Disclaimer: I am making no profit from this borrowing of characters. They belong to, well, someone else whose name I really can't recall right now - Masashi Kishimoto? Maybe. Not me, that's for sure XD

Giddy emotion bubbled in Sakura's chest, blindingly intense and demanding to be released. She coughed a little to ease the sensation and breathed deeply, air burning away the painful, harshly wonderful feeling. She knew, without a doubt, that this was dangerous. To let herself feel so intensely about anyone – but especially about him – was unhealthy. Her captor, the man who killed the third Hokage and ravaged Konoha with only glee in his heart. How? How had she come to need him, his presence, his life, so fiercely that she could forget all of that? Her skin burned, ached where he had left his hand- a ring around her wrist where he caught her before she could slap him. He'd stared at her through hard golden eyes that scorched her flesh where they lay, sending a blissful shudder skittering down her spine. For an eternal moment his eyes rested on her throat, indeterminate and almost unfocused as he devoted his formidable mind to whatever problem he saw in the air before him. It didn't matter to Sakura, he could stand there as long as he liked, providing he kept holding her wrist in that vice-like grip. Soon, though, far too soon, his fingers loosened and he let her hand fall back to her side. His eyes flashed up and bored into her own, almost distracting her from the desperate harshness in his melodic voice.


Sakura shivered and valiantly resisted the urge to sway towards him. Her thoughts were scrambled, skittering away from her focus like rats from a torch light. She finally corralled enough brain cells to formulate some sort of response, though it wasn't the one she meant to give him. "Because I can't think when you're near me."

He struggled to control the urge to wrap his fingers around her throat and snap that pale, pretty neck. "Then try harder."

She could feel the frustration and anger pouring off him in delicious waves and she let them flood her senses. Better to feel this, to hurl herself into the fires of his rage than be abandoned again to her own emotions and her own thoughts. Hard-burning fingers gripped her chin and pulled her forward so that she was staring into his boiling-gold eyes. His face was twisted with anger and Sakura could only smile a bitter-broken grin and fall against his body with a harsh exhale of relief. He was hard and unyielding, no acceptance or comfort, but he was solid and real and he drove everything from her mind with his bright, burning, painful existence.


AN: I was trying to write Ghost of Love, but it took a decidedly different turn :( anyway, thought I'd post this, just 'cause. Not enough Oro/Saku out there.

More than likely a one-shot. You can formulate your own reasons for this situation, though I do have my own in mind.

Let me know if you liked/want more/hated, etc.