then turned to their kids. "Kids, we gotta get out of here!"

"Why?" Maddy was scared. "What's going on?" Tears slowly started falling.

"We don't know just yet, sweetie," Ilana said. "Right now, we have to get all six of you out of here!"

As the group was running, they noticed a flock of air ships in the sky. They noticed that they started dropping, not only bombs, but robot monsters, too.

"Ah! What are those?" Tecna screamed wile pointing to the now black sky.

"I don't know honey," Kimberly tried to calm down her daughter.

Then, a band of robots started coming towards the royal family, with laser guns for hands. One of the robots then hit Ed's leg, causing him to cringe in pain.

"What do they want from us?" Celina shouted.

"They must be after you guys," Octus said, sensing a time relapse. "Come on, to the Rift Gate!"

The group of ten then made their way as close as possible to the Rift Gate. It was improved much more over time, but some haven't been tested yet.

"We're going to have to try the Reverse Time application." Octus said while pushing some buttons on a machine.

"But Octus! We haven't tested that feature out yet!" Ilana sounded worried for her children. "And who knows how far in the past they'll go!"

"We'll have to take that chance, then." Octus sounded cool, but really, he was scared, too.

Then, some beeping noises from the machine went off, and a white tear started to illuminate the sky.

"Hurry, kids! While the rift is open!" Octus guided the children one by one into a giant robot, called the Iron Giant.

"C'mon, hurry up!" Lance said.

"Now, whatever happens during your trip to the human past, do not, I repeat, DO NOT tell anyone your identity. The Mutraddi still exist in this timeline, so be careful!" Octus instructed.

"I love you, kids!" Ilana and Kimberly cried out for their young, wishing that this wasn't happening.

Then, the Iron Giant was engulfed in a glorious white veil of light, while Ilana was crying while watching. Then, at a super sonic speed, the Iron Giant took off into the Rift Gate, and into the horizon of time, leaving their parents to fend of the new threat. But what they didn't know is that some of the new enemy have followed them into the Rift Gate, having them engulfed into the light as well.

The adventure starts now.