a/n: I do not own Gundam Wing

"With the Terra Form Project, our goal is to find new territories, and new opportunities for human kind," Relena didn't need to glance at the speech, "This will be the chance for the Earth and the Colonies to pool their resources together to utilize this discovery. By working together, we can hope to solidify the newborn alliance that has come from this project."

There was a flash of cameras. She was expecting it, and didn't flinch. Ever since she was fifteen she was used to the cameras, maybe even before then. Relena answered the questions as best as she could, and closed the press conference. Her personal aid Christina was waiting with a clipboard and recently arrived messages. The representative from Colony 04 was ready to speak with her, which made her smile. Quatre Winner always enjoyed having visitors, especially those who understood his past in the military. Relena didn't mind seeing him at all, even if it was just for business.

The annual Christmas Ball was going well. It was the first celebration since she had been appointed President of the New Earth Sphere Unified Nation. At twenty, she was the youngest politician to ever take the position, which had been a mix of joy and frustration. Advisers were continuing to think that she needed more advise than she did, while some others still treated her like the empty-headed queen that the Romafeller Foundation thought she was. Relena was fine ignoring it, but sometimes it graded on her.

Her dress was gorgeous. The ball had been a formal event, and the gown had been made by a seamstress in the government's employ. It was a full-length ball gown with yards of taffeta, similar to the one she wore as queen. The only difference was the velvet and lace that decorated on the outside. The seamstress had told her that Relena was a young woman and deserved to have something pretty, not necessarily something subdued like all the other women in the government councils. At first, Relena had thought it would be tacky, but now she didn't mind. Having an extra bit of sparkle and silk seemed to give her a little more confidence.

There was dancing, and Christina had already lined up a dance list for her. It was important to make a good impression with the officials that she was making deals with. Glancing over towards the wall, Chris gave her an encouraging smile. Ever since Relena had made peace with Chris and her boyfriend Ralph, everything was better. They all similar situations and had more in common.

Similar situations? Relena wasn't still sure what to call it.

It took a good two hours before she could get away. She danced until her feet hurt. The representative from the Australia Republic stepped on her toes, and she had to endure a long conversation about horse breeding from another, and someone else had ogled her breasts in a very alarming manner. Despite the fact that she was president, some of the older traditional males still frowned on the fact that a young lady was in a "man's" profession.

The terrace was open and quiet. After wiggling herself out of a long debate about an anarchist faction in the eastern territories, Relena took a deep breath. Part of her really wished for her uniform of a suit coat and breeches. It was so much more comfortable than a corset and heels. She felt so tied and laced into the dress that she could barely breathe.

"You shouldn't be out here alone."

Relena froze, and then glanced towards the pillars. There was a security force stationed around the building at all times, since assassination attempts on her life were still frequent. There was a time when she would have been alarmed, but now she was resigned that it was just the way of her life.

At that moment, she would rather take a bullet between the eyes instead of listening to another conversation about horse breeding.

The voice was low and familiar. Relena couldn't help but smile once it's registered with her. She chuckled, and turned back to the scenery, "So, you've come to kill me then?"

Heero stepped out of the shadow. He was wearing a tuxedo, a radio headset attached to his ear. He turned and murmured, "I found her," and then reached into his jacket and turned off the switch, "That is complete nonsense."

"At one time it wasn't."

He stood next to her, the music had changed to a quick two step. Relena stretched her arms, "I never minded the job that I do, in fact, I quite enjoy it," she smiled, "Have you been following me all night? Sometimes I wonder what you all talk about on those radios all day. Anything interesting?"

Heero frowned, "Nothing important. It's only keeping ourselves informed of your status."

If status meant having her disgustingly leered at, Heero thought to himself. He was head of security, and as a result, everyone reported to him once every half hour. One of his guards had made some backward comment about a representative staring at Relena's breasts, and Heero had to hold himself back from beating them to a pulp. Relena was a young lady, despite her position, and people still noticed that.

She was a twenty-two years old. Normal women her age had families, boyfriends, and had regular jobs. She would have just graduated college, and would have though about higher schooling, or maybe starting a career. Instead, she had given herself and her knowledge for the common good of everyone, sacrificing the life she might have had.

The music changed to a soft waltz.

Relena couldn't help but sway back and forth to the music. She loved dancing. There was a movement out of the corner of her eye, and she spotted the hand held out to the front of her. Heero's hand was stretched out.

The music continued on, and she couldn't help but smile.

She took his hand.

Heero drew her forward, laying a hand on the small of her back. She was tiny, and he worried that she worked too hard. Her hand rest gently on his shoulder, and followed his steps exactly. She always fit with him, not matter what situation they were in. Since she had been kidnapped by Chris and Ralph two years ago, Heero and maintained a distance, but had resolved himself to stay by as her security. No one else was qualified enough to protect her, and if Relena had actually died, there would have been chaos. Despite the fact that the Sanc Kingdom was gone, she was a highly respected and loved by the people.

Relena dipped her head back and laughed when he spun her. It had been two years since he kissed her, and it was driving him mad. He never should have done it in the first place.

"You know," she said as they danced on the balcony, "This is probably the first time I've been away from cameras, and advisers, and all of that business in weeks," Relena replied, "There's something I have to pay you back for."

"Oh?" Heero said, "Pay me back for what?"

As he took a step forward to follow the music, he wasn't prepared for her to ignore the dance. Heero stepped right into her, forcing himself to grip her arms in order to steady her, "What-"

Relena stood on her toes. It was a little easier to reach his height because of the heels, otherwise, he would have had to lean over in order for her to reach. Relena released his shoulders, her hands touching the sides of his face. Their lips brushed for a moment. It was so quick that she wondered if it had happened. The only way that she knew was the tingling on her skin.

"I owed you one," she said. Heero stared at her a moment. A blush touched her cheeks, "I'd better get back to the party."

He grabbed her arm before she managed to get away. She found herself trapped in his arms, which banded around her to tightly she couldn't get away. No matter what, he would always find her, and he would always catch her.

"From what I remember, it didn't go quite like that," he told her.

He kissed her.

It was more than the kiss they had back when he rescued her. He leaned forward, simply pressing his lips to hers, one of his hands bracing her back when she was forced to tip backward. She gasped when she felt the warmth of his tongue touch her lips, and he used the chance to taste her. Relena shivered slightly, her hands tightening into his coat. He seemed to find himself content with the deep, all-consuming kiss that he started. She vaguely registered that they were still swaying to the music. Slowly, dragged his lips from hers, and pressed his cheek to hers.

Relena sighed, her arms freeing themselves and snaked around his neck.

"I have to go back soon," he murmured.

"Me too. Just give me a moment."

They stopped in the middle of the balcony. When she finally stepped back, he let her go. Relena glanced at him, not really knowing what to say. Instead, she gave him a bright smile. In the end, she didn't really have to say anything.

Heero head tipped to the side as she curtsied. It was low, her dress spread out around her, her arms outstretched. After a second, she pulled herself back to her feet and started back towards the door. Resting against the balcony railing, he called out to her.

"Now you owe me again, Relena. Don't forget it."

She stopped, and turned to look at him. He looked so relaxed. but she knew the truth and it pulled a smile from her again. When she touched him, Relena had felt the race in his pulse. Heero Yuy wasn't quite as relaxed after that kiss as he was coming across.

"I won't."

So, it's been a really long time since I wrote on fanfiction. Part of the reason was that I graduated and got married and my life has just settled from the utter chaos :D Hopefully, I'll be able to start working on it again, but I'm a little rusty with anime now, so I've started out with something that will always be my favorite topic. This will be a series of Heero and Relena oneshots. Thank you for being patient with me, and thank you to everyone who kept sending reviews for my stories while I was away. You are all wonderful!

