I finally got round to making the final chapter! Please enjoy! Reviews are greatly accepted.

Chapter 4:

.:Alone and Distorted:.

'What can I do? What do I have to do?

How can I get them all out of here?'

-Italy: HetaOni 10

Italy slammed the door shut and sunk down to his knees, tears in his eyes and light splatters of blood on his blue uniform. He tried to think positive. Suddenly, he remembered Prussia and Germany. He could escape with them, and then get backup and everything would be okay.

He wanted everything to turn out fine. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down. In the darkness, he could see everyone in a grassy field, outside the house. England was yelling at America who was ignoring him and scoffing down hamburgers, Russia was standing on one side of China, scaring him with his childishly cruel smile, France was on the other side, making China feel uncomfortable by telling him how cute he was, then suddenly going back to insulting England and America. "Italy! It's time for training! Time to man up!" A harsh voice called. It was Germany, running to Italy in the grassy field. Japan was trying his best to keep up, "Ah, Germany-san! Please slow down!" The thin man shouted, half out of breath. "Italy-san, is something wrong?"

"Italy! This isn't like you. We're all here."


Italy's every snapped open. So it was merely an illusion. The copper haired nation found his feet and stood up. This time, he would make sure, he'd save at least Germany and Prussia. 'Surely a nation couldn't die so easily? They'll be okay in no time!' The nation thought to himself. He smiled weakly and rushed off to find to two Germanic brothers.

But what he saw wasn't what he had hoped to see at all. The two brothers were sitting on the floor, backs to the wall. The white wall, smeared in blood. Their uniforms with patches of fresh blood splattered and wiped on them. They had just finished fighting that thing. Prussia was the first one to notice Italy. "Hey Italy. We got the key!" He tried to sound happy. Italy ran to the two remaining nations and collapsed to the floor in shock. He curled up on the floor and sobbed like a child when they don't get want they want. Germany helped his ally to sit up. He wiped a tear off the smaller nations face. "Hey, stop crying. We risked our lives to get this. You should be happier." Germany tried to comfort Italy.

Italy shuffled back a bit "Why did you lie to me? You said that the key was in a safe spot to get…"

Germany sighed "Well, that's probably the same reason that you didn't tell us everyone was dead."

"Y-You knew?" The words pierced him, like knives. How did he know? But it was true. He knew Prussia and Germany didn't want to make him worry, in a sense it was true that Italy didn't tell him that everyone was dead because he didn't want to worry anyone. He thought they would be miraculously revived. They're nations after all.

Prussia laughed is signature laugh. "Well…now, West, why don't we take a little rest? I'm really tired." Prussia put his arm around this brother.

Germany shoved it off. "You're right Prussia. You go ahead; I'll catch up with you."

Italy knew what they meant, but he didn't want to sit through this anymore. "Why? NO!" He shouted, startling the two dying nations. "I can't do this anymore! I'm going to stay with you!" Italy tried to sound determined.

"Anyone who…disobeys…will run…zhen Runden…" Germany warned Italy, his voice slowly fading, his eyes slowly closing.

"Look, if you…don't hurry up he'll…keep adding…even more." Prussia tried to get Italy to leave, but today…today Italy wasn't going to listen. "Fine! I'll run those ten laps! I'll run as many as you want! But I'll run away!" The young nation shouted, but then quietened with as soft diminuendo. "And then Germany…will have to run to catch me."

By the time Italy had finished talking Prussia had closed his eyes and found peace. "NO! PRUSSI-" Italy's shouting was interrupted by the silence. He quickly turned to look at Germany. Dead silence. "Ger…man…ny…" Italy glanced to look at Prussia, his fist was unclenched, and there, Italy saw the key. He grabbed it and held it close. Tears streamed down his face. How? How could this have happened? If he wasn't so stupid to skive off Germany's training and hear those stupid rumours about the stupid mansion with its asinine monsters. If he didn't tell America about them then maybe…just maybe everyone would be alive. Italy looked at the key, then at the door. He might as well.

Fresh air. Fresh, clean air. But he had no one to enjoy this with. He was alone. "I got out." Italy mumbled to himself. He looked around. Rain. It was everywhere. Only then he realised his uniform was becoming drenched in the heavy downpour. But it didn't matter; it already had blood on it, it was already messed up. If Germany was here, he would of yelled at the weaker nation and told him to run home so he didn't catch a cold. But he wasn't there. Germany was dead. Everyone was dead. "I'm the only one who survived, the only one who got out…" Italy wasn't just sad, he was angry, furious, enraged…alone. He began to walk slowly towards the open gates of the mansion. It marked the end of hell and the sign of freedom. "I shouldn't have been able to get out…" He stopped and turned to the big house, looming over him. At this point, Italy had lost his mind and he had become mentally insane.

"WHAT THE HELL?" He laughed manically. "This doesn't MAKE ANY SENSE." The volume of this voice rose dramatically. "Out of EVERYONE, I'M the ONLY ONE LEFT? WHAT THE HELL? WHAT. THE. HELL."


The door handle…it was…turning? The pale green door slammed open. What was standing there? The murderer. The thing. This distorted grey figure that looked like America's alien friend. But it wasn't. America's friend wouldn't kill the man who befriended him. The thing had a massive head that was much too big for it's body. It's eyes…no emotion inside it. Just black… big black eyes. Staring at the survivor. It started to run towards Italy, getting faster and faster. But Italy was the master at running away. He ran so fast there was a large distance between the two. Suddenly, before Italy ran through the gates to freedom. He turned around. "FERMATA!" The thing stopped immediately. Italy stood on the borderline to freedom. "I won, right? You couldn't catch me; YOU LOST!" Italy smiled a little. He realised; he had won. "The moment I get out of here, you'll LOOSE! There's nothing you can do from THAT distance!" He pointed at the thing. "When I get out of here, this place won't be the same! I'll destroy this hell hole, with the power granted to me as a nation!" He proudly shouted at the top of his lungs. That thing just stood there. Italy wanted a reaction. "Doesn't that make you frustrated…or even angry? HUH? I'm your last trophy after all."

A moment of silence swept over. The thing couldn't talk. It didn't know how to speak. But it could hear. It could move. But it showed no reaction. It just stood there.


Italy turned around ready to leave. But he stopped and realised; what was the point? His allies, his friends…all were dead. What would be the point of continuing? He only had one choice.

"…Back…" Italy turned around slowly. "Take us back!" His voice slowly became dangerously louder. "You can take us back in the warped space, CAN'T YOU?" Italy shot words at it like he was firing a machine gun. "If you do that, why don't you kill, or even eat me first?" Now he was trying to negotiate with a monster. "If you can catch me, that is." Italy smirked.

But more silence followed. Italy didn't like that. "GO BACK! TAKE ME BACK!" He shouted so loud his voice began to hurt. Before he knew it, everything had become white. Then suddenly, he found himself in the world meeting, standing in front of America. "…Okay, so a western looking mansion outside of town? I'll see you there!" Italy's senses suddenly came back to him. He had really gone back in time. His clothes weren't bloody or soaked in rain. America turned and walked away. This was straight after he had finished talking to America. Straight after he told America about the house.

Now Italy had to live through the pain again.

Finally finished! I'm so happy! Please review! ^^