Chapter 2 people, thanks to everyone who reviewed, and sorry for the wait!

2: Second Night:

They understand a whole two weeks later, when they finally manage to catch the three together red-handed. To be honest, it wasn't their intention at all. They just happened to be at the right place at the right time, and so they saw something nobody should have, but which explained a lot of things. They'd been coming back from a small party, admiring the stars in silence, when they had heard voices, and crept closer around the corner to see over the crumbling wall separating them from an abandoned garden.

The place is bathed in moonlight, giving it an ethereal silver glow, and changing the cherry blossom petals into shimmering flecks of silver. It also enhances the graceful silhouette of the woman currently whirling around on herself under the falling petals, her arms open and her head thrown back in pure bliss as a content smile floated on her lips.

"This is so beautiful..." She whispers.

Arms sneak around her slim waist as Kuchiki Byakuya embraces her, and he pulls her close to him.

"It will never compare to your beauty."

"True." Aizen's voice emerges from somewhere close to them. "No moon could ever compare to you."

She laughs gently, a soft, melodic laugh, and they had felt a shiver run down their spine. Her voice is something so beautiful it is almost painful.

And then, she waltzes out of Byakuya's arms to stand between the two men, and, reaching out to them, smiles. Golden eyes glowing, thin silhouette framed silver, hair shimmering in the moonlight, her skin glowing softly, the smile lights up the night as she motions for them to come over to her, and they do so, dancing slowly under the falling cherry blossoms, the moon smiling at them and the night blessing their love.

In that beautiful night, they are the perfect lovers, reunited after years -centuries of suffering, and finally given a proper occasion to live their love.

They are the eternal lovers.

And the Shinigamis understand at that moment that nothing could ever come in between them.

So, did you like it?

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