The sirens grew louder the longer they drove down the road. They were getting closer. All they could do was hope that he was okay. That he wasn't too hurt. That he wasn't dead.

Finally, he saw the police cars and an ambulance. He saw a few officers looking down into a hole. He jumped out of the car before it stopped and ran to join them. He looked down and saw them placing his friend on a stretcher. His face was a light shade of blue.

He turned to an officer. "What…what happened?" he choked out.

The officer turned to him, a solemn look on his face. "We found his car over there," he pointed to their right, where the car was parked on the side of the road, hazard lights on. "We found him down there, obviously. He was face down in six inches of rainwater, unconscious. If we hadn't found him when we did, he might've died before we could get him to the hospital."

"But he's gonna be okay, right?" he asked, looking back at his friend. He couldn't help but feel guilty. The only thought running through his mind was that he caused this. He was the reason his best friend nearly died. He told his friend to leave, and he did. He told his friend to drown in the rain, and he almost did. He felt a tear creep down his cheek. He looked back at the officer, who seemed to be thinking of a way to tell him something bad without making him any more devastated than he was now.

After what seemed like an eternity, the officer sighed. "His chances don't look good."

A/N: Alright, that's a preview of my new story, Never Saw It Coming! I promise it'll be good. And no worries, it's not mystery characters like this. I just don't want to reveal what happens to who...

Anyway, tell me what you think.