As I said before, I do NOT own Devil May Cry or any of it's characters!

Warnings for this chapter! Foul language!

My heart thudded in my ears as I slowly looked over my shoulder at the two identical faces behind me. A sigh of relief past my lips as my knees buckled, the only thing keeping me from hitting the moist ground were strong dual hands under my arms.

"Woah there, Tiger! Don't pass out on me!"

"Shut the Hell up, Dante. You guys scared the shit out of me."

Dante and Vergil Alighieri, AKA my best and only friends. Kinda sad when you think about it. Though they're twins, besides their looks, they are complete and total oposites. Dante is an absolute spazz, impulsive and a bit of a pervert. While Vergil on the other hand is calm, collective and straight to the point. The twins are my seniors by about 3 years, but we've always stuck together since the day we met. Funny how 2 years has seemed to pass so quickly...

It had been only about a month since I was adopted by Dominik and Ayame, and had just had my first big fight with the supposed father figure. Me being 8 at the time didn't know what else to do, so I hoofed it into the woods, intending to run away. Needless to say, it wasn't the smartest idea I've ever had. It was not long before I was completely and utterly lost. I just kept on wandering around, hoping I'd find my way out, but night was quickly aproching. The Sun escaped my sights, leaving my childish imagination to make horrid monsters of the shadows around me, every noise was something vile about to attack. I remember I had finally broken down and started crying, wishing I could just go home, to where I had a roof over my head and protection from the imps of my own creation. It was then that two of the "Devils" had "pounced." They said that they had heard me and came to my "rescue" and yes, Dante still hasn't let me live it down. Apparently they lived not a mile distance from our own house, the only thing seperating us being thick forest. Being the only kids in the area we make quick friends, despite the age difference. Our personalities did clash at times, but I could never see life with out them and-


I was hastily thrown from my reminiscing by Dante's annoying screeching he called his voice.

"OW! What the HELL was THAT for?" I screech back, desperately rubbing my ear as though it would some how calm the loud ringing reverberating through it.

"Well, excuse me, Prinsess!* It's just you zoned out of Earth's orbit for a few minutes."

We continude bickering at each other over this and that until a very irritated older twin cleared his throat. Silence.

"That's better. Now then, if you two are done with your squabbling, I personally would like to know what has you so distressed, Nero."

He looks at me expectantly, a single eyebrow arched in question. I shift my eyes to the dirt below my feet, subconsciously rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"Nothing much. Just Dominik being Dominik, you know?"

I was never very good at lying to say the least. Hell, even Dante could probably see through that.

"That's bull shit and you know it, Nero!"

Yup, even Dante. Still, I desperately tried to regain even a smudge of my withered man pride. Key word: tried.

"W-What makes you say that?" I hesitantly glance up at the fuming younger twin.

'Why did I have to stutter? Why do I suck so bad at lying? FU-'

"Well, Duh! The fact that no matter what that stupid potato farmer does you're always more pissed off than anything, yet here you are crying for God's sake!"

I simply glare, however it probably appeared more pathetic than anything else. Attentively I wipe my eyes to make sure no more moisture remained in them before retorting.

"I'm not crying! Besides, I thought you were atheist." I made an effort at changing the subject, but, sadly, I failed.

"You were crying, and I say for God's sake because it's unbelievable."*

'Well, damn. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place now, aren't I?'

Both teens stared at me, burrowing into my very soul with their gazes...or at least it felt that way. I hunch slightly, a ragged sigh escaping my lips.

'No point in getting out of this one.'

As I explained the events of that night and the reasons behind my rage, Vergil's eyes widened in suprise while Dante...voiced his opinions.

"No FUCKING way!"

"Now, Bother, cursing will not help this situation. So, if you have nothing helpful to say, kindly shut up."

I plop down onto the moist earthy ground, burying my head in hand. The stress of today could NOT get any worse.

"What am I supposed to do...?"

I was too wrapped up in my plagued conflictions to notice the pair of silhouettes shifting towards me. Before I knew it, I felt two warm hands; one resting on my shoulder and the other rubbing soothing circles in my back. Startled I turned my sight upward, up into the double sadly smiling faces of my best friends and I couldn't help but give a melancholy smile back.

"Why don't you come home with us tonight?"

If this was in an old cartoon I'm sure my eyes would have bugged out of my skull and rolled across Mother Nature's carpet.

"For once, I'll have to agree with my brother. It would be nearly impossible to navigate back to your house in the dark, as well as the fact that our home is closer and you are emotionally torn at the moment. Besides that, you are in desperate need of a shower." The blue clad twin finished his observations with a slight smirk.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the usually serious twin's attempt to brighted the mood.

"Hell yeah! You haven't been over in forever!" Dante cheered in glee then promptly attacked-I mean hugged me.

Yup, it was times like these that make me feel like there was a point in the Earth spinning.

AN: HAPPY VALETINE'S DAY EVERYBODY! Or Single Awareness Day to those Forever Alones out there. (Don't worry, I am too this year.) Yeah, this is kinda short, but hey! I updated faster than last time!;D So, in case you're wondering tragedy and anguish WILL happen soon! Like in the next couple of chapters or so~ Also just to make sure everyone is on the same page when Nero first met Dante and Vergil he was 8, they were 11. In present time Nero is now 10 while the twins are 13. Sorry for any spelling errors and please R&R!^^

1.) If you get this pun and laughed at it, you are an amazing person.:P

2.) Hopefully this doesn't offend anyone!