3 F ing Places

Ch 2

Heheh I love all your guesses! Thanks a bunch for all the reviews, alerts and faves! A huge thanks to the following awesome dudes: DEMONIC BLACKMAGIC, Cerulean-Guava, Black Storm Van Pendragon, Sever My Sweet Tooth, XdesertXRoseX, AvariceOfTheTulips, dudeyaoi, animechick57, Vardlynn, Metallic efekt, shadowX101, hitsuzen-hime, truckerhat52, forevereden, Angelchan2012, Sesrin, masterofsouls, Bloody Sapphire Blade, and Tsukasa..rule!

Author replies to those without accounts:

truckerhat52: hehe nice guess ;) Thanks for reviewing!

masterofsouls: -laughs- glad you enjoyed that! Thanks for reviewing!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Seriously, I really don't... so don't sue me because I can't give you anything... The amazing Tite Kubo does. But I don't recommend suing him either. Lol

Content warning: It's rated M for a good reason. Bad language and definitely some sexual themes. Part of Desk Phenomena universe.

"Dammit Grimmjow I thought you had a GPS or something... Now we're lost because you just had to take-"

"Shut up."

"-the short route." Ichigo let out a breath of air and fell backwards into the seat as Grimmjow pressed away on his phone. "Where the hell did we end up?"

The blue haired man grit his teeth as he practically punched the blackberry's keys. "It said take a left so I took a damn left!"

"And we ended up at a dead end." Ichigo stated, earning a growl from the other.

"Yes, a damn dead end so I backtracked and went right. That was the only logical solution!" Blue eyes narrowed. "Damn this stupid piece of-"

"And here I thought it was a 'Smartphone'..." Ichigo sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and staring out the window at the dark sky; stars hanging like mobiles over the overlook in a collective array of sparkling light.

Grimmjow's right eye twitched before the older man slammed his hand against the steering wheel and exited the car. "Wait! Grimmjow where are you-" The slamming door had Ichigo rocking back and forth with the force. "Going... Dammit."

Grimmjow was upset. I shouldn't have said all that, Ichigo thought. They were headed to one of those old hot springs for the weekend. It was a trying week on both their ends; Ichigo having to work late pretty much every night and Grimmjow being carted around to business meetings and propositions the entire week. They didn't have as much quality time together– hell, they rarely saw one another with the hectic scheduling.

It was Grimmjow's idea to head to a hot spring for the weekend in order to let go and relax their tense muscles. Ichigo had been all too willing to head out with his lover and in a few hours after they left that Friday afternoon, they'd be soaking in the natural springs together.

That all changed however when they begun driving down the unpaved road in the dead of night through a thick forest. Grimmjow had said that the location was in the forest– as in a few trees here and there to 'make the mood' not buried in the forrest for ax murders or something!

Ichigo had begun to get talkative when the city lights disappeared when they took a turn here, and another there all according to the phone navigation system. Grimmjow told Ichigo that it'd be fine and of course, Ichigo continued to talk and ask questions which further pestered the aggravated driver.

A few minutes later Grimmjow's cellular service cut out and here they were now, sitting on some random cliff over looking the maw beneath them.

It was a serene, captivating place. The trees had created a 'U' around the opening and the uncut grass hung onto the mildew drops that begun collecting as soon as the sun went down two hours ago. Only the sound of the chirping crickets were heard.

Ichigo's brown eyes narrowed in on the tall broad figure standing by the edge. Grimmjow's hands were shoved within the pockets of his light grey jacket, hiding his skin away from the nippy spring night air. Seeing the usual proud man's shoulders slumped, Ichigo felt a bubble of regret welling up within his chest.


He really should have just kept his mouth shut.

The entire week was just terribly stressful and both physically and mentally draining that all Ichigo had wanted was to get to the hot springs.

That's all his mind was consistently churning over again and again. The man still sitting in the car shook his head.

He was so caught up with going to the hot spring that when Grimmjow had accidentally taken a wrong turn because the navigation on his phone, he had just been a strait up asshole. Blaming Grimmjow for 'taking a wrong turn' and ultimately getting them to the springs later– if at all now.

"I'm such an idiot..." Ichigo ran his hand through choppy orange hair before he too slid out of the car. As he neared, Ichigo wound his arms around the taller man's middle, pulling him into a backwards embrace.

He's so warm, Ichigo thought. "Grimmjow I'm so-"

"Sorry Ichigo."

Ichigo's eyes widened against the cool jacket before. "What? Sorry for what?"

The blue haired man sighed, sagging more into Ichigo's arms. "For fucking this up."

"Oh shut up. You didn't." Ichigo nuzzled his face into Grimmjow's back. Did he always smell this delicious? "You didn't ruin anything." Hands settled on Grimmjow's mid section, Ichigo's fingers could feel the hinting outlines of the older man's firm body hidden beneath the light jacket. A grin slithered across Ichigo's lips.

He and Grimmjow hadn't had any time for themselves the entire week. That had to be amended immediately.

Grimmjow grunted when he felt Ichigo's hands begin moving more than they should across his stomach then chest before he heard the tell tale signs of his jacket zipper being pulled down. "Ichigo, what are you doing?"

No response but fingers pressing a little harder here and there.

A thing blue eyebrow arched as Grimmjow's own lips morphed into a small smirk. "Ichigo, you know how much I like guessing games."

Ichigo's breath tickled Grrimmjow's nape. "I'm trying to enjoy myself."

The larger man shuddered, feeling his younger lover's grin stretch across his heating skin. "Are you now?"

"Not really, you have too many clothes on." Ichigo's right hand had snaked down towards Grimmjow's black leather belt and undid the strap. "Come."

Grimmjow then found himself being turned and pulled back to the car by his belt and grinned. Oh how he loved car sex. Ichigo knew it all too well and was doing this on purpose. The little devil! He's been catching onto Grimmjow's quirks.

Pushing Grimmjow into the drivers seat Ichigo immediately placed himself ontop of the seated man and shut the door. Connecting his lips with Grimmjow's own, Ichigo pushed into the kiss and forcefully parted the other man's lips with his tongue before delving into that wet cavern.

Trailing his hands up and down Grimmjow's body, the orange haired man slid his fingers underneath the loose black and white shirt to caress the toned flesh. Ichigo smirked into the kiss when Grimmjow let out a low groan of appreciation.

Ichigo knew that his lover had a long and tiring week– hell so did he– but what was most important on Ichigo's mind right now was to satisfy the man who always satisfied him.

Rolling his hips forwards so that his lower region ran along Grimmjow's own, Ichigo couldn't help but let out a hiss when his clothed member contacted with the other. He felt Grimmjow's hands moving behind him and in front. One un-buttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down when the other delved underneath the dark blue material.

When Grimmjow's finger began circling around his entrance, Ichigo let out a small whimper, releasing the lips he had captured and controlled earlier. "Ngh..."

Ichigo's reaction spurred Grimmjow further. Pushing the single digit into the tight hole he moved it in and out slowly before adding another. Each agonizing penetrating thrust had Ichigo jerk a little, pushing back and then moving to ride his fingers. "You like that Ichigo? My fingers inside you, making you squirm?"

Mouth attaching to an exposed neckline, Ichigo bit down on the white flesh causing Grimmjow to hiss. "The fuck Ichi?"

When his blue eyes connected with blazing brown, Grimmjow's heart leaped. Fuck, Ichigo was-

"Stop being a little bitch and fuck me like a man."

Pulling his fingers from Ichigo, who let out a small grunt of dissatisfaction, Grimmjow smashed his lips to the other's. Teeth clicking, tongues dancing, the two lost themselves in a maddening dance. Grimmjow, feeling an animalistic rush attack him, pushed harder against Ichigo who merely pushed back, urging Grimmjow on.

A full week of negligence had the two roaring to life in a matter of moments when they found themselves with the prime opportunity to release the pent up stress upon each other in the most intimate way.

Ichigo's fingers fumbled with Grimmjow's pants, trying to open the buttons and zipper while not trying to loose connection with the other man's mouth.

Grimmjow's fingers were threaded through bright orange hair as he tugged Ichigo's face closer towards his own. When Ichigo finally beat out the material covering his pants and felt cool hands grip his now exposed member, Grimmjow let out a low growl.

A quick jerk of his hips upwards into the firmly clasped hand and Ichigo just wanted to skip the foreplay and ride Grimmjow's cock into oblivion. Shuffling with his own pants, the younger man pulled them down barely enough to expose his lower half.

Strategically placing himself above Grimmjow's proud leaking member, Ichigo felt the tip of Grimmjow's cock against his still tight entrance. Lube and preparation be dammed.

"Wait, Ichig-"

Ichigo thrust his hips down, completely engulfing the engorged member. Back arching beautifully, head thrown back as a painful shock tore through his body, Ichigo's mouth opened in a silent scream. Brown eyes closed tightly behind equally tight lids, Ichigo bit his lower lip to try and hold in his cry.

Grimmjow was so caught off guard with Ichigo's wild behavior that all he could do when he felt his cock being squeezed within tight warm walls was to let out a shout of absolute pleasure. He knew it was terribly selfish of him with Ichigo probably being in a great deal of pain but- "Holy fuck!"

The raw, intimate action threw Grimmjow's sanity out the window. Completely.

Hips jerking upwards, causing Ichigo to emit a beautiful cry, Grimmjow started up a paced movement. Tongue dragging along lightly tanned flesh and enveloping a nipple, Grimmjow suckled and licked to draw away Ichigo's mind from the pain until he felt the younger move with him.

Holy shit Ichigo was wild tonight! "Move Grimm. Fuck me, please!"

Hands gripping the hips settled on top of his own, Grimmjow pulled Ichigo down as he thrust up, further embedding his throbbing member deep within loosening walls.

The awkward position they were in– Grimmjow's long legs were hindered by the steering wheel and Ichigo's own being pulled up to rest on Grimmjow's chest– the two somehow managed to find the right angle which sent waves of ecstasy through their burning bodies.

Ichigo's right hand gripped the side of the door while his left was settled on top of the car roof. With each thrust of Grimmjow's hips he pushed himself down. "Oh god, Grimmjow! There!"

Chair leaning backwards, Grimmjow targeted the spot where Ichigo let out his cry. Again and again he thrust into the pliant body. Again and again he threw his own head back whenever Ichigo would clamp down on him and cry out his name.

Ichigo's fingers raked across his exposed abdomen; wherever the blunt nails touched red lines followed. The younger man howled. "Yes! Harder! Harder!"

Christ, Ichigo was insane! Obediantly Grimmjow did as he was told. Slamming his hips faster and harder into Ichigo's hole. The friction they created sent jolts of electricity through Grimmjow's cock. "Fuck... Ichigo..."

Ichigo gripped tightly onto Grimmjow's chest, lusty brown eyes connecting with deep pools of chilly blue. "Mmm yes, Grimmjow, fuck me!"

An animal. Ichigo was a fucking animal tonight!

Chest rumbling with a low growl, the blue haired man sent ruthless, relentless thrusts upwards. Ichigo arched again, crying out and Grimmjow found himself smiling like an animalistic maniac. Sharp canines bared, Grimmjow gave a toothy smile when Ichigo braced himself again. Both his hands gripping the roof as he felt his orgasm nearing the pique.


Another few jerky thrusts into spasaming walls and the older man felt his own release. Shoving his cock deep into Ichigo and jetting out his load, Grimmjow groaned out Ichigo's name as he filled up his lover. "Fuck... Ichigo!"

Windows fogged up, car stilling from its shaking, the night was once again enveloped in silence.

Chests heaving, breaths coming out in short gasps, the two were still for a while, trying to calm down their racing hearts. Ichigo was the first to move, slowly pulling himself off of Grimmjow's now limp cock and grimaced at the loss of fulfillment.

He let out a small grunt of displeasure when he felt the still warm semen leak from his entrance and run down his thighs. Going to clean it, Ichigo's hand was stopped by Grimmjow's own. "Grimm, I need to-"

"Leave it." The usual stone faced man gave another crazed animalistic smirk which sent shivers down Ichigo's spine. Gasping when he felt fingers once again at his entrance, Ichigo's brown eyes widened as Grimmjow prodded his entrance. "Makes me want to screw you again."

Leaning back on his hips some Ichigo felt Grimmjow's once limp member now standing like a steel pillar. He licked his lips seductively and jerked his own waking cock. "Think you can do better?"

Hours later, Ichigo awoke lying haphazardly across Grimmjow's chest, bare toes tickling the soft blades of grass. Warm sunlight doused the pair in a brilliant shine, outlining their naked, but clothing covered, forms.

Rolling over and shivering some at the loss of Grimmjow's body heat, Ichigo winced in pain as his hips connected with the ground. Last night was crazy. Absolutely, bat-shit crazy.

Grimmjow loved car fucking but what the guy enjoyed even more was when Ichigo let loose like he did last night which in turn made Grimmjow's own animalistic nature rise to the occasion. Putting the car and wild forrest romping together in one night made Grimmjow one happy bastard.

Ichigo smiled at the look of contentment marking his lover's face.

Blue eyes opened slowly before squinting at the sunlight. "Stupid mother fucking sunlight... goddamn..."

The orange haired man laughed. "Morning to you too, Grimm."

"Hn." Pulling himself into a seated position, Grimmjow gave himself a once over then looked over to Ichigo who still had remnants of last nights romp: love bites marring his flesh and drying cum still splattered across his stomach. "Can we do this again?"

Ichigo grinned evilly. "If you can find the hot spring we can do more."

Blue eyes widened and in a flurry of motion, Ichigo watched Grimmjow throw his clothes on in a matter of seconds before collecting Ichigo and throwing him into the car. "Hey! I'm not ready yet!"

"Get ready in the car." The blue haired man started the engine which let out an obnoxious roar, causing nearby birds to flee their trees. "I'm finding this godforsaken hot spring!"


;) So, what'd you think? Was it what you expected?

Grimmjow is a man on a mission now! -laughs- Thanks a bunch for reading! Hope you liked it.

Please leave a review; that's all I ask for as an author :)
