A/N: I don't really know, I just felt like writing. I think these two would be friends in the Organization, since they're both kind of childish.

Please don't take this a romance or Demyx being a creeper. These guys are just meant to be friends :)

Enjoy, and please review~

Demyx doesn't think much of her when she first comes. No one did.

No one could.

She walked around in a trance most of her day, with her hood pulled up over her face. Some members said it was because she scared of them, while others suggested that maybe she would scare them.

Demyx decides that it is quite the former when she sleep-walks into his room one night.

He is still up because he's been on a recon mission and his brain still needs to wind down before he can go to sleep.

She wanders into his room the same way she walks around the castle, so it takes Demyx a moment to realize she's still sleeping.

It isn't long before she trips over his boots—which he'd thrown on the ground hastily only five minutes ago.

She falls and wakes herself up, and when she sees Demyx, she starts to cry.

Maybe, if it had been Saix's room, tears would be called for. But this was Demyx, so he took her arm, picked her off the ground and asked if she was okay.

She says yes and tries to leave, but Demyx was on recon, so he notices he knee is scratched. He offers her a band-aid and soon enough they are talking like they're best friends, even though it's inching towards tomorrow.

After that, Demyx decides that he likes Xion.

The other members call him crazy. They tell him it's just one child to another, and that they can't feel anything anyway, and they ask him who he's trying to fool.

. . .

Xion goes to his room every night around eleven, when the rest of the castle is asleep. He shows her his music and after every song, she claps and asks for an encore.

That makes Demyx feel much too warm inside.

He shows her his things, too—silly knick-knacks he's picked up over the years. There's a load of seashells from Atlantica; a perfectly round, perfectly pink pebble he found lying on the Ravine Trail; and his favorite, a torn book page he found in Beast's Castle with only the words " And They Lived Happily After Ever" printed on it.

Xion asks him what "Happily Ever After" means, and he explains that it means, for them, having a heart and being able to love.

That's Xion's favorite, too.

One night, before she leaves, he holds her face in his hands. He doesn't know what to do, so he just closes his eyes and holds her face in his hands while she stares at him with her impossibly large eyes.

. . .

Demyx's death comes suddenly. One day he's leaving and by that night his room is destroyed.

Out of habit, Xion goes to his room that night at eleven.

She wants to believe that when she opens the door, he'll be there, happily strumming his sitar and laughing about nothing.

But he's not there. He's wasted his second chance at life, and Xion supposes Saix is right when he says that's damnable.

She walks to the bed, which is somewhat charred, since Axel had the honor of burning the room.

Beneath the pillow, Demyx's box of special things is miraculously barely damaged. Xion digs through it and pulls out a torn, slightly burned book page from under seashell shards and a very warm pink stone.

. . .

When Roxas strikes her with the final, fatal keyblade blow, Xion lets go and swears, for a second, that she can faintly hear sitar music.

And They Lived Happily Ever After