Fill for this prompt on Pyroclastic's "One Sentence" Meme: "Puck/Kurt/Blaine - threesome"

I don't own these characters, and I'm not claiming to.

"For fuck's sake, Puck, will you lie still? Blaine'll never fit into you if you won't quit squirming!"

"Fuck you, Kurt. I'd like to see you stay still with - aaaaah! - with his fingers doing - fucking God! - doing this sort of - gahhh! - thing to your ass!"

"Blaine seems to be managing fine fingering you with my fingers up his ass."

"Yes, but sweetie, I've had practice. This is Puck's first time, don't forge-e-et... do that again."

"Look, this is never going to get beyond fingering if someone doesn't stick their dick somewhere - don't look at me like that, Puck, you knew what you were getting into!"

"Would some - whaaaa! Fuck, that's good. Would someone please just fuck me?"

"Blaine, you heard the man. Get fucking."

A pause.

"Blaine, you ready?"


"I'll take that as a yes. Oh... fuuuuck Blaine... so tight. How does Puck feel?"

"Like... ohhhh... like a dream."

"Puck, you okay?"

"Fu... yeah... oh... god..."

"Well, at least you two are having fun. Blaine, will you move please? I'm getting bored back here."