Written for the live journal prompt: A new crimelord is on the up and rising, behind the cover as a rich owner of (random company of your choice). The Green Hornet obviously finds out, and wants to take him down, but Britt's (not so) genial plan to find enough evidence is to send Kato undercover to a huge, fancy charity party this dude is hosting -as a girl. Britt Reid has obviously been invited to this party, and if he brings some asian eyecandy that slips away -who's going to notice? Much less conspicious than bringing a very male friend, bitchfighting, and a seriously pissed off Kato being dressed up by Lenore to Britt's cheering. Think this outfit or similar: http:/i01..com/photo/v0/342596923/club_waiter_uniform_ZWD_927_ZWD_Now, Kato has to work it and get the evidence needed to sink the bad guy while simultainously avoiding unwanted attention from the men at the party... including the bad boss who's very interested in the pretty asian chick and wants nothing more than to molest her in some dark happens next, well, that is up to you! Kato being traumatized by all the unwanted touching and serious molesting needing Britt to rescue him, or Kato kicking butts in high heels, maybe Britt likes the outfit more than he wants to acknowledge... well, your imagination sets the limit!Err... long prompt is... long? =u=;;


Dear Mr. Reid,You are cordially invited to attend the charity event of the season, presented by none other than Mr. Robert Edward Dallas. It will be on the evening of September 26th. Formal attire is required for you as well as a companion you wish to bring. Due to seating, we wish to ask that you only bring one guest. Below is the number to R.S.V.P, we also ask that all R.S.V.P's be submitted by no later than the 18th. It is asked that you call between the hours of 11 A.M. and 6 P.M.

Britt Reid tossed the letter on his desk with a snort, not bothering to read the rest of the babble that was on the neat, crisp paper. He hated being invited to these things, they were boring and stuffy and every thing he hated being. There was a reason he had to go to this one, even though he would rather be shot in the shoulder . Robert Edward Dallas, owned and ran R.E.D clothing and accessories. It was the hot and hip new line of stores that were "all the rage". He seemed to pop up almost over night and everyone loved his clothes and things. Like always though, things were not what they seemed on the out the time that R.E.D popped up, a new crime lord wannabe also showed up. Every time him and Kato encountered him, the man was dressed from head to toes in dark crimson, including his mask, like the late "Bloodnofsky". Some how every time he also disappeared before they could get anywhere near him. Britt sighed again, then got an idea.

What if while at the party, that was at Mr. Dallas's house, he did some snooping. They could get the evidence they needed to prove that it was in fact him that was the new crime boss. Even though him and Kato were not above killing those who deserved it, a thought that some times kept Britt up at night, they would NOT kill or even touch someone that they couldn't prove did plan was perfect, but it had a flaw and Britt knew it. Everyone at the party would know him, would notice if he went missing for as long as it took to find evidence. Lenore could come with him and do the snooping, no one would notice if his companion was gone. Britt shook his head at the thought though. What would happen if someone caught her, he would never forgive himself if something happen to her that was his fault.A thoughtful, yet scary smile crossed his face. With Lenore's help and the right dress and make up, it could work. It WOULD work. Now all he needed to do was find the dress and then get the perfect person into it.

After tons of looking online, Britt found the perfect dress. It was a cute little black and red number, that came down about half thigh. The black was formfitting and had ties at the bottom of it on each side and the sleeves were elbow length and ties there to. The red sat on the shoulders with two lines of buttons of the front. A belt and small purse finished going to the store and getting it, he called Lenore and Kato and told them to meet at his was sitting in his desk chair waiting for the two to show up. Lenore came in first, with a questioning look that Britt refused to answer until the other member of the trio showed up. When he did they both sat down, ready to hear why Britt called them there."Ok, as you may or may not know, Robert Dallas from R.E.D clothing and accessories is having a charity event,""The guy that may or may not be the criminal you two are after?" Lenore asked, with a raised eyebrow."The very same, now I acquired an invite, simply being who I am.""Does this have a point?" She asked, getting impatient with his long way around what he was getting to."Yes, you see, the event is going to be held at his huge house,"

"And your thinking that while your there, sneak away and find out who he really is?" Kato finished."Yes but there is a problem with that, you see I just can't disappear for an extended amount of time, it would cause to many questions,""So your companion does," Lenore said. "That would be no problem for Kato""Wouldn't it seem a little odd, for me to show up with a male companion, instead of a piece of eye candy in a short skirt?""Well then I could,""And what if some one catches you? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you were hurt doing something I asked you too,""Well if you can't take Kato or me, then who?""I never said I couldn't take Kato with me," Britt both looked confused for a moment.

At the same time that Lenore started to ask, "What are you talking about?" Kato got a look of understanding horror."Hell no, NO. NO, NO," Kato said shaking his head hard."it's a brilliant idea and you know it,""Your nuts, that would never work,""Would one of you mind letting me in on the secret?" Lenore said, a little taken back at Kato's out let out the explanation in a burst of angry Chinese, then let out something that was unmistakenly a curse."He wants to dress me up as a girl to go with him,""That's actually a really good idea," She nodded, looking a little in awe at Britt. Britt tried not to look to hurt about that."WHAT?"

It took about three hours for the two of them to convince Kato it was a good idea. He wasn't happy about it, but they finally got him. When he saw the dress however it was another 2 hours to get him to agree time until the party passed much to quickly for Kato's liking and before he knew it, it was time for Lenore to do his make up and hair and to get into the dress and the heels that went with it. The heels didn't scare him much any more, thanks to Lenore helping him learn to walk in was dressed and waiting in the lobby of his house, as he waited for Kato. He was originally in the room with them but after a stupid comment and a lamp thrown at his head, he decided it was best to wait far away from the irate Chinese foot steps he turned, only to have his eyes nearly pop out of his head. Kato was in the dress and heels, with some sheer stockings. Lenore had put smoky looking make up of his eyes alone with winged out eyeliner. Not that Britt knew any of the real terms for the make up, it was just what it looked like. His hair had a deep part it in and what he guessed was clip in hair pieces, but if he didn't know, they would look real. The extra hair was put up with what looked like decorative hair pins. There were four all together, two had stars and the others were a sun and a crescent moon. There were a few nice rings on Kato's fingers, that the nails were done in a deep red. Looking down, he saw that his toes were the same color.

The murderous look in Kato's eyes was what stopped Britt from letting out a wolf whistle."I hate you, you know that right?" Kato said, in a soft kind of whispery voice, that he had been practicing all week, to sound more like a girl."I know," He said, but couldn't help but smile."I'm going to kill you,""Can it wait until the party's over and we've stopped the guy?"All he got was a glare in return."Come on, Mei"All he got was a glare and Kato stomped out the door. Britt followed with a smile, this was going to be an interesting night, with many people sent to the hospital or morgue. With a grimace at that, he sure hoped he wasn't one of them.