Tony pulled up in front of the church hall. He looked at his watch, and gave a huge sigh of relief.

"We're not late, Zi."

Ziva opened her eyes and looked over to him. "We'd better not be, Tony. If we're late, Andy and David will kill us."

Tony smiled. "Mr and Mrs Alchel. The new Mrs Alchel."

Ziva opened her door. "Tony, shut up and help me get the twins out of the car." She shut the door behind her and opened the back door. Maria's eyes fluttered open.

"Are we there yet?" she asked. Ziva nodded.

"Come on – we do not want to be late for the wedding." Ziva reached out and took Kate's baby carrier as Maria yawned and woke up fully. Tony opened the other car door and took out Tali's baby carrier. Tali started babbling as Tony lifted her and closed the door. Maria took out the baby bag and closed the door after Ziva had taken Kate out. Tony smiled at Tali.

"She's a talkative one, isn't she?"

Ziva smiled. "She got that from you, Tony."

Tony laughed. "I don't understand a word you're saying, baby," he said to Tali. Tali just continued to babble.

"Like I said Tony, she got all of it from you," Ziva pointed out before heading into the church. Maria laughed as she followed her in. Tony frowned.

"Not all of it…" he mumbled as he followed them in. He looked around the large church and noticed how full it was. He searched a bit for Ziva with his eyes before finding her on one of the reserved pews at the front. He joined her and sat next to her, placing the baby carrier by his feet. She and Maria seemed to be talking to someone in the seat in front of them. When they turned around, he noticed Rebecca.

"Hi Rebecca," he greeted. She looked over to him.

"Oh, hi Tony." She turned back to Ziva. "You should really speak to her, you know, encourage her?"

Ziva nodded. "I will." She rose from her seat and went to the back of the church, where the bride was meant to be coming from. Tony looked confused.

"What was that all about?" he asked.

"Andy's a little nervous," Rebecca admitted.

Ziva opened the door to the changing room. "Hello?" She heard something fall. "Andy? Andrea?"

Andrea stepped into Ziva's line of sight. "Hi."

Ziva took in her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks and immediately realized she had been crying. "Oh, Andy…"

"I'm fine. Just fine." Andy sniffed.

Ziva ran up to her and gave her an awkward hug. "You look the complete opposite, though. What is wrong?"

"Nothing." Andy pulled out of her hug and went over to a chair in the corner of the room.

"That is not true. I am a human lie detector – you cannot lie to me."

Andy raised her eyebrows at her. "You're not really good at this comforting thing, are you?"

Ziva smiled at her. "I'm a bit new to it."

Andy smiled at her. "I guess this is where I tell you what my problem is."

"I think it is."

Andy took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm scared, Ziva. Scared that he'll stop loving me, or stop wanting to be with me. Or even that he'll stand me up at the altar." A tear rolled down her cheek.

Ziva thought about what she was going to say. "I think I felt the same way a few months ago."

"Really? Why?"

"I was scared that Tony might stop loving me, or the children, or just leave me after the twins were born."

"What happened?"

"I am here, am I not?"

Andy smiled. "What are you trying to say, Ziva?"

"I do not know anything about getting married, but if David has told you multiple times that he loves you, I would take his word for it. And if he truly loves you, he'll be there for you every step of your marriage."

Andy considered it for a second. "Thanks Ziva. You really are a true friend." She gave Ziva a quick hug before re-doing her makeup. Ziva stood up to leave.

"I'll get Rebecca for you." She closed the door behind her and walked to the pew where Tony and Maria were sitting, only to find that there were more people than she thought. As she neared the pew, she recognized the people sitting there. "Hello."

Abby spun around and smiled brightly when she saw Ziva. "Ziva!" She got up and hugged her tightly. "Where have you been?"

Ziva looked over to Rebecca. "Andy is a lot better now."

Rebecca nodded and went to check up on her. Ziva turned to all of her 'family'.

"I did not think you were coming."

"Rebecca invited us," Abby explained. "She wanted as many people close to her as possible coming to support her best friend."

Ziva smiled at them all. "Well, it is great to see you all here."

McGee and Gibbs smiled. "It's good to be here, Ziva."


Tony smiled at David as he sipped his glass of champagne. David gave him a look of confusion.

"What?" David asked.

"Dude, you're married! And your wedding ceremony was awesome!"

David smiled. "It sure was." David picked up his champagne glass and started staring into it. Tony gave him a worried look.

"You ok, Dave?" he asked.

David looked up at him. "Huh… yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He sighed. "I'm just hoping me and Andy go well together."

Tony stared at him in shock. "How could you even think that you two won't go together? You're perfect, man! Be glad that you two got to know each other 'personally' before you got married."

David was confused. "'Personally'?"

"Yeah, 'personally'."

"Tony, if I'd gotten to know Andy 'personally' before we got married, her dad would kill me."

Tony raised his eyebrows. "Seriously?"

"Tony, Andy's most likely to still be a virgin."

Tony stared at him, his mouth agape. "V-virgin?"

"Yeah. It's a religious thing, Tony. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh." Tony looked over to where Andy was messing around with her bridesmaids. "Are you sure she's not just a lesbian?"

David glared at him. "Tony, I don't want to beat you up on my wedding day."

Andy sauntered over to them. "Hey boys."

Tony smiled at her, then turned to David. "Guess what I heard."

David and Andy looked worried. "What did you hear?"

"David's gay."

Andy laughed at David's hurt expression, and watched him glare at Tony.

"You know," David stated, "it's really tempting to let my fist smash your face."

Tali started to squirm in her carrier. Tony looked down at her and lifted her out of the carrier, gently bouncing her to calm her down. Andy watched him attempt to calm the baby down.

"I think she's hungry," Andy pointed out. Tony continued to calm Tali down as she started to cry.

"You know, I think you're right." He reached down and opened the baby bag to get a baby bottle out. Andy smiled at him.

"Do you want me to feed her?" she asked.

Tony smiled at her. "Sure, thanks." He handed Tali to her and she immediately started to quiet down. Andy rocked her lightly in her arms as she took the bottle from Tony and had no trouble coaxing it into Tali's mouth. As soon as Tali finished, Andy burped her and let her fall asleep. Tony watched Andy cradle the sleeping baby in her arms.

"You're really a natural, you know," he pointed out.

"I work with children, Tony. What did you expect – for her to suddenly start crying because she wanted her daddy?"

Tony grinned at her sheepishly. "Maybe." He took the baby from her arms and laid her in the carrier. A slow song came on, and David smiled as he got up. He offered his hand to Andy.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked. Andy took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. Tony smiled at the couple before looking over to where Ziva was sitting with Abby. He got up and took the baby things and the baby carrier over to where they were sitting. He placed them by Abby's feet before turning to Ziva and holding out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked in one of his British accents. Ziva smiled and took his hand.

"I would love to," she answered as he took her to the dance floor. McGee took Abby and they joined in slow dancing. Gibbs smiled as he watched his team dance.

"That's my team," he said to himself.