Author's note: All character's belong to Stephenie Meyers. Please review, This is my first fanfic I hope you like it.

Chapter 1 - Falling

I snapped awake with a gasp. Was that a wolf howl?

"Mason!" I whisper into the darkness.

I hear it again, it's coming from the woods. I quickly jump out of bed and throw on a pair of shoes before sneaking out of my house and into the woods to find him. The wolf cries out again and I follow it.

"Mason! ... Mason!"

The wolf cries again and I can tell I'm getting close. I break into a run, pushing branches out of my way and jumping over fallen logs as I go. Finally I break through the edge of the woods into a small field of flowers and immediately I gasp at what stands before me. A few feet in front of me is an impossibly large wolf. This is definitely not Mason.

The wolf freezes and looks back at me surprised and caught off guard. In shock, I get lost in some sort of trance. As we stare at each other my head starts feeling fuzzy. I give it a good shake and blink a few times to make sure I not imagining things… I'm not.

Now I'm panicking. I stumble backwards in fear. I struggle to grab my wand out of my boot, but realize I left my wand at home.

* Jacob *


How did I not hear her coming? We stare at each other for a moment, frozen in shock and fear. But as I look at her an odd feeling of warmth washes over my whole body and a tingle starts in the pit of my stomach then spreads like wild fire up into my chest. I cock my wolf head in confusion. She snaps out of our momentary trance and starts retreating in fear. I don't know what to do. If she leaves she'll surly tell the police and they'll come looking for me. I can't phase back in front of her that would be even weirder, and as if my giant wolf form isn't enough I'd be naked.

She turns quickly to make a run for it but manages to get her foot caught up in a vine and crashes to the forest floor knocking her head on a tree branch on the way down. She isn't moving. Quickly I phase back and race to her side. Kneeling over her I see her eyes fluttering closed. Without thinking I brush her hair gently from her face.

"Stay with me. Stay awake, don't go to sleep"

"Y-your beautiful"

She says before she closes her eyes.

"Hey, no, no… stay awake."

I try to gently shake her awake but she wont wake up.


I say aloud. Now what do I do. Quickly I throw on a pair of jeans and try once more to wake her. She looks like she's about my age. What is she doing in the woods in the middle of the night? I look her over, she's wearing pajamas, and her soft wavy black hair is a mess. I sigh audibly and decided to take her to my hotel until she wakes up. I have to make sure she doesn't remember anything that will endanger me. I have no idea what I'll do if she remembers everything but I can't leave her here.

Carefully I pick her up. Her head rests in the crook of my neck and her hand on my chest. The walk back to the hotel isn't far and she's light in my arms.

Once I got her to my room I carefully place her on my bed. I look at her and see her shivering slightly. I carefully pull off her boots and pull the blankets over her to keep her warm. What I really want to do is lie next to her and hold her close. The room is chilly and I know I can keep her warm but I also know she would freak out even more than she already will if she woke up and I was holding her. So I resist the urge to get in bed with her.

She didn't end up being out that long. I spent most of the time just watching her breathe. I was worried about her, wondering how long she would be out, and what I would say when she woke up. I was pacing the room and thinking when I heard her stirring.