Candy Days

Jack P.O.V

"No, no, no! Where is it?" I threw empty candy wrappers everywhere franticly, "No! Aw man!"

"Looking for something, Jack?" A calm voice questioned from the doorway of my room.

"Chase! Someone robbed us!" I cried out throwing the colorful candy wrappers around.

"Really? What did they take?" Chase asked calmly, arching a eyebrow.

"My Candy Stash!" I yelled out, "All my speacial Dutch chocolate, Blood Pops, gum. GONE! It was all speacial ordered! AND IT'S GONE!" I cried, "Why me? God, why-"

"Jack, what theif would want to steal your candy?" Chase asked calmly, "Also, what theif would possiably be able to get in our room?"

"...I Don't Know, But It's All Gone!" I gripped the empty wrappers like they were my awnser to life and cried.

Chase sighed and gripped his forehead,trying to ward off a headache, "Jack, noone stole your candy..."

I sniffed, "How do you know?"

"Because I got rid of it."

"...YOU WHAT?" I screamed, jumping on the Heylin warrior, "You Did WHAT With My CANDY?"

Chase sighed and pushed me off of him, "I told the lions to find every bit of your precious candy and throw it out."


"Do not question me, Spicer, I am your Master not a random human." Chase growled, angered at the mere thought.

I sighed, "It's another lesson, isn't it?",

Chase called them lessons, but I knew when the Dragonlord got bored he would think of ways to make me squirm and call 'Uncle', and come to me calling the 'lessons', like the time he told me I wasn't aloud to work on my robots for a month, I cracked and started makeing little things like, tabelware, into little airplanes and manuel robots, on the third day. I'm still suprised I made it that long.

Chase smirked,"Yes, it is actually, a month without your candy.", he ordered, knowing I'm familier with his evil habits.

I narrowed my eyes, not this time, "Wanna make it intresting ?"

"And how do you suppose we do that, Spicer?" Chase asked, intruiged that his prey was actually challangeing him.

I smirked, "I bet that I can last the month out and when I win you have to do whatever I want for a week!"

"And if I win you have to do the same." Chase smirked, already planning that week out.

"Wait! It's not fair if I'm the only one suffering!" I whined, not wanting to loose.

"What could you possiably take away from me that'll make me as crazy as you?" Chase almost chuckled.

"Hm...How about your precious coffee?" I smiled darkly.

I learned after a week of living with the Heylin warrior he couldn't stand the day unless he had at least two cups of coffee in the morning, if he didn't have those two cups he gets cranky and well...evil, I didn't see why, coffee was gross, when it got cold it tasted bitter and left a gross tast ing your mouth and if it was hot it'd do all those things and burn your tounge and you thought, the only time really liked coffee was when Chase would kiss me awake in the mornings, other than that? Bleigh.

Really I'm just punishing myself.

Chase glared, already seeing the maid outfit wave 'Goodbye', and sighed,"Deal."

I stood and snapped my fingers and ordered a random Jack-bot to clear the moutain of all its coffee, "Lets the games begin!"


Chapter One UP! Well whaddya think?

Doodle: Crappy.

A:Wha! Why?

Doodle:BARELY any yaoi

A:*sigh* I know but just wait ok?


A: Please leave a review

Chase:I don't beg

Chase:Review Humans

A: Ugh...