Disclaimer: See chapter one

Thank you all for your lovely reviews from chapter 3, it amuses me to see all your thoughts on what Sakura is doing.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy my story, and have a wonderful weekend!

Sakura shifted her back across her shoulders to a more comfortable position, as she approached the guards that stood outside the gates of the small village in Iwa. This particular village was suppose to be nothing more than a small shinobi village, but rumors had it, it was run by Madara...and not as small as everyone was lead to believe.

She knew that by now, all her friends would think of her as a traitor, that they would probably all hate her. She wouldn't be surprised if Itachi was out there now, trying to track her down. No one betrayed an Uchiha and lived anyway. But Sakura had spent enough time alone, guarding over Konoha, that she knew how to disappear without getting caught.

It broke her heart to know that all her friends, Naruto, Ino, Deidara, Kisame, Shikamaru, Hidan, Sasuke, Hinata, Itachi, and all the others, would think of her as a real traitor. She had had no other choice though, it was either do it this way, and possibly save a few lives, or do it their way, and watch everyone die. She just hoped that Uchiha Madara was a merciful man, though deep down she doubted that thought.

"I am here to speak with Uchiha Madara."

She carefully kept her voice cold and detached as she stared out at the guards from beneath her cloak hood. She had come as the Night Angel, not Sakura, so once again, she was hiding herself behinds her mask and cloak. She briefly wondered if the two ninja infront of her knew whoshe was, but by their blank looks, she would assume not,

"Is that so? And what makes ya think we got him here?"

Sakura stared dispassionately at the man who spoke, glaring at the amused sneer across his face. She knew he was trying to distract her as his companion slipped away, but it didn't work. Even if she wasn't as trained as she was, she would have noticed him leaving, it was very sloppy work, she wondered if they were all like this. If so, perhaps she should have stayed with Konoha and theAkatsuki,

"Simple, the fact that you asked me what made me think he was here, instead of simply asking me who I was talking about. But seeing as your partner already left to inform him of my presence, than I shall simply wait for him to come collect me. Though if you had taken my name, I wouldn't have to wait as long as I may have to otherwise."

The man stared at Sakura in confusion, and she couldn't help but shake her head in disgust. She knew the first thing she was going to have to do, if she wanted Madara to win. If all his soldiers where like this, she may just slaughter them all and leave, though that wouldn't do much for her. If she killed all the enemies, than she would go right back to being nothing more than the outsider, the Night Angel, and she wasn't sure she wanted that. She was truly tired of being alone.

Itachi snarled silently as he sat on Sakura's bed, his angry eyes glaring at the nick knacks, and other unimportant belongs she had left behind. But most of his glare fell on the paper he held in his hands, it was addressed to him, but he had yet to read it. Though he would never admit it, half of him was afraid to read her last words to him. Bracing himself, Itachi finally unrolled the small scroll, and began to read;


I decided to write this letter to you, explaining alittle about what I am doing, though I expect you to hate me after your finished reading, and to possibly come after me with the intent to kill. Just know that if you do, you will die, and anyone you bring with you, will die.

I know that you have feelings for me, even if you have never said so aloud, but your feelings for Konoha are stronger than the feelings you have for me. Its too bad really, together we could have put my plan into motion. We could help Madara destroy the great nations, than simply kill him and take control. We could have controlled the world together, but your feelings have blinded you, they have made you weak.

By the time you read this letter, I have probably already reached Uchiha Madara, and either been accepted or killed. If I am dead, than you have only to worry about Madara killing you and all of Konoha. If I was accepted, than you need not worry about death, for it is a sure thing.

You are probably wondering why I am doing all this, and I suppose I might as well tell you, so that you may understand. I was betrayed, I was betrayed by all those I hold close and love. My family arranged a marriage for me, my village kicked me out for not marrying him. I tried to protect my village afterward, struggling from the shadows, and yet no one noticed, no one truly cared. When I assisted you, the assumed I was a traitor and came after me with the intent to murder me.

I am tired of being betrayed, Itachi, I am tired of people expecting so much from me, when they give so little in return. So for once, I shall be the betrayer, instead of the betrayed. I know that by doing it this way, I have betrayed not only Konoha, but Suna, you, and the others as well, but I can't betray one without the other. And for that, I am sorry. If you decide you wish to join me, than you know what to do. Just know, that no matter what you decide, know that I care for you, more than I have for anyone in a very long time.



Itachi stood with an angry snarl, as he stormed from her room, door slamming behind him, letter clutched in his hand. He needed to get this letter to Konoha, and quickly, they needed to know exactly what was going on. He wished he had found it last night, than he could have sent it with Kisame and Deidara.

Suddenly Itachi froze, his eyes falling once again to the letter in his hand, something was wrong. The way this letter was written, the things that it said, it was so different from the other one that he briefly wondered if they were written by the same person. Itachi shook his head in anger, yes, they were, but one was a blatant lie, while the other was half truths. The question is, which was which?

Sakura stepped into the poorly lite room with a small feeling of foreboding, she wasn't sure at this moment if she was going to survive this or not. But she would either be accepted, in which case she could continue on with her plan, or she would be killed, in which case she wouldn't have to witness all the massacres.

"Rumor had it there was a woman at the gate, wishing to speak with me? Would that woman be you?"

Sakura glanced around discreetly, but she could not find the owner of that slimy voice that sent shivers down her spine. She wondered if she would survive an escape attempt, but she quickly pushed that thought away, as she stood ramrod straight, and answered coldly,

"I am the seeking Uchiha Madara, I shall only speak to him. If you are, in fact, Uchiha-san, than please, reveal yourself so we may have this conversation face to face."

The laughter that greeted her comment, seemed to come from every direction, yet no direction at all, causing Sakura to assume she was in some genjutsu of some type or another. Careful, so as to not actually break the illusion, Sakura probed it with her chakra, determining that it wasn't as strong as she expected. She could easily break it if she needed too,

"Those who meet the Night Angel face to face do not live to tell of it, am I correct? Why is it your here, you can not hope to kill me alone as you are, Night Angel."

So he had figured out who she was, she wasn't really surprised. She had been told by all of her contacts not to underestimate the man, that he was a genius. She wondered briefly if there was something in the blood of the Uchiha that made themselves and others believe they were geniuses, and better yet, where they? Stifling a sigh at her wayward mind, Sakura decided she had waited long enough, and that she needed to answer the man's question before he became angry with her silence,

"If I was here to kill you, Uchiha-san, I would not have come by way of front gate. I am here to offer you my assistance."

Sakura could practically feel the confusion rolling off of Madara, but she remained perfectly still and silent after her statement. Her back straight, her eyes focused coldly on the wall before her, even as she felt eyes of another boring into her spine. No, she could wait patiently for him to puzzle out his answer, before she turned to face, where she now knew he hid,

"I was under the impression that the Night Angel fought for and protected Konoha and its allies. So if you truly are the Night Angel, why is it that you are here, seeking to betray your village?"

Sakura allowed herself to slump briefly beneath the pain and torment that the world had dumped on her shoulders, to show Uchiha Madara, however briefly, the pain and darkness that she carried. Straightening once again, Sakura turned to face the left corner that was once behind her, as she dispelled the illusion that had been hiding him from her view.

"Would you like to hear a story Uchiha-san? It is about a young woman who had to choose between the her freedom, and having a home within the village that she loved. About how she gave everything she had to the people of the village, and yet they still weren't happy. How those greedy people took and took until she finally got fed up, and left seeking revenge."

Sakura couldn't hide her ironic smile as she studied the man before her, he, like her, was hiding himself behind his hoods, cloaks, and masks. For some reason, this reminded her of all those stories she had heard growing up, about the masked villains and the masked heroes, fighting each other for their goals.

"It does seem like an interesting story, Night Angel. Come, let us find some place more comfortable to discuss this story of yours. Perhaps you may even be able to shed some light as to why, Danzou, a pawn of mine, was killed."

Sakura couldn't stop her small smile from blooming into a full grin, even though he couldn't see it beneath her mask in this light, she was sure he some how knew she was grinning at him. Stepping forward half a step, Sakura bowed slightly to the older man,

"I would be honored to tell you of the downfall of the ambitious puppet."

She knew she wasn't safe yet, but she followed Madara down the hallway anyway, hoping beyond hope, that she could convince him that she would be an asset. She would have to tell her stories just right, with a few inflammations, and half truths, if she was to survive and join his side.

Okay, here is the fourth chapter, and I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will have little to no Sakura in it. It will be more of the others learning of Sakura's betrayal, and their plots and plans on what to do about it.

Sadly this Madara will probably have little to nothing in common with the anime or the manga Madara, cause I don't really know much about him. So I'll just write him as the typical genius super villain and apologize to you now if you end up hating it later. I plan on making him polite, cool headed, and cold.

Anyway, yes, that letter to itachi was written by Sakura, and yes it was very cold and bitchy of her, but there is a very good reason behind it. So keep reading and you'll understand.

Please please please please review and tell me what you think.

