Fish Tale

Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst
Are you gonna drop the bomb or not
Let us die young or let us live forever
We don't have the power, but we never say never
Sitting in a sand-pit, life is a short trip
Music's for the sad men.

(Forever Young)

Chapter 30


Six Months Later

"Cammie," Grant called from where he was. "She won't stop crying."

Cammie rolled her eyes and took the infant from her brother. She cradled the little girl in her arms, rocking her until her crying ceased and she looked up at Cammie with curious eyes, the same eyes of Cammie herself.

"Darcy," Cammie cooed to her little sister. "You're so pretty."

The baby smiled, reaching up and grabbing some of Cammie's locks. "She likes me better," she whispered to Grant.

He just huffed and sat down on the rocking chair in the nursery. "Of course she does."

Cammie rolled her eyes and looked back down at Darcy, whose eyes had fluttered closed. She laid her down in the crib.

"You could have left," she said, tucking a blanket around the three month old baby. "I would have taken care of her."

Grant shrugged. "I have to go off to college soon," he said. "I wanted to spend as much time as I could with her. Even if she doesn't like me."

"She loves you Grant," Cammie said, mildly amused her brother was upset about not having the attention of his smallest sister. "But she's a baby."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means when mom and dad aren't home I'm the one that feeds her and changes her, she feels more comfortable."

"I'm not changing diapers."

"That's why she likes me better."

Grant scoffed and left the room. On his way he caught shoulders with Zach who'd, apparently, just walked into the house by himself.

"Hey," he said to Cammie, walking up behind her and looking back at the door Grant just walked through. "What's up with him?"

Cammie glanced back at the sleeping girl.

"He's mad cause Darcy likes me better."

Zach laughed. "Of course he is. Are you ready to go?"

She glanced down at her shirt, which had baby spit up on it, and frowned. "I forgot."

He looked disappointed but said, "I guess I can wait."

She nodded and hurried out of the room, Zach stumbling to keep up with her. "Five minutes," she said. She ran into her room, slamming the door, right in his face.

He sighed. He was used to her being late, it was a habit. But he thought, tonight, of all things, she would remember. Leave it to Cammie to forget. This night was important to both of them. It was their night of leaving high school behind, college bound. A senior's last blast, should they call it, at the end of summer right before the New School Year.

"Cammie!" Zach called, ten minutes later.

"Almost ready!" Her muffled reply came.

He fought the urge to roll his eyes and looked down at his watch. But then the door opened and she was standing there, in a pretty sundress with her hair in waves around her shoulders. Her blues eyes popping with eye makeup.

"You look beautiful," he said to her, before she could ask if it made her look fat.


"I think you're forgetting something?" he said.

She looked down at herself, "underwear?"

He laughed at her, "Want me to check?"

She shrugged. "I can live without it anyways."

That thought made him a little hot and bothered. "I was actually thinking you haven't kissed me since I got here." He leaned over and kissed her gently.

She smiled, and then her face lit up. "Lip-gloss!"

She dashed back into her room and return with a little lip gloss wand in her hand. "Macey would have killed me."

He laughed and grabbed her hand, taking her with him as he walked, trying to hurry her up.

"Are my parent's back?" she asked her tone suddenly frantic. "I can't leave Darcy. You know—"

"They're back," he reassured. "They were pulling up when I came up."

She breathed a sigh of relief and then glanced at her watch.

"Oh my god!" she said. "We're late!"

Zach rolled his eyes. "You don't say."

She smacked him. "I'm a girl— it takes a little time to get ready."

"A little?"

She ignored that. "Whatever," now she was dragging him through the long hallways of her house. "We need to hurry."

He didn't say anything, keeping his sarcastic remarks to himself.

"Did Grant leave?" She asked as they walked to the driveway.

Zach shrugged. "He must have. Probably because you hurt his feelings."

"Or because he hates being in the car with the two of us," she said, squeezing his hand.

He wrapped an arm around her for the rest of the short walk to his car.


By the time Cammie and Zach arrived at the party it was in full swing, the whole ex-senior class drinking and enjoying themselves. Tonight, all of them were friends, and all of them were kissing goodbye to High School.

Cammie spotted a bright red mane of curly first—Cassie.

The red head waved over her and Zach. Cammie gave her a quick hug. "Hey!" she said over the loud bustling music.

Cassie grinned and took a sip of her drink. After the past few weeks Cammie and Cassie had become good friends, mostly because Jace insisted. But Cammie genuinely liked the other girl: they clicked perfectly. And although Cassie was a year younger, not a senior, she'd come to the party, to support Jace more than anything.

"Where's sunshine boy?" Zach asked, trailing a bit behind his girlfriend.

Cassie laughed, Zach had taken to calling him that after he'd been to undeniably happy with Cassie. And of course he had to give everyone a nickname.

"He went to get some more drinks," Cassie replied, looking over their shoulder and pointing. And there was Jace, standing next to Nick at the drinks table.

"Have you seen Will and Viney?" Cammie wondered. That couple had been keeping to themselves recently, Winey was coming awfully close to her due date and Will couldn't wait for his baby son to come. Cammie couldn't help but think he was an entirely different person, so considerate towards Viney, it shocked her, but she was pleased none the less.

Cassie shook her head. "Nope."

Cammie shrugged, not think much of it. And then the music changed and Cammie's face lit up.

"I love this song!"

Zach laughed. "Do you want to dance?"

She nodded eagerly, gripping his hand. He kissed her quickly before pulling her out into the throng of dancing bodies. Both of them happy to joy in with fun.


"That isn't funny Will," Viney snapped, her hormones making her extremely annoyed. Will tried to stop laughing. He knew if he didn't his wife would get even more aggravated at him.

"You look beautiful."

"I look like a gorilla!"

"You're pregnant."

"I'm fat."

He rolled his eyes. "You're—"He was cut off by her face going wide and she suddenly started to scream. "Viney what the hell?"

He darted to her side. "What's happening is it—?"

"Yes!" She screamed. "It's the baby!"

"What's happening?" He asked frantically.

He then noticed the pool of water dripping down from her legs. "Did you're water just break?" he asked, his voice so low he wasn't sure if he'd said something out loud.

Her eyes were brimming with tears, completely excited but absolutely terrified.


"Oh fuck."


Cammie was grinning as she kissed Zach. They were at the edge of the unspecified dance floor. The whole thing was outside and right now he had her pressed up against a tree. He'd lifted her off the ground and she had wrapped her legs around his torso. They'd been dancing until it got a little too hot and heavy and people started telling them to get a room. But since they were outside they'd settled for a tree in the shadows.

"I love you," he whispered to her, kissing her collar bone and neck. She ran her fingers through his hair when suddenly she felt a raindrop kiss the skin of her arm. "It's about to rain," she murmured, not stopping him from continuing to kiss her.

He seemed to nod but didn't stop, ignoring it as more raindrops fell.

"It wasn't supposed to rain tonight," she said, her voice thoughtful.

He shrugged, and landed his lips back on hers. She smiled into him, loving the feeling of him pressed completely against her. One hand ran up the side of her leg, dipping underneath the edge of her dress. She moaned, loving the things he could do to her. "I couldn't live without you," he said, his voice muffled in her chest. She nodded, encouraging him to go on. They were both now soaked, the rain only getting heavier. Near them, the party didn't stop, and people were —screaming at the tops of their lungs— rain wasn't going to stop the seniors from having fun.

He pulled away from kissing her and Cammie's heart almost stopped when she looked at him. His hair was dripping wet, his green eyes shining bright. He'd never looked better. And the way he was looking at her— like there was nothing in the world that could ever keep them apart, it made her melt.

"I love you," she found herself saying. She knew he knew it but she felt she needed to say it often, if only to reassure him. With every day she loved him more and more.

There was nothing she'd ever felt as strongly as she'd felt for this boy. He nodded and kissed her.

"I mean it."

"I know." His voice was thick with unexpected tenderness. "I know you mean it."

"I can't think about loving anyone but you," she said breathily, realizing how hard her heart was hammering. It excited her to know that his was beating just as fast as hers.

He stared at her, his green eyes glowing at he looked in her blue ones. He loved her eyes. They were so big and innocent, and every time he looked in them he felt like it made him a better person. But after she'd said her words his mouth lifted into a smirk. "I would hope so."

She laughed and it sounded musical. She lifted her head towards the sky and let raindrops fall onto her face and into her mouth.

"You're beautiful," he said then, not even realizing he was saying it. "Absolutely the most beautiful girl on the planet.

She blushed. He kissed her cheek and loosened the desperate grip he had on her legs. He wrapped his arms under her bum and lifted her away from the tree before tossing her over his shoulder. She shrieked. "What are you doing?" He laughed as he ran with her through the rain. He didn't know where he was going but both of them were grinning and laughing; up until Zach tripped unto a puddle, splashing in it with Cammie on top of him. She was laughing hysterically and he couldn't tell if she was crying or if it was just the rain. She rolled off of him, into the mud, and didn't stop laughing.

The rain was warm and he stopped laughing before she did, only too happy to watch as he eyes scrunched together and grip at her stomach as she tried to stop.

Once she did she opened her eyes and found him staring at her.

"You ruined my dress," she said jokingly, looking up at hi with her big bambi eyes. She sat up and Zach saw her whole backside was brown with mud.

What happened next he didn't expect, she hand a handful of mud and was rubbing it all over his nice collared shirt.

"Are you serious?"

She giggled and nodded, and stood up, obviously planning on running away, but he grabbed her ankle and she fell back on top of him.

He huffed as she made impact with his chest. "Damn you're heavy."

She slapped him playfully. "You don't say that to your girlfriend."

He shrugged, his whole face mischievous.

He was about to reply when they heard Bex's voice calling her name. "Cammie!"

Cammie turned seeing two of her best friends standing a little ways away, staring at them in disbelief. Liz was laughing while Bex was just shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"I don't even want to know," she said.

Cammie smiled and got of Zach, and pulled him to his feet, patting down his dirty crumpled shirt with muddy hands. She slipped off her heals, which were caked in wet mud.

"Sorry," she said to Bex as they walked over. "We got carried away."

Zach rubbed some extra mud he had on his hands over her cheek. She rolled her eyes as he bent to kiss her. She pushed his face away, making a handprint of mud on his face, "you called me fat," she said, but he knew she was joking.

"You guys are so cute," Liz observed, and Zach grinned impishly and wrapped his arm around Cammie and kissed her cheek, taking care to avoid the cheek with the mud he just spread on it.

"What's up?" she said to Bex and Liz.

"Oh yeah," Bex said, as if just remembering news. "Viney just went into labor."

Cammie's mouth dropped open and Zach look absolutely more than surprised.

"Are you kidding?"

"Um no?"

"Well, should we go to the hospital?" Zach asked, his voice dumbstruck.

Cammie nodded and then squealed, "oh my god! She's having a baby!"


The first person Cammie recognized as she walked into the hospital was Will's dad, sitting in one of the waiting room chairs reading a magazine. She then saw Will's mother, Melissa, sitting beside him, anxiously tapping her fingers on her knee.

"Mrs. Nathanson?" she asked, coming towards her. "What's going on?"

"Viney went into labor."

"Where's Will?"

"He said he wanted to help deliver the baby." This struck Cammie as odd, that didn't seem like the thing Will would want to do. "I think he wants to support her as much as he can," Melissa added, seeing Cammie's expression.

Cammie nodded. "I guess that makes sense."

"I'm glad you all are here," she said to Cammie, as well as Zach and Bex. Liz, Jace, Cassie, Nick, Grant, and Macey had stayed back at the party. It wasn't necessary for all of them to come.

Cammie squeezed Zach's hand. "Not a problem."

The three teenagers took open seat nest to Will's parents. "Is Viney's sister coming?"

Melissa shrugged. "I don't know if she knows. I don't know what the relationship between Viney and her sister is like."

Cammie felt herself shrugging.

"So," Zach said, leaning over Cammie to speak with Melissa. "How long do we think this is going to be?"

"It depends on how fast my grandson wants to come out."

The thought was a little disturbing to Zach. He thought about how Will must feeling. He must be freaking out.

"Wait," Melissa said. "Why are both of you covered in mud?"


Viney's screams were sending chills to his bones. She sounded so terrified, so in pain. He clutched her hand, allowing her to practically crush them.

"It's going to be okay," he said, trying sooth her, as well as himself.

She glared at him and the doctor ordered her to keep pushing. "You're doing great baby."

"Shut up!"

He was quiet then, his heartbeat easily being the loudest thing in the room, next to Viney's screaming of couse. And then suddenly Viney's hand went slack and he heard another wailing.

The doctor handed something to the nurse and took a while for Will to understand that it was the baby. His baby. His son.

He looked back down at Viney who'd decided that it was the appropriate time to take a nap. She must have been exhausted; still, he thought she might stay awake just to see him once.

Then the nurse was handing him the boy, the baby with a tiny nose and lips, his eyes closed but his mouth open and screeching.

Will hurriedly tried to stop the wailing, hushing the little boy and jostling him in his arms. And then, as if the baby knew Will was his father, he stopped crying, and his mouth closed. Will didn't realize he was grinning until the nurse said, "best feeling you've ever had?"

Will could only nod, not taking his eyes off his beautiful son.

He looked at his sleeping wife and then back to his boy, knowing that now that he had this life he'd never want to give it up.

He wanted to show his parents his new baby; he wanted to show his friends. So he walked out of the private room, navigating his way until he found the waiting room.

He saw his parents, as well as Cammie, Zach, and Bex.

Cammie saw him first, jumping up and racing to meet him. She fawned over the little boy. "Will," she breathed. "He's gorgeous."

Will grinned and said. "I made that gorgeousness."

She would have smacked him if hadn't been something only he would say. So instead she smiled, running her fingers over the baby's cheeks.

Then his mom was there, "Will he's precious."

Will nodded and handing his son to his mother, delighted by the smile that lit up her face. His father stood behind her, a real smile Will thought he'd never seen before.

It sent a sliver of pride through him, because he'd made his father proud— something he'd been trying to do his whole life.

"How's Viney?" The question came from Bex, the only one who wasn't awing over the baby. Even Zach couldn't take his eyes off the little baby.

Will smiled. "Great, but she's asleep. I guess the whole thing took it out of her," he said.

Melissa rolled her eyes. "You don't say."

"I'm proud of you," Will's dad's voice said. "You've come along way."

The words made Will happier then anyone in the room would have thought. His father's acceptance gleamed in his eyes.

"Thanks dad."

The man smiled and didn't say anything, just looking at his son who had grown up right under his nose.


"He was so cute," Cammie was saying to Zach just after they'd dropped Bex off at her house.

Zach rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. "Babe, you've said that at least a thousand times."

"Someone's jealous!"

He shook his head. "Of a new born baby? I don't think so."

She smiled freely and reached over to take his hand.

"I love you more," she promised, her voice teasing even though she was telling the truth.

"Am I taking you home?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Let's go back to the party."

"You sure? I'm still damp."

"Scared of the rain?"

"You have teased me way too much tonight."

She shrugged. "Tonight's only the payback of months of relentless teasing."

He shook his head and took a right turn, heading back towards the street where the party was.

"I never tease you."

She just laughed. "Ok."

He shrugged and didn't say anything back.

"You know," Cammie started. "Most people say boys tease girls when they like them."

"Well I like you, but I don't tease you."


"You're right," he said. "I don't really like you."

"See!" she said. "That's teasing."

"Nope, just being honest," he said with his grin that Cammie thought should be illegal. One of those grins and she couldn't remember her train of thought.

She leaned over, and pressed her lips against his, barely brushing. Then she pulled back.

"Tease," he muttered and she laughed again.

"I know you are but what am I?"

"Really Legs? Really? Are you five?"

"No," She answered, "Five and a half, actually."


When they re-arrived Cammie could tell something was wrong. Macey had a worried look on her face, and Nick look strangely angry.

"What's wrong?" Zach asked, obviously seeing the same thing Cammie did. Macey grabbed Cammie's hand and dragged her to her side and pointed. Cammie squinted her eyes and in the now drizzling rain she saw Liz's small form and Jonas. They were far away but telling from Liz's body position she was yelling.

"What's going on?" Cammie asked quietly, listening to her friends echoed yelling.

"I don't really know," Macey admitted. I saw Liz heading off with him and I wanted to make sure she was okay and then that happened."

"Is she yelling?" Zach wondered.

Cammie nodded. "Should we do something?"

"I think she needs to get it out," Macey said. And then some of the muffled shouting form into words.


And then went back into something Cammie couldn't hear properly.

"Wait didn't he—?" Nick started.

"He cheated on her," Cammie finished.

"What?" Zach asked, dumbstruck.

"It was a long time ago, back in February. And after he apologized she forgave him but. . ." Macey strained to hear more. ". . . I guess he did something else."

"Should we—?" Cammie motioned with her hand towards the couple. "—Do something?"

"I can go beat his ass," Nick volunteered.

Cammie huffed. "Tonight was supposed to be the best night of our lives," she sighed.

Macey suddenly looked at Cammie with wide eyes. "Is Viney ok?"

"What?" She glanced around, realizing what she'd implied. "Yeah—of course. I'm just being nostalgic."

Cammie turned her head to see Liz stomping back towards them, her expression complete annoyance.

"I hate that ass," she snapped as they came into hearing range. None of them had ever heard Liz use such words.

"Liz, what happened?"

Liz huffed. "I'm not in the mood to talk about it." Her eyes were angry and not upset, so neither Cammie nor Macey were too worried. An angry Liz was better than a sad one. She had some sense of reality when she was mad, so he wouldn't do anything stupid.

Liz gave them a tight smile before saying she was going to get a drink and wondering off.

"Is she okay?" Zach asked dazedly, his tone implying he hadn't any idea of what was going on.

"Yeah," Macey said. "She's fine. I've only seen her that mad when she proved global warming wasn't a myth and no one wanted to help her save the planet."

Nick nodded thoughtfully even though all of them could tell Macey's breath was wasted on him.

"Come on," she said to Nick. "Let's go make sure she's okay."

Nick followed, and Cammie wanted to go to but she found herself caught by Zach's arms.

"What?" she asked, turning around and noticing a strange glint in his eyes.

"I want to show you something," he said. "Come with me?"

"I don't understand. . ."

His grin was just wide and boyish, making her follow behind him without another thought.


Will cradled the baby, supporting his head as he watched the boy sleep. He couldn't take his eyes off of him. It was mesmerizing, and Will had never felt such a fierce protection. He would have stayed like that but he heard a tired, raspy voice from beside him.

"Will," Viney said, making his eyes snapped to hers and he smile so big she thought he might set the world on fire.

"Hey baby," he said, and leaned over, kissing her right on the mouth. She seemed disoriented but her eyes fell on the baby and like Will, she couldn't take her eyes off her son.

Will easily handed him to her, not thinking twice about it.

She shifted into a seating position, and held the baby close.

"He's beautiful," she said and Will only nodded, committing the blissful look on her face to his mind.

"Babe," Will said, and his face looked as though something had just dawned on him. "He doesn't have a name."

"We talked about this."


Viney nodded, pulling down the blue hat on his head.


"Not after Jace, Will. He's not going to be a Jace. He's going to be Jason."

"Jace is going to—"

"Our child is not named after Jace," Viney repeated. "I like the name Jason. You know I want to call him that."

Will nodded. "I know."


"Jason," Will repeated.

"Jason Bryce Nathanson."

Will grinned and nodded. Jason, because they like the name. Well Viney really like the name, and Will thought she could have done worse. And Bryce for an Uncle Viney had growing up that she absolutely adored.

"Jace is never going to let us live this down."

Viney rolled her eyes.

"Neither are Zach or Grant, they're gonna be pissed we didn't name the kid after them."

"You and your friends."

Will shrugged, as if there was nothing he could do to help it.

She smiled. "He's so pretty."

"Our son is not pretty."

"Babe, he's a doll."

"He's a boy."

"Our boy," Viney said.

Will smiled, and kissed her cheek. "Our boy."


Cammie was whining, wanting to know where they were going.

"You're ruining the anticipation," Zach grumbled, clutching her hand as he pulled into the parking lot. "We're here."

"ooh, yay!"

Zach rolled his eyes, and went around to her door, opening it and helping her out. She had a blindfold on. He didn't expected her to do it on her own.

He pulled her along as he walked into the small alley, using a spare key to open the door.

"Zach," she hissed as she heard the door slam between her. "Are you going to rape me?"

"Are you for real?"

She laughed. "No."

He laughed to. "You're weird."

She squeezed his hand. "Thank babe."

He spun her around, careful so that she wouldn't fall.

When they got the designated destination Zach stood behind her, trying to undo the knot on the back of her head.

But he couldn't seem to get it, so Cammie just pulled it off her eyes.

"Zach," she breathed, looking at the giant tank of fish. The whole space was dark, except for the circle of blue where millions of colorful fish swam. "The aquarium?"

He smiled and nodded, only too happy to look at the elated look on her face.

She grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug. "I love you so much."

"But how?" she wondered, pulling back, gazing at the tank. Zach shrugged, as though it wasn't a big deal. But it was, and she knew he knew it. Her parents hadn't let her near the aquarium since the New year. There'd always been someone or something stopping her from going.

"I may have talked to your parents. Who talked to Aaron."

"They agreed to this?"

Zach smirked. "With some convincing. I think they figured out they can't keep you from something you love for forever."

She smiled, and put her hands on his face, tracing his lips with her fingers.

And then she laughed. "You still have dirt on your face."

Zach grinned, as she swiped it from his chin. "So do you," he said, and wiped her cheek where earlier he'd deliberately streaked mud on.

"I can't believe you did this for me."

"I would do anything for you."

God did he know exactly the right things to say. And the best part was that he meant them.


He smiled as her and kissed her gently.

"You want to go swimming don't you?" he said when she pulled away. Biting her lip, she nodded, her eyes shining like a child's.


"C'mon then."

He pulled her along. Back into the changing room where there were two wet suits laid out. Cammie grinned, and dropped her bag on the ground, rushing over to it.

Zach smiled, before he saw something poking out of her bag. Slowly, he walked over, picking it out.

He stood up, flipping the object over in his hands. "Zach what are you—"

She turned around and her smile fell when her eyes landed on what he was holding. "Zach I didn't—"

It was the letter. The letter Zach's mother had left for him. The one that he'd given her for safekeeping.

"It's okay," he said, and took a seat on the bench. "I gave it to you."

"I haven't read it or anything."

"Why are you carrying it around?"

Cammie shrugged. "I have no idea. I just. . . I don't know. In case you ever decided you wanted to read it. I usually keep it in my bag."

Zach though was kind of weird, but in a way, he knew where she was coming from.


She took a seat next to him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring up unwanted feelings or anything."

He shook his head. "It's fine."

They were quiet for a minute. "Do you want to open it?"

He hesitated but then shook his head. "Not yet. I still. . . I'm just not ready."

She nodded, her face understanding.

"Sure," she said and took it from his limp hands, placing it back in her bag. "You'll be ready someday."

"I know."

"And when that day comes I'll be standing right next to you."

He smiled at her. "I know."

She kissed his cheek.

He breathed out, realizing he'd been holding his breath. "Ready to go swimming?"

That lit up Cammie's face, and it was like all the tension that had come about was gone faster than it had come.

"Hell yes."

The End


AN: So it has finally come to an end. This story has been my baby for the past year and I'm so glad to have completely finished it. I hope you guys enjoyed the ride :) and like the ending? I love all my reviewers because without you: this story would have sucked.

And yes, there is a sequel. THere wasn't going to be, but I was convinced otherwise. Please go check it out if you liked this story.

I love you. And thank you.


BookGurl16: I know, but it is seriously appreciated. And In my books, coolio is a word. One that is often used in my vocabulary.

Lizaluvsdoggies: I don't know :P THANK YOU SO MUCH. You reviewed like half my chapters and that kind of made my day :) And yeah, I like dirty blonde hair. And attractive boys in general. Call me shallow. ;) And AU means alternate universe. So it's not in the same world as the books are, just the same characters.

Peppermintrina: Hope you got more Will in this chappie :)

jess: for the record, they are friends again. They just resolved their issues, even though I didn't explain it at all.

And thanks to everyone. I hope you continue to read my stories.

Peace out.