Vampire knight Fan Fiction Senri Shiki + Zero Kiryu

1st scene set: Inside the school academy, Night

Situation: Shiki left the class feeling slightly ill in the Classroom and on his way back to the moon dorm meets Zero.

The moon was already set high in the sky by the end of the first period which happened to be Senri's lest favourite lesson, History. The night class were silent and still as the 2nd period led on, it was ethics, another of Shiki's hated subjects. The red haired individual would much prefer to stay in his dorm eating pocky with Rima or Ichijo, the only two people he really got along with well. Rima was on the front row of the class, her hair was simply put into pigtails on each side of her head but made her look amazing, the black bows which held them in black stood out against her blond hair. Shiki simply watched her hair when she moved her head every now and again, his concentration span was limited and a throbbing headache was beginning to set in. How strange, it was unlike him to get such meaningless pain. Remaining calm and cool he thought he could last the rest of the lesson but by the halfway point his head was down on the tabletop and he was excused. He left in silence; his calm expression had sunk to one which looked more ill now. The concentration of the headache was increasing with every step he took. The corridor seemed to go on forever, his lone shape moving onwards down a never ending passage where time seemed to of stopped. The only sounds where his footsteps, a reminder of how dull and boring the school was when you wonder it alone like this. Finally he made it to the doors leading to the outside and as the cold outside air hit him he sighed; the cold numbing the pain slightly. In no rush to leave the cool air he took his time making his way back to the moon dorm. His paces were short and slow, allowing him time to think of nothing, and take notice of nothing. But there was one thing he did notice on the way back. A certain school guardian seemed to come between him and the moon dorm. Naturally he tried to ignore the male, but his phantom like eyes were glued to Shiki as he tried to simply walk past.

"Where do you think your heading? You have lessons now, I suggest you turn back." His voice was harsh and uninviting. This boy hated Vampires despite the fact he too was a vampire.

Shiki turned back, his facial expression showed no emotion as he spoke back to the male. "I have been excused from class for not feeling well, Kiryu." He had nothing more to say as he walked away, the freedom of the dorm within meters of him.

"Oh, Really Now? Well just in case you're lying I'm going to escort you back to your room" The distrust he had for vampires was huge, after watching his parents get killed by vampires he vowed to seek revenge on the one who killed them. He showed little fear towards them despite the trauma of watching his family die.

"How nice of you Kiryu, maybe you should hold my hand in case i wonder off and get lost" Sarcasm wasn't like Shiki but with this unknown headache pestering him his calm mood had twisted slightly. He would gasp as the vampire passed him, snatching his hand up in his own and dragging him into the dorm.

"If you want to be treated like a child then so be it" Zero said fiercely as he pulled the vampire along. The red haired male pulled back like a child resisting his mother's attempts to take him somewhere he did not want to go.

"What the hell? I was being sarcastic! How dare you show such disrespect towards me!" Shiki had lost his cool composer, placing his free hand on Zero's Shoulder to pull the vampire hunter around, but in a strange twist of events ended up pinned to a nearby wall, both his rists held by the vampire hunter above his head. But all fell silent as the pairs eyes met. Shiki's pale blue eyes meeting with Zeros light violet ones. Lost in the moment the two seemed to be drawn into each other. Less then a moment passed before the pair where in each other's arms, the hate and anger lost as they held each other close.

It wasn't quite clear what had happened, but the two seemed lost in the gazes of the others. Finally one spoke.

"I've never been close enough... to notice your eye colour..." Shiki said as he was mesmerised by the light violet that Zero's eyes held.

"Same here... I always thought your eyes were grey..." Zero replied, unsure if he ever thought about Shiki's eye colour before. The only thing about his eyes that he had noticed was the sadness they held

"Same goes for yours... I never would of guessed they were so... cute..."

The pair would stay like this for a few more moments before shifting themselves, breaking the moment as they walked off towards Shiki's room. As Zero said he escorted the vampire back to his room. The after effects of the moment would soon mace themselves apparent...

Chapter One End