Where Dreams may Lead


[email protected]

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A Dimando/Serenity fic; what else?

Disclaimers: I own nothing but the plotline. And my mind.

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It was so…hot. Rubeus was insane. It was lucky she had gotten ChibiUsa out in time. "Why…do you want us?" she asked him, looking up through a haze of heat.

"My Prince has great need of you," he smirked. Prince? Prince? Is he behind this monstrosity? She dodged a bit of firepower, and hid behind a pile of equipment to catch her breath.

"Lord Rubeus! I want her unscathed, do you hear me?" A loud, passionate voice commanded.

"As you will, my Prince," Rubeus affirmed, blasting the machinery to pieces, as the prince fellow shimmered away.

"Where…" She fainted; almost hyperthermic because of the heat.

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The marketplace was…even more busy then usual. She was dressed in a short, blue-velvet sleeveless dress. "Where…?" Rubeus was guiding her by her upper arm through a crowd of women dressed exactly like her and men wearing black…all black. "Please, what are you doing with me?" He kept going, ignoring the fact that he was half-dragging her.

"To the Prince of Winds, Dimando re'Adamant," he replied, a touch of reverence gracing his low voice. "I'll get promoted, bringing you in," he smirked, as they went through an archway and two gates, into a side courtyard of the Nemesian Citadel. A party of men and women lounged on the steps of the courtyard, watching a block of dancers. They were all arrayed around one man; whose violet eyes flashed intimidation, demeanor showed poise, and mouth curved into a smirk much like Rubeus' own.

"Highness, Princess Lady Serenity, of the Silver Millennium," he inclined his head, taking a sip of red, most likely alcoholic liquid.

"You may approach," he declared, setting the glass down. Rubeus brought Serenity closer, and pushed her onto her knees. She bowed her head, and the green-haired woman next to Dimando moved over, cursing behind her fan. "Welcome," he smiled; offering her a drink and turning his eyes back to the dancers.

"Why am I here?" She asked, apprehensive of his answer.

"Because you are, Serenity," he kissed her, deeply, passionately, and thoroughly.