Title: Playful Mischief

Category: Gilmore Girl

Ship: Rory/Logan

Rated: PG-13

Genre: Romance/Humor/Friendship.

Summary: Scheming matchmakers and two very stubborn people who have been on a head-on collision since the moment they met. Rory/Finn friendship.

A/N: Set after Rory's prank.

Disclaimer: I don't own the show or it's characters i just play with them.

Chapter 1. 'Allies in the making.'

"I. Don't. Wanna."

Rory paused from eating her cheeseburger for a moment to look at her mother who was pouting like a four-year-old. Rory rolled her eyes at the expression. Lorelai had been plotting away for twenty minutes to find a way to get out of her mother's Christmas party that Rory had told her about when she walked into Luke's. Obviously not having found any excuses that would satisfy Emily Gilmore, her very mature mother had sunk to theatrics.

"We're going to this party, Mom. It's next Friday, so we would have to be there anyway, and you already missed last night's dinner."

"What if I call Mom and tell her I broke my leg?" Lorelai asked hopefully, her eyes lighting up at the prospect of getting out of the party.

"She'll tell you to have the cast match your dress." Rory didn't even acknowledge her mother's whimper or the thud sound Lorelai's head made when she dropped it on the table as she started to get up. "Thanks for the late lunch… I have to get back to school to study. Two more tests then vacation, how about Thursday we go shopping for dresses?"

Lorelai nodded her head, not bothering to lift it off the table. Rory made her way to the door, waving at Luke who looked up from behind the counter. "Hey, how about…"

"No, Mom. Thursday."


Rory made her way slowly through the campus, trying to avoid the sleep-deprived coeds who walked around murmuring incoherently about upcoming finals and failures. Rory sighed softly as she saw the line at the coffee kiosk but stopped nonetheless, losing herself in thoughts of tests, upcoming breaks, and Christmas in Stars Hollow.

"Penny for your thoughts, Luv?"

Rory turned around to find Finn smiling down at her. "My thoughts are worth much more than a penny, a coffee at the very least."

"Coffee it is. So, thoughts?"

"School, Christmas."

Finn looked at her with a mocking look. "No thoughts of me then? I'm hurt."

"Not today." Rory answered dryly.

"Hopefully tomorrow then." Finn said smiling, stepping ahead of her, ordering both their drinks after asking her what she wanted. "How about some thoughts of Huntzberger? Any of those in that pretty head of yours?"

Rory accepted her drink and followed Finn over to one of the benches, a wide smile taking over her face at the thought of the last time she had seen Logan. "Has he figured it out yet or does he really believe our wedding is in the near future?"

Finn sat down next to her, chuckling. "He figured it out, a stroke of genius on your part, dear, using your grandfather, naughty girl."

"I guess I won't get anything for Christmas if I'm naughty, but the look on his face was worth it. So, is he pissed, I haven't seen him around."

"Been looking, have you?" Rory gave him a glare that didn't worry Finn at all. "No, not upset. Surprised and impressed, not that he'll ever admit it."

"Never underestimate a Gilmore."

"I'll make a note." Finn smiled, putting his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, something Rory realized didn't bug her one bit. Finn had a harmless goofy charm that Rory found endearing on many levels, and reminded her of some of the more colorful character at home. "You do know, however, that he will likely try to get back at you. But have no fear, my dear girl, because you have proven yourself to me and by doing so, you have earned yourself a co-conspirator."

"Oh?" Rory raised an eyebrow, not really believing what she was hearing. Finn willing to stand on her side in this little battle of wills that she was beginning to realize had started the second she and Logan had met. Maybe Marty was right, she had been tapped. "Betraying your friend, now who's the naughty one?"

"I've always been naughty, Luv. I'll be willing to show you anytime." Finn bobbled his eyebrows suggestively. "Besides, Logan will understand it's not about friendship, it's about the entertainment value this can provide. I would be betraying the Brigade if I wasn't looking for some fun; that would be unforgivable."

Rory laughed at her apparently new friend's antics. "I'm going to enjoy having you around, Finn."

"Ditto, Luv, so…" Finn said, getting up from the bench and bowing before her. "Ms. Gilmore, I am now your faithful follower and mischief maker… at your service and at your feet."


Logan Huntzberger stood with his friends, tuning them out as they talked about upcoming parties, family obligations, and all around general holiday events that wound start to take place soon. His attention was on something else, someone else who sat across the courtyard.

Colin turned to his friend after saying goodbye to the group that had been with them moments ago, something that his distracted friend didn't even seem to notice. "What's up, you're miles away."


Colin stared at Logan strangely, confused about the odd tone in his old friend's voice. "What about Finn?"

Logan nodded his head in the direction he was looking at. "He's over there talking to Rory."

Colin fought the urge to smirk as he heard her name. He turned to see what Logan was watching with fierce intensity. Across from them about thirty feet sat Finn and Rory, laughing close together, so caught up in their conversation that they didn't even notice their attentive audience. Now he understood the tone. He didn't quite understand yet what was going on between Logan and the reporter, but he knew enough to know the girl was causing unusual reactions in his dear friend. Obviously, possessiveness was one of them.

"They seem to be getting along." Colin observed, watching as Finn said something close to Rory's ear that made her laughing heartily. "Friendly."

"It would seem so." Logan murmured, never taking his eyes off Finn and Rory.

"Let's go say hi." Colin said, walking away from Logan, not listening to him when he called him back.

Logan sighed and followed. "Great."


Rory struggled for breath. Tears were making their way down her cheeks and her sides hurt. Finn had moved on from pledging his alliance to her and had started telling stories of Australia, talking on and on about Tasmania, his accent getting thicker and Aussie slang coming out with every other word.

"Stop, Finn, I beg you." Rory managed to get out.

"A lot of women beg when they're around me." Finn answered with a far away dreamy look.

"To stop?" Rory teased.

Finn smirked, pulling her close. "To not!"

"My, aren't you cozy."

Finn and Rory looked up at the interruption.

"Good day, Colin." Finn answered, ignoring the look Colin gave him, but looking over when Colin gestured with his head. "Ah, Logan… look, pet, it's your beloved."

Rory just sniggered as Logan came to stand in front of them. This was the first time she'd seen him since the prank and just looking at him brought back the memory.

"Come on, Huntz, don't just stand there, give your fiancée a kiss." Finn exclaimed loudly, attracting the attention of people nearby with his theatrics.

"Shut up, Finn." Rory replied, absently patting his hand that was over her shoulder so he would know she didn't mean it sternly, all the while smirking at Logan. "Hey, Huntzberger, did you have time to go over the pre-nup?"

"That was a nasty trick, Ace. It took years off my life." Logan answered, not cracking a smile.

"So was your little prank, Logan."

"It was a joke."

Rory stood up and crossed her arms. "I wasn't laughing."

"Not surprised." Logan mumbled, but loud enough for them to hear.

"Tit for Tat, Huntzberger." Rory answered, all teasing leaving her voice as his attitude began to annoy her. He could mess with her and she had to take it? Obviously, he didn't know a Gilmore. "You mess with what I care about, my education, and I mess with what you care about, your freedom. Push me again, and I'll push back."

"Oh, kitten." Finn said, breaking their staring contest. "I knew I liked this girl."

"I'll keep that in mind, Ace." Logan said, still staring at her, ignoring Finn's comment for now.

She raised an eyebrow at his tone. "See that you do."

Turning, she gathered her things. She nodded at Colin, a motion he returned. Finn got up himself and helped her with her jacket, not bothering with Logan's glare or Colin's questioning look.

"Later, Luv," he said, brushing a chaste kiss over her cheek.

Rory smiled at his affection. "Thanks for the entertainment and the coffee."

"Bye, boys." she said to all of them, looking at Logan last. "Later, Huntzberger."

The three men watched her walked away. Once she was out of sight, Logan moved in on Finn. "What the hell was that?"

"What?" Finn asked artlessly, something that had Colin shaking his head and cracking a smile.

"You were hanging out with Rory, why?"

Finn stared at him like he was crazy and started to talk to him like so. "She's beautiful, she's hot, she's smart, she's funny and she's interesting. The question should be why wouldn't I want to be near her?"

Logan narrowed his eyes; feeling annoyed with his friend, a friend he'd had since middle school. "You into her, Finn?"

Finn smirked at him and Logan's jaw clenched at the laughter in Finn's tone. "Don't worry, Huntz, I won't move in on what's yours."

"Rory isn't mine." he answered automatically.

Finn gave him a knowing look, a wide smile breaking through. "And that is what's bothering you, mate."

Logan let out a sigh that seemed to mask a growl. Turning around, he walked away from his amused friends.

Once out of earshot, Finn let out the laughter that had been bubbling inside.

"You're plotting, Finn." Colin said, watching his friend continue to laugh. "Share!"

Controlling his laughter, Finn gave Colin a look that always made him shudder a bit. It was the same look that always ended up with the words 'bail money'. "I'm just looking for a little fun to fill the holidays."

"Have you found it?"

"I believe I have."

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