Here We Go Again

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

Chapter 6

Myths which are believed in tend to become true~ George Orwell

Night time at England's house was usually always peaceful. The only time Ukraine would ever hear noise in the large house was when the house was setting, it was raining, or the wind was howling outside. A large majority of the time the house was silent and Ukraine had grown rather used to (and comfortable) to the silence that would fill the house when she lay in her bed and closed her eyes. However as of late Ukraine had been hearing strange noises at night and her usual silent nights where starting to become a little less then silent.

Sometimes during the night Ukraine would hear what sounded like people talking. The voices where usually too faint for Ukraine to really be able to figure out what they were saying, but she could tell that those voices did not belong to England or her siblings. Also to go along with the voices Ukraine could sometimes hear what sounded like instruments being played. Usually the only instrument that she would hear would be a violin but sometimes Ukraine could hear what sounded like someone playing a harp. The funny thing was that Ukraine was starting to notice a connection between the instruments and the weather.

For some reason whenever it was raining she would hear the violin being played and on practically windy days she could hear what sounded like a harp being played. Sometimes the harp and violin could be heard playing together but that only happened on days that where windy and rainy. She would not hear the instruments playing every night (even if it was raining or windy) and she would not hear the talking very often, but she did hear it enough that she wanted to know just where the noises where coming from. However by the time she would get up and go investigate the noise it would already be long gone by the time she finally got to where the noise was coming from.

There would never be anything their and the TV would always be off so she knew it was not coming from there. She would always go and check around the house to make sure that there could not be anything else that could be making the noise, but those things where always off as well. The computer in England's office was off and the few toys that Ukraine and her siblings owned that could make noises like that would be completely silent. After hearing these things for about a week or so Ukraine was starting to get slightly scared by the whole thing and she finally just caved and decided to ask her siblings if they ever heard anything.

Much to Ukraine's disappointment her siblings seemed to have no clue on what she was talking about. Belarus just paused in playing with her dolls gave her sister a slow shake of her head to indicate that she had not heard anything at all during the night before she went back into her own fantasy land. Russia just said no to the question and proceeded to make his toy dinosaurs fight each other. After getting a negative answer from her siblings Ukraine really didn't know what to do. So when she woke up the next night to the sound of raindrops falling on the roof and a violin being played in the distance she did the only thing that she could think of. Ukraine got out of her bed and raced out of her room before she ran to England's room.

She was not sure if England ever heard the instruments playing at night, but she might as well try and wake him up and see if he could hear it. When Ukraine got to England's room she climbed up onto the blond nation's bed and started to try and wake England. After calling his name for a couple minutes England finally woke up. He sat up and yawned before he gave Ukraine a rather tired look.

"Ukraine what's wrong?" England asked as he let out another yawn.

"I can hear a violin playing and I don't know where it's coming from." Ukraine said.

"Violin?" England said in a rather confused expression on his face.

Ukraine could still hear the violin even in England's room, but she was afraid that England could not hear it at all.

However she was rather pleasantly surprised when England just looked at her and asked "You can hear the music too?"

Ukraine just nodded her head and England just gave her a small smile.

"I'm surprised to hear it at all. Your brother and sister could never seem to hear it so I thought you would not be able to hear it either." England said before he got up from the bed and picked her up before he walked out of the room.

"Where are we going?" Ukraine asked as England walked down the hall.

"I'm going to show you where the music is coming from." England answered.

"But whenever I looked for the source I never found it." Ukraine said.

"Don't worry you will see it this time I'm sure of it." England said.

Ukraine said nothing to this she just wrapped her arms around England's neck and waited to see just where the music was coming from. After a few minutes of walking Ukraine heard what sounded like a harp being played and a quick glance out the window showed that the wind had started to blow soon after the harp started to play. Ukraine just looked up at England and England just smiled at her, but he said nothing.

Soon enough England walked into the living room and said "Ukraine look at the coffee table you'll find the answer to your question there."

Ukraine did as she was told only to see a rather surprising sight. Standing on the coffee table where two small fairies playing instruments. The fairly playing the violin had short bright pink hair and she was wearing a long blue dress. The other fairy that was playing a harp had long brown hair that went down to her hips and she was wearing a long green dress and simple brown sandals. Both of the fairies had their eyes closed as if they where concentrating deeply on their music and they both had bright green dragonfly wings. Ukraine just looked at the two fairies with wide eyed fascination, but England didn't seem fazed at all at the sight of two fairies playing music in his house.

When the two fairies finally finished playing their song England decided to talk to the two fairy girls.

"Your music is as beautiful as ever." England said.

The two fairies quickly looked over at Ukraine and England and Ukraine had thought they would fly away, but she was instead surprised to see the two fairies smile and come flying right over to them.

"England it's been awhile since you listened to us play." The pink haired fairy said.

"Yes it has been awhile but that is not why I am here tonight. It seems you nightly concerts have been waking Ukraine." England said.

"Ukraine? So she can…" The brown haired fairy said slowly only to have England just nod at the unfinished question.

The brown fairy then looked at Ukraine and asked "You can see us?"

Ukraine just nodded her head and the two fairies just smiled.

"That's great news! If you can see us then that must mean you're a chime child!" The pink haired fairy said.

"Shouldn't she be a chime nation? I mean she is a nation and everything…" The brown haired fairy asked.

"Yeah but she is a child so she should be a chime child." The pink haired fairy said.

Then without much of a warning the two fairies started to get into a fight over if Ukraine should be called a chime child or a chime nation. Ukraine just watched the whole scene with a worried look on her face and England just rolled his eyes at the whole thing. After seeing Ukraine's worried face England gave her a small smile.

"Don't worry they always get like this." England said.

England then looked at the two arguing fairies before he said "Don't you two think you should introduce yourselves to Ukraine."

The two fairies stopped arguing and nodded their heads before they went on with the introductions. "My name is Pearl and I'm a rain fairy."

The pink haired fairy said with a smile. The brown haired fairy then proceed to fly in front of Perl so that she was more of the center of attention before she said "My name is Violet and I'm a wind fairy."

"Nice to meet you..?" Ukraine said in utter confusion.

This was just completely unbelievable, and Ukraine was seriously starting to think that she was just having an incredibly realistic dream.

Pearl must have noticed Ukraine's bewildered look because the fairy quickly called out "England I think she's a little overwhelmed."

England looked down at the girl in his arms only to have Ukraine look right back up at him with a puzzled expression. England gently placed the girl down on the couch before he sat down next to her.

"I'm not dreaming am I?" Ukraine asked.

England just shook his head before he said "No, you're not dreaming."

"I've never seen a fairy before." Ukraine said as he looked over at the two session fairies that where looking at her.

"Really? You have never seen any at all?" Violet asked.

Ukraine just shook her head no, and the two fairies were now looking at Ukraine with slight confusion.

"Ukraine, I want you to think now." England said. "In all of the time that you have existed have you ever seen anything odd?"

Ukraine just looked at England in confusion.

"OK maybe I should be more specific. Have you ever heard voices talking even when no one was their or seen figures at a distance and when you got close to them they would just disappear?"

Ukraine thought back and tried to remember if she had anything like that happen to her before. After a couple minutes of thinking Ukraine slowly nodded her head and said "Back at my home there is a river. At night when the skies were clear these woman would sometimes show up and dance and sing in the meadows and near the river bank."

"Where you ever able to get near them?"

Ukraine shook her head before she said "Whenever I tried to get near them they would dance away from me. Whenever I tried to talk to them they would just giggle." The girl shrugged before she said "I stopped trying to talk to them after a while. I had chores to do in the morning so I couldn't spend all night chasing them."

"Could you describe them a bit more?" Pearl asked.

"They all had long golden blond hair and they were always very pretty. Their hair was always wet though so they always looked like they had just walked out of the river."

"I think she's talking about rusalka" Violet said.

Ukraine was pretty sure that a rusalka was some sort of mythological creature that she would hear about in the tales that the elderly men and women would tell. She never thought she would see one, but evidently the ladies who would sometimes hang out at the river were rusalka. Ukraine didn't know if she should be disappointed by that or not. The women were very beautiful, but Ukraine had sort of been expecting more from mythical creatures. She was expecting them to take her breath away and she should have been able to automatically able to tell that the women were magical, but evidently that wasn't the case.

Ukraine was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard England murmur "I don't think she is a chime child."

Ukraine just gave him a confused look, and upon seeing that the girl was paying attention to him England just smiled at her.

"Children are supposed to be sensitive to the supernatural world, but very few children are sensitive enough to be able to clearly see mythical creatures."

"So I'm just one of these super sensitive kids?" Ukraine asked.

"I think so." England answered. "Your ability to see the supernatural should be even better now sense you have been made aware of it and you will most likely be unintentionally seeking the creatures out. It won't take long for the other creatures to learn about your sensitivity, and when they do they will be less likely to hide themselves from you."

England reached out and ruffled the girl's hair a little before he said "At any rate it's nothing to worry about. Just enjoy having the ability while it lasts."

The way he said that made it sound like her newfound ability would fade away with time. Ukraine wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but before she could a yawn quickly worked its way out of her. Upon seeing the girl yawn England's smile softened a little.

"I think it's time for young nations to go to bed."

England quickly scooped the girl up into his arms and said "Say goodnight to Pearl and Violet Ukraine."

"Goodnight." Ukraine said quietly.

"Goodnight Ukraine. Sorry that we woke you up with our music." Pearl said.

England was already walking out of the room before Ukraine could even reply. By the time they reached Ukraine's room her unasked question had been forgotten about, and the tired girl allowed the English nation to tuck her back into bed.

"Goodnight Ukraine." England said softly.

"Goodnight England." Ukraine answered.

Ukraine then quickly fell asleep with her newfound knowledge of the supernatural world still drifting in her mind…

Ever sense Ukraine had been made truly aware of the supernatural world she had started to see all sorts of creatures lurking around in and around England's home. They dwelled in the shadows and they silently stalked the halls. They danced in the gardens, and they lived in the forest that surrounded England's home. As England has said once the creatures became aware of the fact that she could truly see them they no long tried to hide themselves or sneak around in the shadows. In fact it felt like every supernatural creature in existence was crawling out of the woodworks to try and find her and show her that they existed.

According to England they were just excited that a new person could see them, and once their excitement over having someone new see them wore off they would stop being so noisy and they would stop seeking her out so that they could show off. All Ukraine really knew was the fact that England's large quiet house wasn't so quite anymore. All she could really do was watch on with wide eyes as a large verity of creatures marched into her life. Each time a new creature that she had never seen before would appear Ukraine would immediately go to England and start asking questions.

"What's that flying green rabbit?" Ukraine would ask one day as she watched a winged rabbit flutter about overhead.

"That is Flying Mint Bunny." England would explain with a smile. "He's an old friend."

On another day Ukraine would get into a staring contest with a giant creature that was sitting at the edge of the woods. He was a giant of a man who could easily tower over any human or nation. His eyes were an unnaturally bright green, his beard was green, and his deer like horns were covered in moss and vines.

"Who is that?" Ukraine would ask as she watched the animals of the forest dance around the green eyed creature.

"He is a Leshy." England would explain. "He protects the forest and the animals that dwell in it."

As one creature after another made itself known Ukraine was filled to the brim with never ending questions. What is that? What does that creature do? How long have you known that creature? To England's credit the nation never seemed to tire of being hit with the tidelwave of questions. He answered each question with a smile, and if anything he seemed happy about the fact that she was even asking so many questions. Pearl had mentioned once that he was probably just excited that someone else could see the mythical creatures now. Privately, Ukraine wondered if having someone around who could see supernatural things too made him feel less lonely, but she never worked up the courage to ask.

On some rare few instances Ukraine wouldn't have to ask England what a creature was. She heard enough fairytales in her life that she could recognize the creatures that were more prominent in literature and TV shows. She knew what pixies were, she knew that fairies could come in all sorts of types and shapes, and she knew what an elf was. However, just because she knew what some creatures where didn't mean she could stop herself from staring at the creatures in disbelief. Today happened to be one of those days were Ukraine was made aware of the fact that her life had become rather odd.

It had started out as a rather normal day and for once she wasn't being jumped by every single mythical creature in creation. However, the normalcy quickly shattered when she walked into the living room only to see a dragon lounging on the couch. The creature was the size of a tiger, but it was lounging on top of the couch like it was an oversized house cat. Its scales were the color of gold, and its red eyes could put ruby gemstones to shame.

What made the situation all the more surreal was the fact that her brother was sitting on the floor playing with a few dragon toys completely unaware of the fact that a real live dragon was in the room with him. Upon seeing his sister staring at something all wide eyes and slackjawd Russia looked over at what she was staring at only to see that there was nothing there.

"Ukraine what are you staring at?" Russia asked.

The dragon almost seemed amused by Russia's question and it let out a sound that almost sounded like a rumbling laugh.

Ukraine couldn't quite take her gaze off of the dragon as she said "Nothing. I'm staring at nothing."

She almost wanted to ask how he couldn't see the giant dragon sitting a few feet behind him, but England had already explained that he was pretty sure that Russia was completely unable to see mythical creatures. The only reason why she could was due to her sensitivity of the supernatural, and she could only see things so clearly now because she was actually aware of her ability and of the fact that the supernatural world was most definitely real.

England had also said the reason why she was seeing so many creatures was due to the fact that they were all coming over to see the new girl who could actually see them. Evidently being able to see the supernatural world was an ability that was dying out in this day and age, and finding someone who could only happened once in a blue moon. Ukraine could get that, but what she couldn't get was why she was the only one who seemed to be sensitive to the mythical world.

Russia was completely oblivious of everything, and Belarus didn't seem to be aware of the mythical creatures that surrounded them. England never had a clear answer as to why she was the only one with this ability, and the sort of frustrated her a little. All too aware of the fact that her brother was staring at her in confusion

Ukraine just sighed before she said "Tell England that I went out to play in the front yard."

Russia nodded before he turned his attention back to his toys. Ukraine left the room, but she could feel the dragon watched as she left. Upon getting outside she felt like she could breathe a little easier now that she didn't have a dragon staring down at her. However, she didn't miss the fact that there were creatures out in the front yard too. There were creatures all over England's property and that was a fact that Ukraine was trying to get used to. Fluttering about the flowerbed near the door were tiny fairies singing songs. Their voices sounded like chiming bells, and the nation couldn't understand a word that they said. A large green dog that was about as big as a horse was fast asleep in the front yard.

'It's a Cu Sith.' She thought almost absentmindedly. 'England said the green dog is a Cu Sith.'

She ignored the giant beast and instead she started to gather the wild flowers that were growing around the yard. She wanted to try and make a flower crown. Once she had gathered enough flowers she sat down on the grass and started working on her flower crown. Everything was fine at first, but the second she heard the fairies stop singing she started to worry. She looked up at the flower bed only to see that the fairies were still there. They were all quietly staring off in the direction of the road. Ukraine looked over at the road only to blink a few times in surprise when she saw that there was someone there.

It looked like an old woman was standing there. Her long gray hair went down to the middle of the back. She was wearing a long leather skirt that looked like it was hastily stitched together, and a black blouse like shirt. That was normal enough, but her face was completely blue. Ukraine couldn't even say that her face was blue because of makeup. The very skin of her face was blue. Her arms were unnaturally long and thin. They were too long and thin to be human. She had long nicely manicured fingernails that were silver in color and glinted a little in the evening light. Ukraine wanted to believe that it was just silver nail polish, but it looked a bit too metallic to be that. The strange woman smiled and Ukraine felt a chill go down her spine. There was no way that this person was human.

"Hello dear." The woman said kindly.

"Hello." Ukraine said back.

She heard a few chimes from the fairies behind her, and while Ukraine didn't know what they said it did have a worried frantic sort of sound to it. This woman wasn't normal. Ukraine was pretty sure that this lady was a mythical creature of some sort. The woman smiled and her teeth seemed unusually sharp. Ukraine wanted to get up and walk right into the house, but she was frozen in place. She didn't want to turn away from this strange woman.

"You look like a sweet girl." The woman cooed. "Maybe you can help me with something."

The chiming from the fairies grow louder, and Ukraine knew that she didn't want to help this woman with anything.

"I don't think I can help you." Ukraine said.

The smile on the old croons face never faded away as she said "Oh, I think you can."

The woman took a single step forward, and that was all it took for Ukraine to let out a loud scream. That yell was what it took to wake up the sleeping Cu Sith. The giant dog jumped to his feet and the second he noticed the old lady he started to growl. Ukraine heard the front door slam open.

She could hear England yell out "Ukraine!"

Ukraine quickly turned around and raced over to the blond nation. She felt him wrap his arms around her before he lifted her up so that he was holding her. The old woman wasn't smiling anymore.

"Black Annis." England said in a clipped voice.

"Oh England you didn't tell me that you had more children." The now named Black Annis said.

England ignored the comment and instead said "I told you never to come back here."

"Come now England it's been so long since I visited. Surely we can let the past remain in the past."

"No, we can't let the past go. The last time you came you tried to hurt Hong Kong."

The woman's gaze grew cold as she said "I have to eat you know."

"I don't care what your excuse is." England said coldly.

England then let out a loud shrill whistle that made Ukraine flinch a little. It was quiet for a moment, but after a few seconds had passed Ukraine could heard what sounded like barking coming from the forest. It was a lot of barking come from the woods, and it sounded like an army of dogs were coming toward them. Ukraine looked over at the woods only to see dark shapes of creatures were approaching the edge of the woods, and she could see a whole lot of red glowing eyes shining from out of the darkness. England placed Ukraine down inside the house, but he never looked away from Black Annis.

"Ukraine I need you to lock the doors, get your siblings, grab the dragon, and stay in the living room." He whispered to her.

"What are you going to do?" Ukraine asked.

She heard howling coming from the woods and England just stared right at Black Annis as he said "I'm going hunting."

The old woman snarled, and the sound didn't even sound human. "Try it boy. I'll rip your hounds apart."

"You can try." England said.

Ukraine shut the door before she could hear her response. She locked the door and quickly raced over to the back door and locked it too. She could hear dogs barking and howling outside around the house. It was so loud and it was freaking her out a bit. She ran into the living room only to see that Russia was still there. He looked over at Ukraine and smiled. Ukraine just gave him a week smile in return and watched as he went back to playing. He couldn't hear the snarling of the dogs outside, and she was thankful for that fact. The dragon was still there, but he was no long lounging on the couch. He was sitting next to Ivan his tail loosely wrapped around the boy.

"Russia, where is Belarus?" Ukraine asked.

"In her room." Ivan answered not bothering to look up from his toys.

Ukraine immediately left the room and made her way to Belarus' room. The girl was there sitting at her tiny table surrounded by her stuffed animals.

She had a frown on her face, and upon seeing Ukraine she asked "Did you hear dogs barking?"

The dogs were still barking and howling outside, and Ukraine froze for a second.

"Do you still hear dogs?" Ukraine asked.

Belarus shook her head no and Ukraine relaxed a little. "Come on we are going to watch cartoons with Russia."

Ukraine said as she gently took her sister's hand and lead her down to the living room. When they reached the living room Belarus sat down on the couch, and Ukraine sat down next to her. The dragon glanced over at them, but eventually turned his gaze to the TV. They sat there and Ukraine listened to the hounds. Belarus frowned a little after a while before she turned to look at her sister.

"I hear dogs again."

Ukraine just turned the volume up on the TV upon hearing that. Ukraine wasn't sure how long she sat there listening to the barking. It felt like years when it must have been about an hour or two at best. Eventually she heard a loud inhuman wail and the second the wailing stopped the barking stopped, and an eerie silence fell upon the house. Ukraine tensed up a bit when she heard the front door open and close, but she relaxed when she saw England walk into the living room. He looked tired, but he smiled at the children when he saw them.

"How do you guys feel about getting pizza tonight?" England asked as he walked over to the couch.

"Are you making it?" Russia asked immediately upon hearing the question.

England just rolled his eyes before he said "No, I'll be ordering the pizza from a restaurant."

Russia immediately cheered upon hearing that, and Belarus muttered something about wanting sausage on the pizza.

"Ukraine can you help me find my phone?" Ukraine nodded before she slid off the couch and followed him out of the room.

Once they were out of earshot of her siblings Ukraine said "You don't actually need help finding your phone."

"I have my phone with me, but I figured we should talk about what happened. He led her to her bedroom and sat down on her bed. Ukraine sat down next to him and quietly asked "Is she gone?"

"She won't bother anyone else ever again." England told her.

He sighed as he ran a hand down his face before he muttered "I should have taken her out the first time I met her."

"What did you mean when you said that she tried to hurt Hong Kong?"

England frowned as he said "Hong Kong had always been a little sensitive to the supernatural, but he wasn't as sensitive as you. However, he still caught Black Annis' attention. She tried to take him away, but I stopped her and told her never to return. Hong Kong was pretty young then so I don't think he remembers any of that."

An angry look crossed the green eyed man's face as he said "I should have known that she wouldn't stay away. She always was always overconfident and I'm sure she thought she could take me out if she needed to."

Ukraine frowned before she asked "Did she come here for me?"

England bit his lip and was quiet for a moment before he finally sighed and said "I won't lie to you she probably was here for you. She must have heard from the supernatural grapevine that I had children at the house, and that one of them could see the supernatural."

He tilted his head slightly to the side before he said "Of course she was the only one stupid enough to try and attack a child that is under my protection."

"What was she going to do if she got me?" Ukraine asked.

"She would take you away, and we would never see you again." England said softly. Ukraine was pretty sure that there was more to it than just getting kidnapped, but she decided that she really didn't want to know what else the Black Annis would do to her.

England sighed before he said "I'm sorry Ukraine. I'm an idiot."

"Why are you sorry?"

England gave her a serious look before he said "Sometimes it's easy to for me to forget that not all supernatural creatures are friendly."

He got off the bed and knelt down so that he was at eye level with her.

"All of the creatures that live here are friendly and they won't harm you, but if you ever see a creature that you have never seen before come get me. I'll tell you if it's safe or not to talk to them."

"And if they aren't safe?" She asked softly.

"Then I will get rid of them." He said firmly.

He left no room for argument upon saying that.

Ukraine frowned before she asked "How did get rid of the Black Annis?"

"Hell hounds and a Cu Sith are helpful companions to have when you go up against a monster with iron claws."

"She had iron claws?!" Ukraine squeaked out.

"Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that…" England muttered.

Ukraine shivered a little at the thought. There was no doubt in her mind that the monster would have used her claws on her if she had been given a chance.

She felt a few tears fall from her eyes, and England quickly hugged her. "If you want to cry you can cry. You have had a long day."

Ukraine started to sob, and England didn't mind that she was getting his shirt soaking wet. At first being able to see mythical creatures was sort of cool, but she didn't think that anymore. She believed England when he said that he would keep her safe. He rescued her today, and he saved Belarus when she got lost. However, even with that knowledge Ukraine didn't feel better. It would be awhile before Ukraine would feel better. She knew it, and England knew it too. However, as England sat there and held the sobbing child in his arms the English nation silently promised her that he would do whatever it took to make her feel happy and safe once again…

So that's chapter 6. Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. Anyway, info time!

Black Annis: Black Annis (also known as Black Agnes) is a bogeyman figure of English folklore. She is usually described as being a blue faced witch with and a taste for humans flesh (especially children). They would eat lambs too, and they would take the skins of whatever they ate and wear them around their waist.

Rusalka: Rusalkas are water nymphs from Slavic mythology. It's said that they would sometimes come out of the water to climb trees, sing songs, or dance in fields.

Chime Child: Chime children are people who were born during the chime hours (which were usually Three, six, nine, and midnight, but this varied from place to place). It's said that children born during these times are able to see the supernatural, and it was sometimes said that they had special ablates that range from being able to control animals to being able to use magic.

Children and the supernatural: It's said that children are more sensitive to the supernatural then adults are, but I would be willing to bet that this sensitivity can vary from kid to kid. In this story Ukraine is more sensitive to the supernatural, but due to various reasons (growing up and refusing to believe in the supernatural mostly) she lost the ability. Since she is a kid again she has gained the ability back.

Anyway, I'll try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible so please review and don't flame.