1. Blasts, Breakfast and Blair

Spotted: Lonely Boy and Queen Bee strolling through Central Park yesterday with not a care in the world. Could it be that our notorious enemies have called a détente or is it all a scheme to get C and S running into their waiting arms? Then again, maybe the princess has fell for the pauper. Better watch your back, B. We'll be watching.


Gossip Girl

Serena frowned at the accompanying picture underneath the blast. Blair and Dan were sipping coffee on a park bench; the brunette laughing heartily at something 'Lonely Boy' had said that was clearly at his expense. It seemed innocent enough and if Serena had not been witness to many a Humphrey-Waldorf showdown then she would dismiss the picture as just evidence of a comfortable friendship. However, she knew better and a picture was worth a thousand words, especially this one. Closing her Sidekick, she barged through the door to her best friend's bedroom a little more brusquely than she had intended. The room was empty but in complete disarray. Clothes were strewn over the floor and furniture, four shoes - none of which matched - twinkled and shined from awkward places and a worn copy of Catcher in the Rye lay at the foot of a pristinely made bed.

"Blair?" Serena said loudly, carefully edging through the mess. It was early morning - too early, if Serena was honest - and so B couldn't be in classes yet. She checked the closet that looked like it had been ransacked by frantic hands, the bathroom (toothpaste was flicked over the mirror and then some) and even under the bed, all of which resulted in an unsuccessful search. Serena frowned, the beginnings of worry creasing her forehead, and hastily dialled Blair's phone waiting for the patented, 'Waldorf' answer. She waited. And waited. And waited some more until finally, "You've reached Blair Waldorf, please leave your name, number, reason for calling and I'll try to get back to you."

"Blair, it's S. I'm at the penthouse, where are you? I'm worried. Call me," Serena snapped the phone shut, sighed and left the destroyed bedroom wondering where in the name of Prada her best friend had gone.

"You're wrong, Humphrey. Audrey is by far the better Hepburn," Blair said in her typical 'I'm smart, you're dumb' tone, and sipped her orange juice as she flipped the newspaper to the society pages. Dan merely scoffed and added blueberries to the pancake mix he was whisking, occasionally popping one in his mouth just for something to chew. They had worked themselves into a routine over the summer.

She would come over bearing movies and popcorn and end up staying the night, mindful of Ben and his watchful eye; in the mornings when his roommate had left, Dan would make them pancakes before he went to class while she criticized his every word and so far it was working extraordinarily well. Dan and Blair were actually friends, finding they had more things in common than they did reasons to hate each other and while Dan was still certain she was girly evil, he also found her more the pleasant company. As it was, she now sat in true Waldorf style in a silk, green robe and chemise with her legs crossed and her hair pinned up, watching an already dressed Dan move around the kitchen with unconscious ease. He had offered her a set of his plaid pyjamas once and she had shot him a look that would have been just as appropriate had he suggested she roll around in manure. Emergency morning clothing calls to Dorota started shortly after.

"Charade was good, but how can you deny Philadelphia Story?" They were discussing whom the better Hepburn was when paired with Cary Grant. She, of course, said Audrey whereas he had stuck by his guns with Katharine and so the ensuing debate.

"Oh please, at least Audrey can hold a movie on her own," said Blair, rolling her eyes as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. In lieu of replying, Dan set a plate of pancakes in front of her and refilled her orange juice. He set down his utensils and swung his bag over his shoulder, "I might have to cancel tonight." Blair frowned.

"Why?" she asked, merely curious and not at all feeling the tiniest bit rejected.

"Eric asked me to help him with a project for his science class. Don't cancel the reservations, I'll do my best to make it," said Dan. His bag hung haphazardly from his shoulder as he lightly kissed her cheek and exited the apartment, leaving her alone and a little puzzled. She pulled her plate towards her as her Blackberry buzzed next to her. Serena.

Blair hit ignore and sprinkled some sugar onto her breakfast.