Chapter 23: Mysterious People


Almost everybody (all the girls except Saki and Riane) was looking at the brunette like he was some angel. Hey, why not? There in front of them was a mafioso from the Vongola famiglia who looks super cute/hot, single and cool!

And so, school continued on with Tsuna being the star. But of course, there were some who were envious and want to kill the brunette. Tsuna just smiled and contented. He has everything a person wished for after-all. Friends, fame, money, strong and deserving guardians, glorious and delicious food and many many more.


There was one thing that startled the brunette the most and it happened one day starting from when his strange dreams began...

It has been officially two and a half years since the young brunette has met Saki and the other guardians. At first, he started fresh and joyful. He did his usual routine based on Reborn's idea. Typical Reborn…Typical Spartan ideas… But thanks to that certain arcobaleno, the teen became stronger but still remained his soft-nature side at the same time.

It had just finished breakfast with his guardians and it was their first day of their Christmas break. He went back to his room and sat comfortably at his black-leather chair. In those past 2 years, he had felt something missing in his life. He seldom had dreams about being somewhere in Namimori Japan with some smiling/smirking faces...


First of all, there was this really loud guy with silver hair and clear emerald eyes. He was currently having a one-sided argument with another guy with black hair, calling him 'baseball idiot'. Then out of nowhere, a teen shouted 'EXTREME!' and punched the air with his fists like it was some punching bag. He has white spiky hair and a band-aid on his cheek which made him look like a boxer even more.

The silverette shouted at the new guy calling him 'turf-top'. And that guy shouted back at the silver-haired guy calling him, 'octopus-head'. It was actually a funny sight and caused the brunette to chuckle at first then laughed all through out. The three teens turned their attention to the laughing brunette and laughed with him as well. The brunette was shocked. He was in a dream at that time but when he laughed the others laughed along with him.

"Juudaime!" called the silver boy.

"Tsuna!" said the black-haired teen.

"OI! SAWADA!" shouted the other teen, which looked like a boxer.

There was also a dream where he was sitting in a couch in a living room.


There was a kid with afro-black hair and wearing a cow suit and had a pair of horns. A strange and yet familiar feeling. Then, five girls came in the dinning room. One of them, Tsuna recognizes, as his mother whom he left in Japan. Another girl beside her has orange hair and another girl with auburn hair. They were both smiling while carrying a tray full of snacks.

They were soon followed afterwards with a shy girl and violet/indigo (not sure…) hair. This specific girl was strange with many ways. She has a skull-print eye badge covering her left eye, and the way her hair was tied and pulled up made her have a pineapple-hair.

Lastly, there was another kid who were wearing Chinese clothes.

They all seemed having fun. But what bothered the brunette the most that the fact that he doesn't even know them, mind his mother, yet they all seem really familiar and it was-literally-killing him!

And during one of his naps, he dreamt about two guys' sparring-scratch that-fighting and what it looks like they were really trying to kill the other.


The one on the left was a guy with black hair and onyx eyes. He was using a pair of tonfa against his opponent. His clothing resembles a school uniform, which probably really is a school uniform, and an arm band. The other guy he was fighting, the one on the right, was a little similar to the girl he saw in his dream with an eye patch. But this guy, in replace of and eye-patch, he has a roman numeral I in his left eye. Using his gigantic fork-ahem-trident, he was able to block the other teens' pursuits.

Tsuna merely ignored those dreams, thinking they were just his imagination.

Pure harmless…

But his mind changed the day he discovered a hidden case in the restricted area. THE restricted area that Reborn stated that nobody should be allowed to enter there...or else. At first, he got curious so he decided to wait for a chance to get in. Meaning Reborn, the Vongola maids/servants/butlers/securities and his guardians shouldn't see him enter and leave the specified room. And since he was always watched, he didn't gain the chance of entering it. How come? He does have the key entrusted to him by none other that your beloved sadistic hitman.

"I'm entrusting you this Dame-Tsuna to train your responsibility abilities. If you're not responsible, nobody will be willing to follow you. Do I make myself clear?"

Reborn's words echoed through the brunette's mind making him cringe. Who knew he would ignore the sadistic baby's order? Even he was surprised and is willing to get punished just to know the contents of the room.

He took all his courage on opening the door for him to enter. What would be inside? What would he see? is this some kind of trap-test for him set by the sun arcobaleno? But despite his doubts, he still took this chance. It was once in a lifetime to be able to sneak inside a room the no. 1 hitman in the world told you not to enter, right? And besides, it wouldn't hurt anybody just to see the contents of the room.

When he first entered the room, what he noticed was that the room was extremely dusty. It just proved how long the room was last touched and cleaned. He suddenly felt proud for being the first one to enter in such a long time! It was like he was the first one to land on some deserted planet like Neptune or Saturn! Later on, after snapping back to reality, he scanned his area and found a rather smaller box that the others.

When he picked it up, there were some strange and unique designs engraved to it. This only caused him to be more curious about the box. Surely he wouldn't get hurt from opening a mere box right? But soon, he regretted those thoughts. When he thought that it wouldn't hurt anybody to see inside the room, he was terribly mistaken.

...Things wouldn't be the same again…

He found pictures...lots and lots of them. But they weren't ordinary pictures that you see each day. What surprised him the most was that the pictures held the people he dreamt about!

He saw all of them including the 'Poison Scorpion' Bianchi, 'Ranking Prince' Fuuta, 'Bucking Horse' Dino Cavellone, Reborn, the other arcobaleno, the Varia and even Enma Cozato of the 'Shimon Famiglia' was there with him! Heck! THEY WERE SMILING! SMILING!

'How could that be possible? I barely know them! I don't even recall this ever happening!' thought the brunette who was already confused to the max. But one thing popped on the brunette's mind.

He was going to find out who the people were and if no one's going to tell him…he'll find the answer himself and find out who and what they are to him.

He was confident on unlocking the mysteries joking something about him being like Nancy Drew or Detective Conan in the TV shows he knew and grew fond of.

Little did he know that learning the truth might break him or much worse…


From this day forth, the lies that were once hidden will finally arise...

And new people will take flight whether good or bad...

Enemies will strike in their opponent's weakest state…

History will be written from their encounters…

While someone cries in pain…

In the end, there are two sets for the sky..

But which one will he choose in the end?

He better hurry or time will run out...

And it's "GAME OVER" to us all…



YATA! DONE! MY STORY IS FINALLY DONE! Alright. The story will have a sequel entitled 'The Truth Behind The Lies'. Tee-hee-hee~! What a cliff-hanger! Oh well. That's life. Thank you all readers that supported me until now. And soon, I'll be able to publish the new story. But I won't be update quickly since I now have my classes. And when there are classes, there are tests…the thing I hate the most…

Anyhow! Please review! And what would you expect on the next sequel will surely help me…BIG TIME! Thanks again and God bless~!