Well, this is the end, everyone! I thank you all for sticking with me through this wacky journey, and I love each and every one of you who read/reviewed/put it on Alert/favorited. Of course, if you did all four I love you best. :) Thanks so much for reading, please enjoy, and review! It'll really help, I swear!

Disclaimer: I won nothing.

That Evening

"I can't believe we're leaving," Tessa whispered to Jem, who nodded in a glum kind of agreement.

"It seems like just yesterday we landed on the front steps. Remember when we first found out that Will and Jace were related? It seems so obvious now, doesn't it? Practically brothers, if not for the fact that they hardly resemble one another."

"Don't they?" She and Jem took a closer look at the Herondale boys, who were standing together and comparing the star-shaped scars on their shoulders. It was, as it was that first day, an odd mix of dark and light. And yet they shared their height and build, the spark of mischief in their eyes, the drawl in their voices, their painfully blunt manner, and their quick wit. They even had the same passion, albeit for different things.

Jem sighed. "I'm almost going to miss this century."

"I think I am, too. It's not quite the New York I remember, but nevertheless, I've enjoyed myself profusely. The library was beautiful."

The silver-haired boy snorted. "Yes, because we all the books kept you in the library for all those hours. It had nothing to do with a certain Herondale, of course."

"I suppose you're right. It was my fear of running into Will that kept me in the library for so long." She sighed in mock distress.

He threw his head back and laughed. "Ah, Miss Gray. Such a sharp tongue you have."

"I do try. If you'll excuse me, Mr. Carstairs, I'd like to bid some people farewell." She didn't wait for Jem's answer but just walked away, stepping in front of Jace and asking for a private word. He nodded to Will in that special way guys have, communicating a thousand words with a single toss of the head.

"Jace," she started, twisting her hands together. "About everything that happened… Well, thank you."

"You know this was Magnus's fault, right? He cast a spell on us to make us think we loved each other, to teach us a lesson or something."

"Did he?" She blinked rapidly before laughing. "Well, we learned something, didn't we? We all do stupid things for love, but that doesn't make them the wrong thing to do. We sacrifice everything, do anything, for the ones we love. Didn't Clary create a new rune to save Jem's life? Didn't Will swallow his pride and apologize to me to try to win me back? I'm sure you did something foolish as well."

Jace thought about his body blocking the door, raised voices, Clary screeching, and their feverish kiss in the rain. "I'll have to agree. I guess he did his job. Hey, what did you mean, 'thanks'?"

"You were so different from Will. You were kind and gentle where he was not. By allowing myself to be with someone like you, it made me see that it was Will I wanted after all. Therefore, I thank you."

He nodded slowly. "Well, if that's all…" His eyes flicked over to Clary, laughing at something Isabelle had said, her red hair shining in the sunlight. "You're welcome. You're a nice girl, but just not the girl for me."

"I completely understand. Good luck with everything."

"Yeah, you too. See you." Jace had to keep himself from running to Clary, though he was quiet enough to throw his arms around her and scare her into jumping.

"Jace, you asshole!"

"Ah, you liked it." He pulled her tighter against him, kissing the top of her head.

She sighed and melted a bit before trying to slide out of his grip. "Okay, lemme go. I want to talk to Jem."

He released her like she was suddenly burning him. "Oh, I see how it is. Abandon your one true love for Jem, again." His voice held mock disappointment and genuine amusement. "I'll just sit here and cry, it's fine." He sniffed a little in an attempt to distract her from the teasing lilt to his voice, but it didn't work. She smiled that crooked grin and walked away.

"Hey, Jem, come here for a sec?" He followed her a short distance away. "Thanks for whatever it was we had. You're really a sweet guy, you know?"

"I know."

"All right, smart ass. I'm serious. I didn't love you, but we had a good time. It was weird being with someone who wasn't Jace, but I kinda liked it. I won't forget it, anyway."

"Nor will I. You saved my life, I won't ever forget that. I can't believe that you have such an incredible power, so you must use it, yes? Just imagine how many other poor souls you can save with that rune of yours." He smiled to show his sincerity.

She bit her lip. "I don't think I can do it again. The picture's gone from my head. I think it was a one-time thing."

"Well, I'm glad it was there that one time." He put his hand on her shoulder. "I wish we could meet again, but alas, I doubt it will happen. Have a good life."

"You as well." She wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug before dashing off to Jace's side again. Jem put his hand over his heart unconsciously, right above the faint scar where there was once a twisted wreath of spiraling runes.

"Hey, everyone," Magnus called loudly. "As much fun as you're all obviously having, get the hell out of my house. I want the half of you that belong in London to go back there, and I want the rest of you back in your Institute. Bye!" He waved off the New York Shadowhunters, though stopped Alec for a hug. Jace saluted Tessa and nodded to Will, Clary waved to Jem, and Isabelle blew him a kiss before leaving.

When the 21st century Shadowhunters were gone, Magnus sighed and scrawled one last thing on his wall, making a shape that was roughly door-sized glow blue. "There you go. Time Portal. Henry, no more messing around with any of this, you got it?"

"Got it," Henry said meekly, a sheepish smile on his face. Charlotte shook her head exasperatedly and proceeded to gently scold him once more. Seeing this, as well as Tessa and Will's kiss, Jem pulled Magnus aside.

"You live in my future, meaning that everything that will ever happen in my lifetime has already happened to you. You know what will happen to me. Would you be able to tell me?"

"Of course I would be able," Magnus scoffed, examining his nails. "I won't, though. I'd rather it be a surprise. Anyway, when people know their future, they always try to change it, and that never turns out well."

Jem nodded. "Of course. I understand." He made as though to turn away, but Magnus grabbed his arm.

"Since it's you, and I like and trust you more than the others, I can give you a hint if you'd like."

Jem's silver eyes went wide, and the most desperate expression came onto his face. As sure as he was of his imminent demise, he was more concerned than anyone that he wouldn't have a proper life, and he wanted so much to know how long he lived.

Obviously Magnus wouldn't give away that crucial fact, but he dropped one glittery eye in a wink and whispered conspiratorially, "Your kids are beautiful."

Jem bit his lip to hide a wide grin and nodded his thanks, being more than a little speechless. He had children, and they were beautiful…

"Can we go home yet?" Will complained loudly.

Magnus let out a short breath aggrievedly. "Yes, please. Go. Just go through the Portal and you'll be back in the kitchen."

With a short laugh, Will took Tessa's hand, running and jumping dramatically into the Portal. She shrieked, being dragged along for the ride, and Jem laughed. He walked in, turning to smile at Magnus before he disappeared into the glowing blue door. Charlotte and Henry were last.

When they were gone, Magnus closed the Portal and leaned against the wall. Seeing them again had drudged up memories of his brief spell in London, some good and some bad. Either way, what was done was done. He couldn't go back to that time even if he wanted to, and he didn't… Right?

It's done, he thought forcefully. It's all over. You're in this century, with Alec. He ran his hand through glitter-encrusted spikes of black hair, smirking at his very bright, modern apartment. And you wouldn't change it for the world.

London Institute, 1878

Jem nearly flew through the Portal, and for once, he landed on the other side with his feet firmly planted on the ground, instead of landing in an awkward sprawl. He assumed that Tessa and Will would land that way, based on the way they fell through the Portal, but he didn't see them.

Where are they? he wondered, before happening to glance down. There they were, still awkwardly sprawled on the ground, Tessa on top of Will, though they seemed more than pleased with the arrangement, if their tangled tongues were any indication.

"By the Angel, get a room, why don't you!" Jem cried, forcing them to spring apart. Well, Tessa jumped up. Will covered his eyes with one arm and grinned lazily.

"Jealousy is unbecoming on you, James."

Jem opened his mouth to argue that while he would one day have a family, Tessa was unable to bear children, but it sounded cruel even in his head. He settled for shaking his head and proclaiming, "I hope you're happy. I did not want that to be my first sight when I returned to London."

Charlotte and Henry came through just then, and the blue-white light disappeared. "Er, Will, why are you on the floor?" Charlotte asked, sounding confused.

"Just resting," he lied cheerily. He stood up, muttering to himself about getting no privacy, when the kitchen door opened.

"Oh, good, you're all here," Sophie said briskly. "Come on, dinner's almost ready. Go, sit." She tried to shoo them out of her kitchen, but stopped at their faces. "What's the matter?"

"We were gone for almost two weeks, and all you can say it 'dinner's almost ready'?" Will asked, dumbfounded.

She crinkled her nose. "Two weeks? But you went into the crypt not twenty minutes ago!"

The rest of the group exchanged looks. So Magnus sent them back to their exact time of departure. That was good. Sophie would have been absolutely terrified if they were gone too long. With a few nods and smiles, they filed into the dining room. As usual, Jem was at the back, just in front of Sophie. He stopped, a thought crossing his mind.

Tessa couldn't bear children because she was a warlock. Sophie, however, was a mundane, and she had been in love with him for years (or so Will, who was good at reading those sorts of things, informed him). He looked her over, her slender body and pretty face. She was marked with the scar as he was with his illness; it made others find them unattractive.

"Sophie?" he breathed in a soft voice, keeping his bright eyes locked on her hazel ones, which were filled with suspicion that faded to something warmer.

"Yes, Master Jem?"

"Thank you, for everything that you do for us. I don't recall ever having thanked you properly before, and I apologize if I– or any of us– have taken you for granted. We owe you so much." He kissed her cheek, the one untouched by her scar, and brushed a lock of dark hair out of her eyes.

She flushed in apparent embarrassment, but her smile was true and loving. "No need to thank me," she whispered, pushing him gently in the direction of the others.

"You can't escape me forever," he laughed, but did as she wished and joined the others. His heart swelled at the sight of everyone so happy: Tessa and Will were deep in conversation and arguing good-naturedly, Charlotte was sitting and watching as Henry showed her the blueprint for a new invention he was planning, and Sophie glowing as she served them all.

Perhaps I was wrong this morning, Jem thought as he joined Will and Tessa's argument and Sophie accidentally– or maybe not so accidentally– brushed his arm with her own. He was happy like they all were, he did have a girl that loved him the way Tessa loved Will, and maybe, just maybe, he was in love. Life was beautiful.