I do not own Dragon Ball Z nor any of the characters. That goes for this entire crazy messed up thing. I welcome any and all reviews.

Thank you. Now, I hope you enjoy reading what my tiny brain decided to create.

P.S. Do remember that this story contains Yaoi, so if you don't enjoy reading the stuff just close this window.


Vegeta finally thought he had the luxury of sleeping in for once, since Bulma was away on a girls only getaway. She and Chi-Chi and 18 had gone off to one of those natural open air spa things and the children had been left at Capsule with him; of course Piccolo had volunteered to come and help out. Piccolo knew this many kids in his house for a week would probably drive Vegeta crazy. He was looking after Trunks, Goten, Marin (for two nights anyway), and Gohan and Mirai said they would come and help look after the younger boys as well. Vegeta had his hands full.

At the crack of dawn young Trunks and Goten were woken from sleep by the first rays of the morning sun. Goten's stomach let out a loud growl.

"I'm hungry Trunks. Do you think we could find something to eat in the kitchen?" The little boy asked.

"Well, sure. I'm hungry too" He peeked out his bedroom door. No one else was awake yet. "Looks like we're the only ones up. We'll have to be quiet".

The boys tip toed past the bedroom where Vegeta was quietly dozing enjoying the silence of the house for a change. When they reached the stairs they climbed onto the rail and slid all the way down. Trunks got to the bottom first, but before he could climb down from the rail Goten slammed into him sending both boys to the floor with a loud thud.

Trunks whispered, "You big dummy. You're gonna wake everyone up" he looked at Goten with slight irritation.

Goten whispered back, "Aw… I'm sorry. I'm just so hungry Trunks. Mom usually has breakfast by now".

Both boys heard Piccolo stir from where he was lying on the sofa, but he didn't quit wake from his sleep. Trunks laid a finger on his lips telling Goten to be quiet; but before they could move a tiny hand grabbed Goten's arm. He jumped but Trunks put his hand over his mouth before he could yell.

"What are you guys doing?" Marin asked in a barely audible tone.

"We're going to look for some food in the kitchen. None of the adults are awake yet. You wanna get some food with us?" Trunks asked the little girl. He blushed a little; he had a puppy love crush on her.

"You guys are always hungry. I don't want anything to eat yet, but I'll come with you" She said smiling at the two boys.

The trio snuck past the entrance to the family room as if they were walking on egg shells. They saw Piccolo asleep on the sofa. He looked funny without his turban and cloak on. Marin snickered, "He looks funny bald with no hat on".

"shhh… Piccolo sleeps light, you might wake him up" Goten whispered with wide eyes.

The other two nodded in agreement and slipped past disappearing through the door into the kitchen. Goten and Trunks looked at Marin.

"Do you know how to cook yet?" Goten asked her.

Trunks shoved his shoulder. "You dummy, only grownups can cook."

Marin snickered watching the two young boys. She thought they looked a lot like their dads.

"I bet I can cook." Goten boasted.

"Nu-uh, no you can't," Trunks said with his fists on his hips, looking much like a young Vegeta.

"I can so!" Goten said looking a bit offended.

"Prove it!" Trunks pointed a finger at him.

Goten raised his chin in the air and walked to the fridge and opened the door. "Let's see, mom always uses eggs" he took a carton of eggs from a shelf and turned around. Because he was holding only one end the carton tipped out of his hands and fell on the floor with a loud splatter.

"Now look what you did!" Trunks looked a little upset seeing his hopes for breakfast smashed on the floor.

Marin bent down to see if any were left uncracked. "Look, there's three left in here that aren't broken" She picked them up one at a time and placed them on the table. "My momma, puts flour in a bowel and uses three eggs when she makes waffles" She said with a smile.

"You know how to make waffles?" The boys said at the same time.

Vegeta barely cracked an eye open. He heard something; at least he thought he did. He scanned the house checking all the kai levels. He closed his eyes again finding nothing out of place. He was going to doze as long as he could before the house came alive with brats. He pushed the thought from his mind and went back to sleep.

Trunks climbed up on the counter and got a big bowl out. He loved waffles. "Make us a whole bunch, Marin. We like to eat a lot". He smiled down at her and secretly thought to himself, 'wow, my woman is going to make food for me'. His Saiyan heritage was already surfacing.

Marin opened a cabinet door and tugged on a 20 lb bag of flour. "I can't get the flour out", she looked up at the boys; she would have to use the big bag because they ate a lot.

"Let me try," Goten said poking his head into the cabinet. He grabbed the sack and pulled really hard thinking it would be stuck, forgetting that Marin was only a human. The bag went sailing across the room to land on the floor with a solid thud. A white mushroom cloud erupted from it and flour rained down all over the kitchen. The three children wiped it from their eyes; they looked like little ghosts. Marin laughed at them.

"Way to go, Goten. Now we don't have any eggs or flour." He shook his head and a white cloud flew out of his lavender colored hair.

"No, there's still some flour in the bag, Trunksy." Marin said smiling. Trunks blushed when she called him Trunksy.

Goten snickered. "Shut up, Goten" The little boy on the counter protested.

Trunks dropped the heavy stoneware bowl. It thudded on the floor but thankfully didn't break. Marin picked it up and carried it over to the busted flour bag and scooped it full with her hands. She picked it back up and carried it to the table. Standing on a chair she said, "Okay, give me the eggs".

"I'll get them this time" Trunks said handing them to her one by one. She smashed them on the table like her momma did and dropped them, shells and all, into the bowl of flour.

"My momma always puts fruit in it. Is there any fruit in there?" She said pointing at the fridge.

"I don't know," Goten opened the door. "There's a pineapple in here" he said looking back at the other two.

Trunks made a face. "Eww… that won't work. I hate pineapple. It's all prickly."

"How about these strawberries then?" He said walking back to the table with a big glass bowl of strawberries leaving the refrigerator door open.

"Yeah, strawberries are awesome!" He shouted with a big smile.

Marin dumped the whole bowl in, green tops and all. Some rolled out onto the floor around the table. "SHH… you'll wake Piccolo up, Trunks" Goten said hushing his best pal.

Marin got down off her chair and ran to the open fridge and got the milk out. She returned to the table and opened the container and tried to pour it in the already full bowl. Milk splashed out and poured on the table and ran onto the floor. "Oopps" Marin said.

"It's okay, I'll clean it up. You just make us some waffles, woman." Trunks said trying to be like his dad.

Marin smiled and batted her eyes."Okay Trunksy".

Trunks got a roll of paper towels out and mopped the mess around in circles smearing everything into a sort of paste on the floor and scattering strawberries everywhere.

Marin turned back to the bowl and began to stir it slopping it everywhere. She stopped and asked, "Do you have a waffle iron?"

Goten and Trunks looked at each other and shrugged. "I don't know if it can make waffles, but my mom has an iron." Trunks said with a questioning expression.

"Not that kind of iron, silly! It's a kind of round pan with little squares all over it. Momma has one with hearts on it too." Marin said gesturing with her hands trying to explain what she was talking about.

"We don't have anything like that", Trunks said scratching his head. "Mom has some round pans though." Trunks got down and dug through the pots and pans stored in the cabinet making a very loud racket.

The banging noise woke Vegeta up. He half opened his eyes and managed to do another kai scan. Everyone was fine nothing out of place. Another loud crash from downstairs woke him up fully. He narrowed his eyes and got out of bed. Still wearing his pajama pants he slipped out his door and walked silently down the hall. "What in Kami's name is going on?" he muttered.

At the same time Vegeta woke Piccolo sat bolt upright on the family room sofa. "What was that?" He jumped up still wearing his gi from yesterday. Silently he moved in the direction of the noise doing kai scans as he went.

Trunks put the small round cake pans on the floor so they could tip the bowl over and pour the batter in them. "We gotta light the oven too." Marin said pointing at it.

"I can do that part!" Goten said jumping up. He turned the oven on, 500 should do it, and opened the door. "Something's wrong it didn't come on."

"You big dummy, you have to light it." Trunks said scooting the pans around to catch the batter; which overflowed and oozed out onto the floor.

"Okay." Goten collected a small tiny ball of Kai and threw it inside the gas oven. A loud Whoom sounded as a large fire ball erupted from the oven knocking Goten back into Trunks who was then knocked back into the chair Marin was standing on. All of them ended up in a pile as the half full bowl flew up into the air and came down with a crash.

That was enough for Piccolo who sprinted toward the kitchen. His foot hit the circle of marbles left on the floor by the kids the night before and he wobbled, flailing his arms trying to catch his balance before crashing onto the coffee table; it broke into a thousand pieces.

Vegeta's eyes got wide as saucers as he darted down the stairs; it almost sounded like there was a fight going on. It sounded like the downstairs was being blown up. Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs he stomped on the Legos that were still scattered on the stair landing. He grabbed his foot while screaming obscenities and hobbled forward hopping on one foot while still gripping his other.

Piccolo managed to pick himself up and scrambled stumbling toward the kitchen reaching it before Vegeta did. What he saw inside the kitchen was a disaster. He stood dumbfounded and speechless. His eyes scanned the room looking for the three kids he knew were in there. They were okay but stunned on the floor under the table.

At that moment, Vegeta came bursting through the kitchen door still hopping on one foot "What in Kami's name is happening…" He slammed into the Namek's back. Both men slid in the mix of batter, flour, milk, eggs, and strawberries on the floor. Piccolo came down backwards on top of Vegeta.

Trunks looked up from under the table. "Dad! Are you okay?" he crawled out from under the table as Piccolo rolled off of the downed Prince.

Trunks looked into his dad's face. Vegeta was seeing stars. "Dad…" he shook his dad trying to get a response from him.

Vegeta opened his eyes and his jaw slackened when his vision finally came back. Milk was dripping from the table. There was… white powder?... everywhere and he was laying on, he brought his hand up to his face and scrunched his nose, crushed strawberries.

Piccolo's deep voice asked him, "You okay, Vegeta?" The Namekian looked at his fallen friend.

Vegeta's eyes found Piccolo, "Yes, yes" he said in an irritated voice. He picked himself up off the floor. A mashed strawberry fell from his back. He looked around. "What in Kami's name happened in here?" The refrigerator door was open, the oven door was half broken off, and he could now tell the white powder was flour all over the place. His anger softened in worry over the children. "Are you three alright? You can come out from under the table now too Marin and Goten".

Trunks looked up at his dad still covered with flour and mess, "I'm sorry dad. We were trying to make breakfast ourselves so we wouldn't wake you up. We were trying to surprise you."

Vegeta raised his brows at the mess they'd made. "Well, you've certainly managed to surprise me."

Trunks beamed up at him. "My woman was going to make waffles for us!"

Marin and Goten crawled out from under the table and timidly smiled at the Saiyan Prince. Vegeta blinked, "Your…" He burst with laughter.

Even Piccolo laughed looking at Vegeta. "Well, he's definitely your kid!"

Vegeta looked down at Marin amused his son claimed her as his woman. "Well you did a fine job."

Piccolo made sure the gas to the oven was shut off, and looked around grumbling about how they could have blown up themselves and the house too. "You three need to go clean up."

They scattered out of the kitchen. Vegeta shouted back at them, "Go wake your brothers and tell them to come down here." His scowl slightly returned "No dawdling!" He listened as they all three ran up the stairs then looked at Piccolo.

Piccolo looked back at him, "It may take all day, but we'll get it cleaned up."

"How could three little brats make such a big damned mess in such a short time?" he was still gaping as he looked around what used to be the kitchen.

"I don't know, this is a total disaster area." Piccolo was impressed at the destruction around him. "And it looks like you're going to need a new stove."

"Yes, one that isn't gas if I want to avoid this ever happening again." Vegeta frowned. His woman wasn't going to be happy about that. He smiled as he shut the refrigerator door. Maybe he was finally beginning to have an influence on his son. Ha! His son already had a woman. He chuckled to himself at the puppy love; he'd have a talk with him about it later.

"We'll clean this up later, Namek." He hobbled toward the kitchen door.

"Sure, where are you going and are you okay?" was Piccolo's reply.

"First, I'm going to go and dig the Lego out of my foot. Then we'll take the children out to breakfast." He said as he started back upstairs, he winced after he was out the door so Piccolo wouldn't notice it.

Marin went straight to the bathroom and turned on the water to clean herself up. Trunks and Goten however, went straight into the room where Gohan and Mirai were sleeping. The two boys bounced and jumped on their brothers. "Hey get up sleepy heads!" they shouted laughing.

"The sun is shining, the birds are singin', it's time to get up!" Goten said as he got in Gohan's face.

Gohan moaned. "The birds can go away. It's too early Goten."

Trunks jumped all over Mirai. "Come on… you gotta get up… Dad said so!"

"Why now?" Mirai asked.

"I heard Dad say he's gonna take us to breakfast." Trunks said getting in his brother's face with a big smile.

"Well do we have to go? I'm not hungry right now." Mirai said covering his head.

Piccolo poked his head in the door "You boys need to get up also." They didn't move. "NOW" he boomed at them.

They jumped up. "Okay, okay" They both said at once.

Piccolo closed the door to let them get themselves together and moved down the hall to Vegeta's door. He opened it and stuck his head in. The light was on in the master bathroom; he walked over and could see Vegeta sitting on a stool digging in his foot with a scalpel knife. Blood was dripping from his toes and he looked as if he were about to cry.

He walked in and gently put a hand on Vegeta's shoulder. "Let me help you."

Vegeta frowned and looked up at him. "I can't get it out of my foot. There's a broken shard of Lego in the bottom of my foot and I can't get it out." He winced.

Piccolo took the surgeon's knife out of his hand. "Here, let me do it." He shut and locked the bathroom door and turned to the Saiyan Prince. He sat on the floor in front of him and gently lifted his foot. He touch the soul of Vegeta's foot and Vegeta half jerked his foot back. "Hey, it's alright, I'm not going to make it hurt more."

Vegeta snipped at the green man in front of him, "Just do it and get it over with." He turned his head away so Piccolo couldn't see the tears welling up in his eyes.

Piccolo stuck his claw into the wound and felt the small shard of hard plastic. He stuck in another claw; Vegeta whimpered. Using his claws like tweezers he pulled it from his foot. He looked up at Vegeta and spoke softly to him. "I'm going to heal this, Vegeta. If I don't it could get infected."

Vegeta looked at him with a tear still visible on his cheek. "Sure why not." He was still trying to sound gruff as always but somehow he could never quite manage it with Piccolo.

Piccolo smiled at him and reached up to gently wipe it away. "It'll be okay, I promise." It would be for a little while at least while Bulma was gone; that meant he and Vegeta could have time alone together again. Really the only reason Vegeta stayed with her was for the Kid's sakes. Piccolo accepted that; as long as he had the Prince to himself once in a while.

He pressed his lips to the sole of Vegeta's foot and kissed the wound. He swiped his soft lavender tongue over the open cut since his saliva had healing properties. Vegeta moaned. Piccolo watched his face as he licked his wound and toes.

Vegeta's eyes became a little glassy at the feel of Piccolo's tongue on his skin again. He remembered all the other times he'd spent alone with the Namekian and instantly became putty in his hands. He was becoming aroused. Piccolo kissed his toes one by one and put his foot down gently. He picked up his hand and licked the drying blood from his fingers never taking his eyes from Vegeta's. He kissed his fingers also before leaning forward and pulling the Prince close to him so he could kiss his lips. Vegeta offered no resistance to him. With one hand around the Prince's small waist and the other turning the shower on he stood lifting Vegeta with him never taking his lips away from the Saiyan's mouth.

He leaned his forehead against the smaller man's and whispered, "Let's get you cleaned up too."

"Anything you want of me Namek." He whispered slipping his small hands under Piccolo's gi.

It was Piccolo's turn for his head to swim at the Prince's hands on his bare skin. He couldn't help but moan as Vegeta slipped his gi off letting it fall from him in a pile around his feet. Piccolo slipped his own hands under Vegeta's pajama pants and slid his hands over the prince's bare ass. He kissed Vegeta deeply as he took them down and off the small frame who was now leaning against his bare body.

Vegeta wrapped his legs around his secret Namekian lover. Piccolo held him close as he stepped with him into the shower; Vegea shut the door with his tail. The water which was spraying them from all sides quickly made his hair soaking wet; which made it hang straight down making Vegeta look like a teenage boy. Piccolo looked at him in awe.

Vegeta noticed he was staring at him. "What?"

Piccolo chuckled quietly and kissed his nose. "Nothing Little Prince, you just look really cute with wet hair." He traced his Saiyan mate's cheek with a fingertip.

Mirai, who had been just about to knock on his dad's bathroom door stopped; his hand inches from the door. He raised a brow when he heard Piccolo's muffled voice tell his dad he looked cute with wet hair. He slowly and quietly walked out of his parent's room and locked the door before he closed it. He was going to ask if they wanted him and Gohan to have the kids all take showers, but he decided he wouldn't bother them. His dad actually sounded happy in there. He'd never heard him sound like that ever; it was almost as if Piccolo made him giddy. He smiled and went to tell Gohan they needed to have the younger kids take showers.

Piccolo squeezed shampoo into his hands and then ran them through Vegeta's soft silky hair. He covered Vegeta's eyes, to keep soap out of them, and stepped under one of the shower sprayers till his hair was totally free of soap; then he kissed his eyes. Vegeta kissed Piccolo's antenna and sucked one into his mouth. Piccolo stumbled moaning. "Kami… Vegeta".

Vegeta finally put his feet down and stood with his back to his towering green lover. He looked over his shoulder with a leer and touched the Namekian's face with his wet tail. Piccolo wrapped his arms around his chest and leaned down to run his tongue across Vegeta's neck. Vegeta shuddered. He pressed his body close to his Prince's and whispered into his ear. "Are you sure?" Breathing deeply Vegeta nodded an answer to him.

Piccolo nudged his little prince's legs wider and rubbed against him. Vegeta couldn't help but groan as he penetrated. Piccolo nuzzled behind the Prince's ear as water ran over their naked bodies. He ran his hands all over the small Saiyan's bare skin as he pushed deep into him. Vegeta's quiet whimpers and whines were driving him crazy; he was trying hard to control himself so he could give pleasure to his beloved little prince.

Vegeta bucked his hips back against Piccolo's with his every stroke arching his back and laying his head back against his chest. He stared up into his eyes with a very drugged expression. That was Piccolo's first clue his Prince was close to his climax. He kissed his Saiyan lips and whispered "Not yet, baby."

Vegeta groaned louder and louder with every thrust Piccolo gave to him before the massive Namek finally told him in short breaths, "Alright Little Prince, go ahead."

He grabbed Vegeta by the waist and dug his clawed fingers into his skin as he gripped him tight, burying himself all the way into him; at the same time feeling Vegeta tighten around him. A deep growl escaped the Saiyan's throat as they both let go of the tension at the same time. Vegeta shuddered and fall back against Piccolo trying to catch his breath.

After several minutes and Piccolo had had a chance to catch his breath and calm down; he scooped Vegeta up and stepped out of the shower. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the prince with a soft smile and carried him into the bedroom. He laid the prince down on the bed and fluffed the towel around him. Vegeta giggled like a little boy happy in Piccolo's loving arms.

"Namek, I'd be miserable without you." He smiled peeking out of the towel that was wrapped around him.

Piccolo chuckled and kissed his nose, "You stole my line." He stood up and snatched the towel from around Vegeta quickly drying himself with it. Vegeta yelped as he was rolled out of his soft covering. Piccolo popped his bottom with it making a loud crack as it hit flesh. "Come on, up and at it. We've got four hungry Saiyan kids and one little girl who all want breakfast"

Vegeta groaned as he got up and dressed himself, "Don't remind me".