Chapter 10

Tea couldn't believe what had just happened. She gave herself to a heartless bastard like that? But she only wanted to tease him. she didn't expect it to evolve that way. She entered the house and ran straight up to her bedroom waving to her parents on the way.

yes, only a teasing kiss. But he didn't stop her did he? It felt good waking up in his arms but he thought that everything that had happened was meaningless and probably stress relieving.

She switched the shower on and waited. "I can't believe that my first time was with him" she buried her face in her hands and cried. It was all her fault. She did this to herself and she had to endure the consequences.

She was going to quit today and find a job elsewhere.

"why did I let myself go like that?...what was I thinking? Kaiba was a bastard who had an inflated ego that gets bigger everyday….what made me think that he would think about me in any other way than a part of the 'geek squad'.." her mind was buzzing with self acquisitions as she sat in the warm water.

Her phone rang a thousand times but Tea ignored it.

Only when she heard a knock on the door did she wake up from her self loathing thoughts. "Tea honey, Yuugi is on the phone and he insists on talking with you" her mother's voice sounded irritated.

"ok, I'm coming mom" Tea said wearily.

"hey Yuugi" tea said with a deep sigh.

Yuugi was panting apparently out of breath. "did you see the news?"

That caught Tea's attention. "no, why is something wrong?"

She ran into the living room with the phone in her hand. She found her parents sitting on front of the tv watching a romance movie together.

"you have to watch the news right now….there's a revolution in Egypt!" Tea's eyes widened. "revolution? In Egypt?"

She snatched the remote and switched to the news channel to the dismay of her parents.

On the tv, was the most gruesome show. Egyptians attacking the police, the police beating the Egyptians back trying to prevent them from reaching tahrir square aka liberty square.

Tea gasped. Ryou, Bakura, mMalik and Marik were there. The bloody face of a boy appeared on the tv. Tea's mom gasped. "what is this?"

"Tea…Tea? Are you still there?" Yuugi asked worried.

Tea nodded slowly and said "yes…here…how did this happen?"

"they want their current president 'Hosni Mubarak' out" Yuugi explained.

Yuugi then gasped. Bakura was on the tv looking all bloody and drenched with sweat but with a huge grin on his face. "that explains a lot" Yuugi sighed.

Tea also saw this and shook her head. "I knew they were behind this. I mean the president has been reigning over the country for 30 years….why now? Because Marik and Bakura went to Egypt" .

Yuugi shook his head in dismay. "I guess Yami can't postpone it any longer."

That perked Tea's interest. "what do you mean postpone?"

Yuugi stiffened. "oops" he lamely thought.

"um..well… you see….Yami was supposed to go with them because he's the only one who could control those two bastards. He knew something like this would happen". Yuugi was now rubbing the back of his neck waiting for Tea to ask the ultimate question.

Tea's eyes narrowed already knowing the answer of the question she was about to ask but asked it anyway to make sure. "and why did he postpone going there?"

Yuugi took a deep breath "come on Tea you know I can't say…I was sworn to secrecy and stuff" he laughed nervously at the end.

Tea's jaw stiffened in anger. "ok Yuugi fine. But just tell Yami that there is no way we're getting back together….I gave him a chance and he sulked and lost hope. Not the kind of relationship I want, to be honest with you…goodbye Yuugi.." and she hung up.

Yuugi looked at the phone and then at Yami who was burning with anger and a red aura could barely be seen around him.

Tea rubbed her temples. Her mother and father sat staring at her as she walked away into her room.

"as if I didn't have enough problems" she thought to herself. She decided to go to Kaiba Corp. herself and resign. She dressed into an outfit that wasn't too formal or casual and set off toward Kaiba Corp.

Kaiba on the other hand didn't give a damn what was happening in Egypt. He didn't have any suppliers or any kind of storage supply there so why should he care.

The only thing that filled his thoughts was Tea and what happened in the morning.

"it's not like I never did it with anyone before but why do I feel….this annoying feeling" Seto got up and looked out the window.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Seto narrowed his eyes at the door. "come in" he said in a gruff voice.

Tea entered not looking at him at all and put a paper on his desk. Seto stiffened. "Gardner?...what are you doing here?" it was more shock than impoliteness but of course tea took it the 'impolite' way.

Her anger was apparent.

"here…this is my resignation paper…goodbye…Seto" she said in a monotone as she quickly exited the office without another word.

Seto Kaiba stared at the paper then at the door. He growled out of frustration. "that girl will be the death of me…I can feel it" he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked out the window again.

Tea took a deep breath when she exited the office. "that went well" she said arranging her clothes as she walked towards the elevator. The only thing she didn't expect was Mokuba's presence.

"hey Tea!" Mokuba yelled a he ran over to her still wearing his school bag. Tea stopped in her tracks and looked at Mokuba with a forced smile not knowing what to tell hm.

Mokuba hugged Tea. "the party was awesome yesterday wasn't it! The whole school was talking about it…" he ended with an all too Kaiba like smirk.

Tea suddenly felt a tug at her heart. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but she ignored the feeling. She rubbed his already messy hair and said "you bet it was…it was great Mokuba" she smiled.

Mokuba looked towards Seto's office and then at Tea. "so aren't you supposed to be working now or did big brother send you on another errand…I know he does that to you a lot" Mokuba frowned.

Tea looked at Mokuba, seeing how happy he always was when she was around. She sighed heavily. "I'm sorry Mokuba but I resigned today" Mokuba looked at her confused.

"but I thought you liked working here" Mokuba said apparently sad.

Tea hugged him and said "I don't think this is the right place for me to work, Moky" she smiled and then leaned down to his level with a smile on her face. "but I will visit you Moky, you don't worry about that".

Mokuba smiled but it was only a half smile. "ok Tea…see you soon" he walked towards his brother's office the skip in his step non apparent. Tea watched him until he shut the door behind him and slowly made her way to the elevator convincing herself that this was best for them all.

Mokuba entered to find his brother looking out the window and sighing every now and then. Mokuba's face scrunched up in anger. "you're the one who made her leave aren't you?"

Seto didn't even turn to look at Mokuba but just nodded. Mokuba walked over to him. "Seto why do you have to complicate every good thing that happens to you?" Mokuba stood beside him looking up in anger.

Seto looked down at him and said in a monotone "what good thing Mokuba? You call a bubbly friendship nonsense cheerleader a good thing?" and he turned back to the window.

Mokuba shouted "she's not a cheerleader Seto…and you know that as much as I do…so stop lying to yourself….it's self degrading" and he snatched his bag and slammed the door on his way out.

Seto smirked. "they must've taught him new words today at school" he sighed and finally confessed to himself that Mokuba was right. She wasn't a cheerleader. She was now a woman who has her own dreams and desires to fulfill.

Tea went home and changed into a sleeveless sports top with sweat pants and tied her hair into a ponytail. She then went out and started jogging around the block to take out the stress. She was already on her second round when Yami appeared on front of her.

"I really don't need this right now" she said sidestepping Yami. But he wouldn't let her go that easily.

"Tea would you just listen to me for one minute". She stopped and turned around slowly.

"one minute Yami…that's all I'm giving you". she folded her arms.

Yami sighed in relief. "I know what I did was stupid and meaningless….but what we had was something extraordinary Tea…I never felt this way before and I don't want to lose this feeling….please Tea" crimson clashed with azure and Tea sighed and broke the eye contact by looking to the ground.

"maybe this is for the best…maybe Yami and I were meant to be….not….Seto" her heart throbbed painfully but her mind made the decision.

"ok Yami….i'll give you a chance" she looked up to see a happy Yami with a glow that was long lost in his eyes. "you won't regret this Tea….i'll pick you up at 7 tonight"

Tea smiled half heartedly but Yami was too caught up in his own happiness to notice. "see you then Yami" Tea waved as she continued her jog.

When she reached home she felt like something was wrong. The whole time she dressed and accessorized she felt like something was wrong. And this wasn't the type of feeling that could be brushed off.

Her parents had already left on a road trip to the country side for a month. They wanted to spend as much time together as they could. "we aren't getting any younger" they told Tea before they left.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked beautiful. She wore a black tight fitting dress the reached her ankles and had a slit on the side showing her dancer's legs until just above the knee.

Her hair was made into a bun and some loose strands fell on the sides of her face. She wore a beautiful silver necklace with a matching bracelet. Her heels were of a black colour with silver lines decorating it.

As she looked at herself she tried to smile but couldn't. "if only I had the chance to dress up like this on a date with Seto" she thought sadly when the doorbell rang.

She grabbed her tiny purse and headed downstairs. She opened the door to find a Yami who wore a tuxedo with a red shirt under and the first two buttons were left open. When he saw Tea his grin couldn't be wiped off his face.

"you look beautiful Tea…breathtakingly beautiful" he said as he took her hand and kissed it.

Tea couldn't help but smile. She forgot how romantic Yami was. He opened the door of his car, that was given to him as a gift from Pegasus for being the number 1 top duelist, and Tea entered and he closed the door.

They went to the most fanciest restaurant that there was in Domino city. Tea knew that Yami had a lot of savings in the bank. Granpa Solomon had opened an account for him so that he could have a secured life of his own.

They ordered their food and waited. Tea looked around her trying to avoid Yami's loving gaze. Suddenly Yami took her hand which surprised her and said "you don't know how happy I am Tea….you truly are the only person who could make me feel this way"

Tea smiled nervously not knowing how to answer him so she stayed quiet. She started getting uncomfortable when Yami started caressing her hand. She pulled her hand away from him and poured herself a glass of water.

Yami looked at her confused. "is something wrong, angel?" he asked with concern.

Tea almost choked when he called her 'angel'. She felt like it was such a long time ago. Before either of them could say anything their orders arrived.

They ate in silence.

After they had finished Yami paid the bill and they got up to leave. As they were on their way out Yami bumped into someone as he was busy looking at Tea feeling like something was wrong with her.

"hey, watch it" he said angrily to person he bumped into. Angry crimson eyes met with ice cold cerulean ones. "why don't you watch where you're going, Yami" seto said venomously.

He then looked at Tea, who stood beside Yami, and shocked to see Seto. Yami glared at Seto who stared at Tea. The only word Seto could think of was 'gorgeous'. Yami then gently pulled Tea who was also transfixed by Seto and said "let's go tea" as the valet brought the car around.

Tea looked at Yami and walked towards the car with him. She took one last glance at Seto as Yami drove off. He stood at the entrance of the restaurant staring at the couple. "shit" he growled as he went back to his business suppliers.

Yami was angry. "he had to show up and spoil the evening" he said angrily. Tea was staring out the window. "I have to try...i can't keep thinking of him….i'm with Yami now" she thought. but the last sentence left a bad taste in Tea's mouth.

When Yami dropped Tea off at her house he caught her off guard and kissed her softly on her lips. She didn't react to his kiss. When he left her lips she quickly turned to open the door. "good night Yami…..i really enjoyed dinner" she smiled awkwardly before Yami looked at her confused and said "good night Tea" while she closed the door.

What happened to the Tea he knew? Well more than 9 months had already passed since they graduated but a person couldn't change that much in 9 months could they?

He drove off still not understanding what had happened and it wracked his brain everytime he thought of it.

Tea stood in the doorway waiting to hear the car drive off. She sighed heavily and touched her lips. There was no spark. There was no feeling of giddiness or weakening of the knees. There was nothing. No passion, no nothing. She then remembered Seto's kiss. How every time their lips met a deep passion was unleashed and they couldn't control it.

She sighed again and went up to her room. She changed and went to bed avoiding any thought on the subject. But in the end the brain works in ways that we usually hate and she ended up losing a good night's sleep to thought.

Just as she was about to doze off the alarm went off.

She groaned and threw the alarm clock at the wall and continued sleeping.

By the time she awoke it was already 4 in the afternoon. She groaned and headed for the shower. Just as she was entering the shower the doorbell rang.

She sighed and wore a bath robe. She opened the door to find Joey. "hey Tea!" He yelled and hugged her so tight she gasped for air when he left her.

He smiled sheepishly "sorry Tea, but boy am I happy too see ya! I really missed ya" he smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back. "I really missed you too Joey"

She closed the door behind him. "so I heard you and Yami are back together" Joey said as he headed towards the kitchen and Tea followed. As he opened the fridge Tea answered "yeah we are…I thought I'd give him a chance you know" she watched as Joey took out a plate full of food and sat at the kitchen table.

He nodded to show that he was listening as his mouth was already full of food. "but you know Joey I don't feel the same" Tea added as an afterthought.

Joey swallowed and stared at her. "what do you mean Tea? It's Yami…you've had a crush on him forever" he said eyeing her before he took another bite of the leftover chicken.

Tea sighed and looked at the floor. "never mind. It's stupid really….you're right…it's Yami" she smiled brightly as she eyed Joey while he ate. "you know jJoey…I never saw you this happy….minus the time where we went to the party with the open buffet" she rolled her eyes as she remembered how Joey and Tristan attacked the buffet of a classmates' birthday party.

Joey smiled as he remembered too. "ah…good times….but there's gonna be even betta….i proposed to Mai….and she said yes!" he jumped up from the empty plate and flashed the victory sign with his fingers apparently proud of himself.

Tea stifled a scream of delight and ran to hug Joey. "oh my God Joey that's wonderful news…I'm soo happy for you! but why didn't Mai tell me?" she added a little disappointed.

Joey shook his head. "she didn't coz she went to her parents in America to tell them the good news….she wanted to call you but I said that I would tell you" he added proudly.

Tea hugged Joey again and he returned the hug. "I'm so happy Joey…you really made my day" she said happily. Joey laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "well I betta get going…I still have the rest of the gang to tell…and Serenity too" he said as he made his way to the door.

Tea looked at him and smiled "so I'm the first one to know?" Joey nodded happily. "thanks Joey you don't know what that means to me" she said sincerely.

Joey walked towards her and kissed her on her forehead. "you'll always be my sister Tea…and ya know I'll always be there for ya…no matter what…" he raised a thumb at her as he exited the house.

Tea smiled at him. "at least there's one happy ending here".

She had her shower and sat on front of the tv with a newspaper on front of her and a pen in her right hand. She chewed on the end of the pen and sighed.

Not one job that was even close to what she wanted. She looked for job offers from Kaiba Corp. out of curiosity and didn't find one. "maybe it's already taken" she thought sadly even though it wasn't logical for a job offer to be put up and taken in only 2 days.

The phone rang and Tea answered trying to get her mind off anything related to Kaiba.

"hello…Tea".. a voice sounded on the phone. Tea stiffened. She took a deep breath.

"hi Yami…" she really had to get used to this. "how's everything?"

Yami frowned. "This isn't how we used to talk Tea". Tea sighed.

"yeah…you used the past tense Yami….many things have changed since then"

"mmmmm…I see, well i know just the thing to raise your spirits" Yami said happily.

Tea frowned. "what is it Yami?".

"we are having a party for Joey's good news! And all of us are going to be here at the game shop…and you are coming of course" Yami said his voice unsure.

Tea smiled and said happily "of course I will silly I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Yami laughed. "excellent, see you at 6 then". Tea answered "sure thing".

Yami hesitated a while and then sighed and said "bye then". And he hung up.

Tea looked at the phone feeling guilty about the way she was treating Yami. She hung up and leaned on the couch.

"I should make it up to him…we are together now….and its not fair to him" she rubbed her arms feeling chilly and went up to wear something with sleeves.

She dressed up in a cute crimson top that had really short sleeves and ended a little loosly on her thighs. She wore black leggings and black and crimson sneakers. She tied her hair back into a ponytail and stood on front of the mirror.

Black and crimson weren't first on her favourite colours list but they were Yami's.

She arrived at the game shop and the sound of music was filling the whole building. When she entered she heard everyone cheer her name.

"TEA!" Joey and the others waved. They had already started drinking. Yami stood on front of her and kissed her on the cheek. "you look beautiful ,angel" Yami said happily as he noticed that she wore his favourite coulours.

Tea smiled and said "do you like it? I know that you love these colours" even though the smile didn't reach her eyes. Yami's eyes softened. "stunning" he said as he pulled her into the party.

Mai had just come back from America and hugged Tea as soon she saw her and apologized for not telling her as Joey wanted to steal the spotlight. Tea giggled. "I understand Mai…congratulations!" Tea said laughing happily.

Mai waved a hand "I should be saying congratulations to you….you and Yami back together?" she nodded her head in his direction. Tea looked to find Yami leaning on the wall beside the stairs. he wore a crimson shirt ,as usual, that had the first two buttons undone and it was tucked in his black jeans. He stared at her and gestured for her to come over.

Tea laughed nervously as Mai saw this and asked Tea, sure that the music made it safe to ask, "so are you over you know who?" Mai asked as she winked at her.

Tea sighed and said "Mai…don't make it harder than it already is…besides…this is your party! Think about your future with Joey and we can deal with my petty problems later"

She waved at Mai who stood there with an understanding look on her face and then shouted "if I don't see a person dancing I will shred him or her to bits!" as she started swaying her hips and moving towards Joey seductively.

On the way to Yami, Yuugi grabbed Tea's arm and said happily "I can't believe this week! You and Yami get back together and Joey and Mai getting married…I mean who would've thought that Mai would say yes? She doesn't seem like the type you know" he laughed nervously and looked around making sure they weren't being heard.

Tea laughed and hugged Yuugi and then boxed him lightly on the shoulder. "I really missed you Yuugi" Tea said as she waved and walked on towards Yami.

Yuugi waved happily back and watched as she walked towards Yami.

When she reached Yami he took her by the hand and headed upstairs. Tea felt uneasy but she trusted Yami. She took in a deep breath and followed him.

Yami led her to his room. Technically it was his and Yuugi's room but since Yuugi graduated he started sleeping in a different room so he wouldn't disturb Yami when he woke up early in the morning…. amongst other things.

He closed the door behind Tea. Tea was stiff. She felt uncomfortable and dreaded what was coming next. Yami held her hand and kissed it. "what's wrong angel? Why are you so cold? Do you need something? Please tell me. I can't help feeling guilty about the way you're acting. Did I do something?..." Tea put a finger on his lips relieved that he only wanted to talk.

She removed her finger but Yami took it and started kissing it. Tea was starting to feel hot and her cheeks turned red. Yami chuckled when he saw this. "Tea…I love you…soo much" he pushed her to the door and pressed his body against hers.

Tea panicked. She tried to move but she couldn't. Yami kissed her lips gently but Tea was stiff. She didn't want this. But Yami continued anyway. Since she wasn't giving him any response he made his way to her neck.

Tea bit her lip when he reached her sensitive spot. "Yami…pl…please stop" she managed in between breaths. Yami was so consumed with his lust that he didn't hear her and continued to move downwards. His hand snaked it's way to her thigh and started to caress it slowly.

Tea tried to push him but he was too strong. Only when she felt a bump on her thigh did she really use all her strength to push him.

Yami's eyes were clouded with lust and he looked at her, his eyes furrowed with confusion. "Tea…what's wrong?" Yami held a hand out.

Tea looked the other way. She felt so bad and for Yami. She felt bad that she couldn't return his love because her heart belonged to someone else. To someone who doesn't have a heart.

"Yami…I'm sorry…I can't.." Yami straightened himself, the lust slowly fading away.

"what do you mean angel?" Yami said seriously his hands by his side.

Tea looked at him, her eyes wet. "I'm sorry Yami…I don't….i don't love you" she looked the other way waiting for his response.

Yami didn't look surprised. He put his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground. He smiled sadly. "well, I was expecting it" Yami said as Tea looked back at him surprised. His reaction was so different from what happened last time.

"I didn't feel anything from you…not like when we were at high school" Yami slowly caressed her cheek with the back of his hand and then kissed it.

"I love you Tea and I want you to be happy" Yami smiled at her and Tea hugged him. "I'm sorry Yami...i really wanted it to work out". Yami kissed her hair. "me too, Tea"

They exited the room and Yami held her hand. "I booked a ticket to Egypt so I can make things right there…Bakura and Marik fucked up big time" he chuckled. Tea smiled. "take care Yami…I'll miss you"

Yami kissed her hand for the last time. "I'll miss you too my angel". They went down and everyone had a good time partying and drinking and Serenity kissed Tristan on front of every one which pissed Joey off and was held back by Yuugi and Yami and Mai.

After the party was done at around midnight, Yami announced his departure which surprised everyone…even Yuugi. They all thought things were going smoothly with Tea and Yami.

Everyone thanked Yuugi for being such a good host and congratulated Mai and Joey once again before leaving.

Yami offered to drive Tea home. When they reached Tea's house, Yami hugged Tea one last time and this time Tea kissed him on the cheek. Yami smiled widely and said "I know we've been together for only 3 days but they were worth it" he said looking at Tea lovingly.

It broke her heart to do this to him but she couldn't help it. "yes…they were" she said smiling. "good night Yami" Yami waved and headed towards his car.

Tea entered the house and heard Yami drive away. She entered her room and searched for a certain photo album in her closet. When she found it she sat down on the bed and opened the first page.

The first thing that filled the page was 'Tea and Yami's memories'. She smiled and flipped through the pages laughing and smiling and sighing deeply as she remembered the past.

"every thing is different now…and it will never be the same" she said as she stopped at a picture which was accidently taken of Yami shouting at Joey for cheating at a duel and Joey smiling sheepishly and in the background Seto was looking straight at the camera.

"wait.." Tea looked closer and saw that he was looking at the person who was taking the picture. "which was me…" she trailed off and absent mindedly caressed the photo.

Closing the photo album she changed into her jammies and stretched her tired body. she moved looking for a comfortable position and when she found one, she slept as memories buzzed through her mind.

please review! n i might not update soon but i really do appreciate ur reviews! i have exams nxt mnth so i hve to study...plz review anyway!