Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Buffy or Angel. This story is not for profit. So please don't sue.

Okay, if you read one of my other stories, you know how I work. The more Reviews I get, that faster I publish. Though the fastest I will do is one chapter a day. So if you want that, Review! I like all kinds of reviews except flames that don't explain why they are flames. Don't just say, "It's stupid" tell me why so I can fix it. I really appreciate any ideas you have on this story as far as where you'd like to see it go, as it is a work and progress. So review, tell me what you want to see, and enjoy!

Chapter One.

He never liked cages. Angrily he paced, back and forth back and forth along the entrance to the small, white room he was in. Talk about taking a vamp out of its natural habitat. The bright white walls, ceiling, floor and bright florescent lights were nearly blinding him, and simultaneously fueling his rage. He hated being caged. Not to mention he was bloody starving. He hadn't thought to eat anything before he went in search of the Slayer that night. He'd been planning on killing him his third Slayer, not being captured and thrown in a cell.

He stopped pacing, raising his hand to the barrier that kept him caged slowly. If only he could touch it without being electrocuted. If only he could get through it, find a way to break through it, get it put down, something that could release him from this…a horn blasted somewhere and he nearly leapt out of his skin. Lowering his hand he swore angrily. They probably had cameras watching him, laughing at the jumpy vampire. He'd rip all their throats out, just as soon as he escaped. He was going to bathe in their blood.

Just as his stomach clenched in hunger at the wonderful picture his mind was painting it, a small tile in the ceiling opened and a clear plastic bag slipped out, landing on the white floor with a satisfying plop. He nearly moaned in relief. He knew that smell anywhere. He moved toward it, snatched it up, tore it open with his teeth and was about to swallow when he heard, "Don't!"

He stopped, frowning, and lowered the bag, looking around. "'Lo" he asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"It's drugged," the voice informed him. Spike swore again, clenching his jaw in anger as he held the bag that would wane his hunger in his hand.

"Uh-huh" he spoke, glaring at the offending poison. "And who are you, mate?"

The eerie sound of laughter rang around him, not a happy laugh, but a pathetic laugh as the voice answered, "I'm a rat. I'm a lab rat – like the others." Great. Another deranged vampire. He was beginning to think Dru wasn't all that special in her craziness as he'd once thought. Then the other vampire added, in a whisper, "They're gonna kill us, you know."

"And how are they going to do that?" He demanded, finally locating where the sound was coming from. Must be in the cell to his left.

"They starve you. And when you're ready to bite your own arm, they shoot out one of those packets. You drink, and the next thing you know…you're gone. That's when they do the experiments."

Experiments! He wasn't a bleeding experiment! There was no way in hell he was going to let someone prod and poke his insides to see what they could find. He wasn't a…lab rat! He had to find a way out! But, the damn box was indestructible. Whoever had built the prisons and known exactly what type of creatures was going to be held in them. Which raised the question. "And they are…the government? Nazis? A major cosmetics company?"

"Who cares?" the other vampire laughed pitifully again. "All I know is, one minute I'm running from the Slayer, and the next thing, I'm here."

"The Slayer!" Spike growled. "I knew it! I bloody knew it!" He barely resisted the temptation to slam his fist into the wall in anger. The bloody bitch had handed him off to be experimented on. "I always worried what would happen if the bitch got some funding." He was going to kill her, rip her to bloody pieces. No! He was going to drain her dry, relish in the feel of her body going limp under him, her eyes flashing with fear before slowly ebbing way until they were lifeless portals to her empty soul. He was going to…

There was a ruckus starting up, distracting him from his thoughts of revenge. Somewhere down the line of long cells he imagined in his mind, demons were causing quite the fuss. "What's that?" he asked, moving closer to the barrier. Try as he might, he couldn't see anything beyond a few feet to the left of his cage, but he wouldn't have to wait long.

"New prisoner." The vampire who'd been talking to him answered. The sounds were coming closer, as if whatever was passing the cells was electing the same response no matter what demon was within them. By the time the soldiers stepped into sight, dragging the bloodied and bruised body of their most recent victim between them, the entire prison was echoing with sounds. Spike took a step back, snarling at the soldiers and glancing at the new vampire they were bringing in.

Couldn't tell who she was. Blonde hair all matted and bloody and caked with dirt, clothes torn, dirty and bloodied as well. Her face was down, hanging limply from the small shoulders the soldiers were using to hold her up. It took a minute before Spike realized they were putting the new vampire into the cell across from him. He got a decent view of her backside as they keyed in the combination to open her cell and, though he recognized it, he thanked his lucky stars that it wasn't harmony. Some vamp he'd checked out in passing then. Without any ceremony the two soldiers tossed the body of the unconscious vampire into the cell across from him.

The body rolled, landing facing completely away from Spike, with her hair splaying across her face. The soldiers stepped out, locked the combination and started to head back toward wherever they came from. One, though, paused, turning to regard Spike with cold brown eyes. "Something wrong with dinner, Hostile 17?" Spike glanced down at the bag, realized the soldier was talking to him, and growled.

"Finn!" the other soldier who was further along called back and Finn glanced up at the soldier and nodded. He followed after his comrade, but not before adding, "Drink up," with a smirk at Spike. Just like that Finn's name made it to the top of Spike's 'Will Kill Next' list. Under 'The Slayer' obviously.

"Poor girl," the vampire, he really needed to ask his name, whispered once the soldiers were gone. "Looks like the Slayer got ahold of her too before she was brought here."

Spike stared at the vampire across from him, frowning as something tugged at his memory. He knew that body. He wasn't sure how, but he was almost positive he recognized the curve of her hips. "What's yer name?" he asked finally, distractedly, not really caring but not liking the silence either.

"Tom." The other vampire answered. "And you're Spike."

Nice to know his reputation wasn't completely shattered, even though the Slayer had bested him on more than one account. "Right." He mumbled, still clutching the bag. He'd nearly forgotten he was still holding it. With his attention back on it, he shoved it down into his coat pocket, not willing to throw it away just yet. Who knew, he may need it later. Besides, it was all he had to work with, and you never threw away anything until you knew what you were going to need.

The vampire across from him stirred, finally, and slowly sat up, still facing the wall. Small hands darted forward to touch the white wall before her. Golden locks swung as she looked up, left, right, and then rushed to her feet with the speed of their race. She spun around and both Spike and Tom gasped. She was breathtaking, her demon's yellow eyes darting around her in complete confusion, the ridges of her face frowning. Then, she stopped all movement and stood like a statue. Slowly, her small hands lifted to touch her fangs, her upturned nose, the ridges over her those yellow eyes. Then tears spilled down her face and she collapsed back to the ground in a heap, her hands coming to cover her face as she sobbed pitifully.

For the first time since Dru, Spike felt his unbeating heart pull toward the bird. He had the strangest compulsion to rush forward, gather her into his arms, and promise that everything was going to be alright. That the Big Bad would kill the Slayer for her. That she was perfectly safe with him. Which was all absurd. He didn't even known the girl! And what's more he couldn't break out of his own barrier, nevertheless into hers to comfort her.

Still, his lips were parting on their own accord and the words slipped from him before he could even process them in his brain. "'S alright, luv. Gonna be alright."

She stilled, going back to the statue she'd been moments before. Through the small gaps in her fingers he could tell she'd shifted out of her demon visage and slowly, very slowly, she lowered her hands. Spike gasped, as did Tom, as the gray tearful eyes of the Slayer met his crystal blues. "Spike?" she whispered, not moving an inch. Spike's mouth hung open as he stared at her. But it just couldn't be. She couldn't be Buffy. She was the Slayer! She was the one responsible for all this. She was….she was a vampire! Fresh tears sprang forth as she repeated his name, "Spike." Then, in a small, wavering, childlike tone she sobbed, "Help me."

I know it's short but I love cliff hangers. Review!