I honestly couldn't help it.

I just had too. Thanks to my one little What if in the Fantabulous Question of What If, I've been wanting to write about baby Alec and Magnus.

So, enjoy the prologue. I SUCK at beginnings.

Magnus stared at the infant in the man's hand, eyes wide and dare I say, bamboozled. How could he take care of this adorable little boy? He was a 500 year old warlock for heaven's sake! Warlock's don't take care of babies.

Especially the babies of criminals.

But this baby was just so cute... He was chubby as hell, with very messy, shoulder length black hair. His eyes were just visible behind the mess, a glacier blue with the sparkle of the most precious gems. He wore a white shirt just one size to big, an adorable magnetic bow tie sitting at his throat just beneath his barely-there double chin. He had on little baby denims, also a size to big, but were just so damn CUTE. His feet were covered in tiny little sneakers, with shoelaces yet again, too big.

He sucked upon a pacifier, a tiny strong of drool dribbling down his chin, and his little hands were in fists, occasionally hitting his holder's arm.

"This is Alexander Lightwood. Call him Alec if you wish."

Magnus stared on at this little baby. "Uhm... Hello Alec...?"

Little Alec reacted to the sound of his name, he squealed loudly, his arms flailing in the air. His pacifier fell out of his mouth and onto the floor, thanks to him jiggling in recognition.

"I'm Magnus...?" Magnus said slowly, wondering if the kid say anything legible. Alec mumbled something that sounding much like, if put in letters, "arkbarkbark".

"He is not to watch television, consume anything other than his formula, be up later that 7:30, or do anything rowdy." The man said, holding Alec out to Magnus. Magnus' eyes widened, hesitantly reaching out for the baby. "Sounds like he's being held in prison rather than being looked after as a favor... A payed favor. But still." Magnus mumbled.

"If the trial for Robert and Mayrse Lightwood goes well, I will return in 20 days time to retrieve their son."

Magnus merely nodded, holding the baby an arms length away from him. The man, who soon understood that that was his cue to leave, turned and indeed, left. Silence was apparent throughout the apartment.

"... Hi."

Alec gurgled in enthusiasm.

"So. Whataya wanna do?"

Alec gave him a look, before holding out his arms and attempting to rock in Magnus' grip. Magnus wondered what he wanted, and hesitantly brought Alec closer to him. "Well, I can't deny that you are so very cute for a Shadowhunter baby..." Magnus whispered, balancing him on one arm so he could move Alec's hair away from his eyes. "And I have a feeling that you'll be a very handsome boy when you grow up." Magnus smiled, and Alec smiled back, showing off a couple of growing teeth.

Alec then decided that it was a good idea to throw up his supper on Magnus' $565.00 shirt.

"... That, was not nice."

I would totally name my kid Alec. Not exactly Alexander. But definitely Alec.

So yah. Review.

This story is completely planned out, believe it or not. All 18 chapters, prologue included.

However, if you have a any suggestions for baby Alec and Magnus scenarios, then please, tell me. :D

Enjoy to the fullest; Allie Amberwhite