
Read & Review!

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha

Flames will be used to roast weenies

but I own their made up kid or children later on in the story

Also there is Kagome bashing in this,

I don't hate her but I don't like her either.

Chapter 1 The Great Escape

Inuyasha felt rage flowing through his body as he was sprinting through the forest, hoping to find Naraku soon since he had kidnapped Shippo weeks ago. He also felt more rage build up at Jaken and Kagome's constant complaining as she, Sango, and Miroku rode Kirara.

Sesshomaru was there as well with Rin and Jaken. He and Inuyasha were mated together and Sango and Miroku have been together for the last fourteen years.

They still haven't collected all the shards and even though they had just gotten one, Naraku took Shippo as he left. Inuyasha didn't like the look Naraku had been giving Shippo so you could say he wasn't feeling very effervescent today.

"Who cares about the brat? We can find him later!"

"We should be finding the rest of the shards!"


Silence came as his response. Kagome was shocked and angered that Inuyasha had actually yelled at her. Jaken hushed himself out of fear and because of Sesshomaru's ice glare directed toward him. Sesshomaru felt infuriated and annoyed by the situation going on but didn't want to show it as usual.

He didn't want to admit that he did feel worried for the young fox demon. He had grown to feel attracted to him like he is to his little brother and Rin. Sesshomaru felt like he should be there for the young demon and knew when they found Naraku and Shippo, that he and Inuyasha would shred his body until it turned into nothing but waste that looks like bloody sand.

Naraku chuckled evilly, sensing Inuyasha and his friends coming. So they finally come.

"Looks like your little friends are here to walk into their own deaths, just like you will be soon."

Shippo whimpered in response.

"Oh, don't worry little fox, I'll make sure to reward you when I come back."

Naraku then left.

Once Shippo was sure Naraku was gone, he started crying softly. He was chained to a bed, nude and bloody in a dark cabin Naraku hid them in. The whole time he had been there, Naraku was raping him, making him think his friends would never come because they thought he was a nuisance and that he was weak, which he started to belive after a certain time. Whenever Naraku could bring him down, he would always take advantage of that moment.

Shippo felt pain throb through him as he gained back the feeling of his lower body. Seeing all the claw marks and bruises, especially near his nether regions, and with his long fox tail and hair drenched in blood, he felt himself quaking lightly as he was crying. He felt like he could have done something to stop this endless pain but knew he couldn't do anything.

"Please.. Inuyasha.. Sesshomaru... Come help me soon..."

He was surprised with how much he has grown to feel like Sesshomaru, Rin, and sometimes Jaken were companions. How he wished to see Rin laughing about something or aleast hear Jaken make some kind of insult. He already knew his feelings for Sesshomaru and Inuyasha went pass friends. Though when the dog demons mated, he knew he didn't have a chance with either of them and loathed the fact that Naraku had ended up being his first.

Shippo started to look around the room, hoping to see something that could help him. He could see a katana placed far above a shelf next to him like a decoration. How's he going to reach it? His legs were still chained down so he couldn't get up and grab it...Maybe if he started shaking around on the bed, it would start shaking the walls and make the sheathed katana fall. His hands were hanging on the corner of the shelf, since hands were tied together with thick rope instead of chained like his legs, he found it easy to release himself for now.

He started shaking the bed around, hoping he wouldn't be using the last of his energy in vain. The bed was rocking into the wall, almost shaking the whole room. Suddenly, the katana fell onto the shelf. Shippo stretched his arm as much as he could. After several minutes, he had reached it. He started to lift the sword off the shelf. Now holding it across his chest, he sat up and unsheathed the sword. Shippo started pick at the steel lock that was sitting in between his feet, on his legs.

After what felt almost like hours, he started to doubt his idea but then he heard a click sound and felt the rusted chains on his legs slacken enough for him to slip his legs out. He sheathed to katana and placed it on the bed, making note to take it with him, then started looking for his clothes. He first found his navy blue pants and slipped them on. He found his white and green leaf designed kimono and dark beige fur vest after awhile. He was looking for his ribbon since his wild bright red hair was all the way down his back but gave up, took the katana, and left the cabin.

He had to help his friends somehowly after hearing that they were going to see Naraku, and maybe save him too. But he knew not to hope for the best if they found out about what Naraku did to him while he was there.

"Hello Inuyasha and what brings you here?" Naraku asked sarcastically.

"You should know bastard, you took Shippo!" Inuyasha growled loudly.

"Why, I wouldn't dream of taking one of your... vermin friends. You must have mistaken me for another." Naraku taunted smugly.

Inuyasha growled even more and was going to attack but then Sesshomaru grabbed his arm and stepped up.

"You all leave to find Shippo, I will keep Naraku company."

Everyone looked to Sesshomaru, whose face remained expressionless, but body radiated anger. Everyone left, Inuyasha reluctantly, to find Shippo. They knew Sesshomaru could handle fighting Naraku. They were more worried about Shippo and what they would find of him. They knew he couldn't be dead. He was too strong willed to let someone break him down.

Inuyasha felt like if they don't find Shippo soon, he was going to explode. He knew of Shippo's feelings for him and Sesshomaru and didn't mind. He felt the same for the two.

"Can't we just give up already?"

Inuyasha's ears perked up to Kagome's voice and made tight fists while he gritted his teeth.

"It's not like he's useful anyway so why are we wasting our time looking for him?"

"Would you stay quiet already damnit? I heard something, and besides you're not so great yourself wench."

Inuyasha could hear Sango and Miroku trying to stifle their laughter from his response. He really didn't want to deal with Kagome's constant whining today.

"There was a cabin down here but no one's in there!" Sango said as she had ridden on Kirara while Inuyasha and Kagome were bickering.

"Inuyasha! There's someone back near Sesshomaru and Naraku! We should go back to help."

Inuyasha sighed heavily. Could things get any better?


Sesshomaru had been hit by one of Naraku's attacks and was slammed into a tree by it. When Naraku fired another attack though, someone else had took the hit and was now standing in front of Sesshomaru.


Shippo turned his head slightly to him and made a small smile. It is him! 'Where did he get the sword though?' Sesshomaru thought curiously. Shippo got into a fighting stance with the heavy katana out. Sesshomaru pushed aside his thoughts and started trying to get up, not intending to let Shippo to fight alone.

"You little rodent of a demon! How did you escape?"

Shippo's smile didn't falter. Suddenly, when Naraku blinked, the fox demon wasn't in front of him. A flash of red the shine of steel startled him and caught his eyes. Naraku narrowly dodged Shippo's punch but missed seeing the katana strike deep into his side. Naraku growled with agony and tried to hit Shippo but missed as the fox demon pulled the sword roughly out and jumped a safe distance away from him.

Sesshomaru was blown away with shock. Shippo had never been able to do something like this before.

Shippo was now breathing heavily as he felt himself tiring. His legs, the katana, and his arms now shaking as he was struggling to hold his and it's weight. Sesshomaru could see blood running down Shippo's hand and inside he felt concern. Why was he bleeding? He didn't get hurt...right?

"Sesshomaru, are you hurt?"

Sesshomaru snapped out of his thoughts to see Naraku gone and Shippo sitting in front of him. Now that Sesshomaru could see his face, he felt livid. He could see the scars, cuts, and bruises formed on Shippo's face and wrists. Who knew how damaged the rest of his body was.

"No, I'm alright."Sesshomaru said as he stood up.

Shippo smiled and attempted to stand but pain shot through his legs and he cried out. Sesshomaru's eyes widened and he kneeled down next to him.

"Shippo!" Sesshomaru turned to see Inuyasha, Rin, Jaken, the wench (Kagome), and the others running toward them. Inuyasha saw the pained expression on Shippo's face and immediately came to his side.

"Shippo, are you alright?"

Inuyasha's hand reached out to turn Shippo around, but he could see Shippo tense up and suddenly, he ended up petting his fluffy tail. Why was Shippo acting like this? He didn't think that he was going to hurt him right?

"I'm..*pant*.. alright *pant*"

"Here, how about you ride on Kirara, you look like you need a rest." Miroku suggested.

"No, it's alrig-"

"Shippo, please just take a rest, you look like hell," Sango said.

Shippo sighed and nodded. He got up by leaning against the tree. He walked slowly over to where Kirara was sitting. Once Kirara saw him, she started licking him, happy to see him again. Once Shippo was on her back, he fell asleep. The shy had darkened to night and the others were now circled around a fire they made while Sango went to get food. Inuyasha had taken the katana Shippo found and brought it over next to Sesshomaru.

"Sesshomaru, do you know where Shippo got this sword?"

The katana's sheath and handle were really bright sea green, decorated with white leafs. The blade was dark and extremely sharp. It looked like the katana was made for Shippo.

"No, I saw him with it when he came to help me. I thought you gave it to him when you saved him"

"What are you talking about? We never saved him. Sango said that there was a small cabin that might have been used by Naraku but no one was there."

"Why does it matter where he got the stupid thing?"The brother's conversation was rudely interrupted by Kagome.

"He did something right for once, so what?"

"No one wants your opinion so shut it, wench."

"You shut it, I don't see why you guys care so much for him anyway! He can barely even fight! He's weak!"

"Guys turn around!" Miroku said.

Shippo woke up earlier, hearing voices. He heard the things Kagome said nad could feel his heart break. She was like a sister to him and yet she saids that about him.


"I'm fine."

Shippo walked over to the group but sat a far distance from Kagome. While Sango, Miroku, Sesshomaru, and Rin were glowering at Kagome, Inuyasha were trying to talk to Shippo. Inuyasha scooted closer to Shippo. He looked to Shippo, expecting to find tears but instead found what he would expect from Sesshomaru. An almost completely expressionless face but with sadness slipping through with one tear.

"Shippo" Inuyasha said as he reached to wipe away his tear but Shippo turned his head away and stayed silent. The rest of the night was silent.