
A/N This is a continuation of the amazing story by Jay-La52 which I highly suggest you read that first. Here's the link; .net/s/6596824/1/

I just want to give a huge thank you to Jay-La52 for letting me post this.

Rory rolled over in bed, the soft sheets were comforting, they smelled familiar but she couldn't quite place it. She focused her head on figuring it out though it was difficult because of her throbbing headache. The smells blended together in a strangely wonderful scent one she knew she'd smelt before, the smell of coffee, hair gel, old books, cigarettes and something indefinable melted together and she realised it smelt like Jess. The comforting smell of the warm blankets was the smell of Jess, it struck her as odd that her bedding would smell of him and wondered if her subconscious was tricking her into smelling it. He has been on your mind a lot lately. Part of her brain told her but she pushed that realisation aside and opened her eyes blinking back the brightness of the room which was increasing her headache. Her eyes rested on the table beside the bed, covered in books that weren't hers and an alarm clock which definitely wasn't her fluffy one that Lorelai had got her, it was then that she remembered everything from the previous night; the party, the suspicious punch she'd consumed, the police coming in, getting arrested, calling Jess to pick her up…Jess? There was something she couldn't quite remember, she felt sick and sprang upright in the bed though she was reluctant to leave it's comfort.

'Are you ok?' Jess' voice reached her from the other side of the room where he was frying something that smelled really good, she turned and faced him and shook her head, making him come over to her and sit alongside her, a kind gesture she hadn't expected.

'I got arrested last night.' Rory said in shock.

'Uh-huh, you're a regular criminal mastermind, unintentionally drinking underage it's a terrible thing.' Jess teased.

'Shut up.' Rory said though she was smiling.

'How are you feeling?' Jess asked noting the dark circles under her deep blue eyes and trying not to hold her gaze for too long, not after that kiss that had kept him awake all night and which she seemed to have forgotten all about.

'Like my head is about to explode.' Rory replied. 'And slightly sick.'

'I have a cure.' Jess said getting up and bringing her a large glass of water with a lemon wedge, two aspirin and a plate of fried food.

'You're wonderful.' Rory said gratefully tucking her legs underneath her on his bed and started to eat the food he'd cooked for her. 'So I don't remember much after you picked me up, I remember falling out of the car and refusing to walk up the stairs.' Rory said trying to piece together her fuzzy memory.

'Yeah you made me carry you.' Jess said bending the truth ever so slightly, she hadn't asked him to carry her up it had been his idea.

'Oh sorry about that.' Rory blushed.

'That's ok.' Jess shrugged reaching forward to pick up a piece of her bacon, his hand brushing against hers, as it brushed across Rory's breath hitched in her throat and she looked up at him, he was looking at her with an indescribable look, it was a mixture of sadness, confusion, kindness and something she couldn't work out but he looked away quickly and her pulse slowed down a little, just as the little voice in her head whispered He looks good, but once again she ignored it.

'Thanks for doing all this.' Rory said gesturing to the food and the bed that he'd let her have.

'No problem, feel free to call me anytime you get arrested.' Jess smirked.

'Oh sure like I'm ever going to let this happen again.' Rory groaned feeling oddly at ease around Jess, he simply smirked back at her and stood up going back over to the kitchen, her gaze followed him as he moved around the kitchen and as he poured her a cup of coffee she remembered. She'd kissed him last night! Or at least she thinks she did, it could have just been a dream she struggled to remember it and was more certain than ever that it had happened and suddenly she thought about how sweet Jess was to not mention it, did he want to forget it? Or did he just not want her to feel embarrassed? She hoped it was the latter though she didn't know why, she shouldn't care if he wanted to pretend it never happened. Jess returned to the bed and sat on the edge handing her the coffee which she sipped gratefully and caught his eye.

'Did I…uh I mean last night when I got here, did I…Kiss you?' Rory asked, Jess was surprised that she remembered and even more so that she was actually bringing it up, he thought over his response.

'Yeah, but its ok you were drunk we can just forget it, I won't tell anyone.' Jess replied.

'Oh…yeah ok…good.' Rory replied the disappointment was almost palpable. 'So I should go….'

'Are you sure you're ok now?' Jess asked reluctant to break the weird bubble that this night had put the two of them in.

'Yeah I should go before the diner opens.' Rory nodded standing up and swaying on her feet a little, Jess walked her to the door and she paused in the doorway looking up at him sadly she caught his eye and maybe it was the hangover saying the next words because usually she never would have said anything like it.

'You know it's sad, I kissed you last night and I can't even remember it. I mean I remember it happened but that's it…' Rory trailed off catching her breath as Jess leaned in closer, stopping just a few centimetres before her lips, forcing her to make the next move she closed her eyes and leaned in kissing him, his arms wrapped around her waist and she felt herself get dizzy, she pulled away and smiled and he dropped his arms from her expecting her to run as fast as she could, but to his surprise she stayed rooted on the spot in the doorway.

'Wow.' Rory breathed out touching her fingers to his forearm. 'Goodbye Dodger.'

'Bye Jailbait.' He replied as she headed down the stairs with a smile on her face.