ASDGAF. I had literally had no idea what to write for this chapter. Crap, the state testing is Tuesday! I had no idea what to all.


Living with England was very easy. Every day, I woke up, right as the sun began to rise over the heavenly, pine trees of the west. I would wash myself and then somehow walk down my huge staircase. Why did it seem that instead of walking, I was butt-sliding down the stairs? The world may never know.

For breakfast, England would always cook me a delicious meal, and every time I complemented him, his eyes would grow wide with shock and relief. I'm not sure if he realized what my diet consisted of before I met him; anything these Europeans gave me would be satisfying.

Europeans. I now know that word. These people and I, we weren't spirits. It was now clear to me that we were all 'The Land' man walked upon. They came from a continent called Europe, hence the name. It's across the ocean, so I've never seen it before. I saw it on a map, and I even recognized myself: the land east of the Great River. I saw mother, who is the land west, but I couldn't find much of Madhur. I didn't know where he was, I only assumed he was in the big open space above me. I would love to go and look for him but…it was so big, and I was too small.

I was learning 'English' at a fast rate. Unfortunately, with some words, I used a 'w' instead of 'l' or 'r.' Example? Engwand and Amewica. See what I mean? I don't know why, it's like how when I spoke Spanish, I shortened some of the words. Well, at least England says he finds the way I speak, cute.

When I wasn't being taught 'English' I was just playing and having fun. England would spend his time working or whatever in his office, and I'd just have a picnic with myself or play with the woodland critters. Sometimes I get visited by other countries, like I did yesterday. Want to hear the story? Well, if you didn't want to, too bad. I'm telling you anyway.

So there I was, eating my piece of bread over-looking the colonies (That I apparently had since 1607).While examining the lives of normal people, I came across children. They were happy, laughing, playing, and growing.It's not like I was jealous, of course not. One day, I'd grow up to be much bigger than them. I'd live forever and be invincible. I'll always be happy, laughing, and playing. I promise myself that I will.

"I'm not lonely." I muttered under my breath while taking another small bite of my bread.

"America, it's me! That idiot England isn't here, so I came to visit!" Oh sweet baby Jesus; I almost had a heart attack!

"Waah! F…France?" Oh, good lord, it's just France.

"I may have lost the argument, but I haven't given up over America yet! Try comparing my food with his and I'll expect you to become my territory!" And so he held out two plates with food on them. Don't forget the little flags!

"….Snacks!" I exclaimed cheerfully. The world is a better place when you get served free food. I took a bite of France's food.

"Wow! This is so sweet and tasty!"

"Isn't it? Obviously big brother's food is far superior, right?" And so I took a bite of England's food.

"This one's sweet and tasty too!" Oh, look who came! Fluffy! I decided that we should both share the delicious food. While stuffing my face, I shot France a glance, and he was looking at me as if I had two heads. Did I? Because that'd be really cool…

And that's the story of how I began visiting both France and Spain. Not because I was worried they would stalk me and find out that I was a girl. Nope, what gives you that idea?

Anyways, when I wasn't out and about, but instead inside the comforts of my home (mostly because of the weather), I was just hanging around waiting for England to get out of that stupid office. He always says that 'if I want him to stay in the colonies longer, I have to wait until he gets his work done.' I hate waiting; it gives me a bad case of anxiety.

So, you may be asking 'my, what did you do in you do in your spare time?' Well, I read books. Sometimes, I read ones with heroes saving the day; on others, I read cheesy Romance novels. Gosh, I read horror stories sometimes and then I would be terrified to sleep in my room alone! Then I'd tell England that I couldn't sleep because I was afraid and he'd respond with an 'I told you not to read them!' So, England would let me sleep with him and, depending what dream I had, I'd wet the bed…

ANYWAYS, that was my daily life for a few…years? I think. So, I'd still stay in the same small body and have trouble doing things a normal kid with my knowledge would do. I was a genius. What? Do you seriously know any one-year-old who speaks about 3 different languages? I certainly don't.

Sometimes as I reflected on my past, I missed being in my little meadow. I just miss being so close to the animals there and feeling unique. I was the only one of my kind there, and it made me feel like everything was in the palms of my hands. Life was so easy going then, but I mustn't forget that this new life I live is different. I learn something new every day and I'm being cared for with the bonus of well-cooked meals. I have 3 nice 'big-brothers' and my secret is still safe! Ha, look at that!

Every so often, I feel like I'm also changing. I don't know how to explain it, but it feels weird. I especially feel it at night. Am I growing, or is it all in my mind?

A filler. Let's go with that. I seriously had NO idea what to write. Nada. Sorry if it sucks! I really am. I hate this chapter so much! GAH! I probably made a lot of mistakes, I'm really sorry! I failed! No idea what to write at all! *goes insane from hatred, lurking within heart, for this chapter* HATE HATE HATE!

When France states, "I may have lost the argument, but I haven't given up over America yet!" he really hasn't. During America's growth-dun dun dun- France and England will be going through King William's War, Queen Anne's War, and King George's War. Then after that: The French and Indian War.*This little scene came from one of Himaruya's comic. I changed the word 'fight' to 'argument' for story purposes.

Please REVIEW! I know I made a lot of mistakes. See, by clicking the yellow button below, you can save me from my pessimistic insanity and bring my back to optimistic insanity. The fate of the world rests in your hands; please consider.

Probably going to edit this chapter when a better idea comes to mind. I just really wanted it to get out of the way so that I could get to the juicy stuff. GAH, Why'd they have to be so far?