Fill for prompt at Pyroclastic's 1S Fic Meme: "Puck/Kurt: body paints. Please."

For my darling Lys (Choice).

"You're not going out for the fucking Turner prize, Kurt. Just do some squiggles and it'll be fine."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm going as Spiderman, each thread of the web has to be perfect. Hang on... you know what the Turner prize is?"

"Sure do, babe. It was some old school award for painting and crap."

"So eloquent. I wonder why I'm with you sometimes, I really do."

Puck looked down sadly. He often wondered the same thing.

"No, I didn't mean it!" Kurt said hurriedly, looking for a way to cheer him up. "I'm sorry, I don't really."

Puck shrugged, trying to be nonchalent and failing miserably. "'Sokay, babe."

"No, it's not. Please, look at me."

Puck looked up.

"I'm with you because you are an awesome boyfriend, Noah, and don't let anyone, especially not me, tell you otherwise, okay?"

The Mohawked teen nodded, a hint of a smile returning to his face.

Kurt placed a quick peck on his lips and turned back to the mirror. A wicked grin spread over his face as an idea struck him. He twisted back around and dabbed red paint onto Noah's nose.



Noah's only response was to pick up the spare brush and fiercely (read: playfully) attack his boyfriend's bare arm.

Burt looked up from his newspaper. He could hear laughing squeals of "Not the yellow! Superman isn't even the same franchise! Noah! No! Put the brush down!" Burt sighed and returned to his newspaper. Boys would be boys.