Description: Kikyo strikes a deal with Kagome to find the jewel shards together and that neither one of them will have Inuyasha until it is complete. Kagome, reluctantly, joins Kikyo in hopes of dissuading her of taking Inuyasha's soul, but after a run in with the great Lord Sesshomaru, Kagome starts to question her love for Inuyasha along with her reasons for staying in the feudal era. And what of her newly developing crush for Sesshomaru? Will she ever find peace as the shikon priestess?

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. All rights are reserved for Rumiko Takahashi.

"He's going to be so mad at me!" My inner voice shrieked worriedly in my head as I rushed to the well. "He'll get over it." I assured myself and poised my body to jump into the darkened depths of the well. I threw my backpack over the edge and then hefted myself over. As I righted myself I noticed a chill in the air and realized someone is watching me.

I decided to think nothing of it and continued on my way to meet Inuyasha. It worried me that he wasn't already at the well waiting impatiently for me to return to him, but I trudged forward regardless. He was probably fighting with Miroku about coming to get me. I shrugged the thoughts away and mindfully stepped over the pesky tree root I always seemed to trip on. I smiled to myself and then looked at the path ahead. She was standing there, eerie and foreboding, like a ghost.

A small smile graced her lips when she saw me approach and I didn't like the looks of it. "Inuyasha's not here, Kikyo."

"I haven't come for him- this time," she said in her usual calm voice. "It's you I wish to speak to, Kagome."

"About?" I asked while eying her suspiciously.

"Making a deal of sorts." She sounded amused and her eye mirrored the merriment at my confused expression

"And of what kind of sorts are we talking about?" I watched her carefully.

"You and I will search for the jewel shards together. And until the jewel is complete, neither one of us shall have Inuyasha." She turned all business as she spoke. "And when our journey is over we shall let him decide who he wants."

"Wait a minute. You want me to help you find the jewel shards?" It was a little hard to believe seeing as how we were kind of rivals.

"I could do it on my own, but the two of us together would make much more progress don't you think?" She asked.

"I agree with you on that, but the whole Inuyasha thing is a bit out of left field." I replied.

"Out-of-left-field?" She cocked her head slightly to the side.

"Out of nowhere." I clarified.

"What is a goal without a main objective. It is something we would both strive for."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked feeling a bit uneasy.

"His love. You want it to don't you?" She smiled a knowing and heartbreaking smile at me. "You and I are of the same soul. We should help each other."

"Inuyasha's not going to take this very well, you know that right?" I asked as I walked past her.

"I propose we do not tell him."

I stopped and looked back at her with a narrowed gaze. "You want me to just abandon him?"

"He has done it to you many times before yet you would be against the tiniest revenge?" Her smile had long since faded as she spoke to me.

"No revenge is needed." I stated.

"You are surely in denial. I will be here tomorrow. Meet me, should you change your mind." And with that she disappeared from my sight.

With a heavy sigh I continued on my way trying to pretend like I'd never seen her in the first place. As I arrived at Kaede's village I could hear Inuyasha yelling. I smiled inwardly as I walked down the small dirt path.

"I am not going to get her!" He shouted.

"But Inuyasha she's late and you're the only one who can go after her!" Shippo said as he perched on Inuyasha's shoulder.

"So what! It's not like I care if she's late." He grumbled while he fidgeted.

"Such an arrogant dog. Just admit that you like her already." Miroku spoke in his wise monk tone.

"Just calm down everyone. I'm back." I smiled at Shippo who came pouncing up to me.

"Kagome! Welcome back!" He smiled up at me. "Did you bring any treats?"

"Hey Kagome! What took you so long?" Inuyasha huffed as he glared at me.

"I missed you too, Inuyasha." I replied sarcastically and smiled as he looked away.

"I didn't say I missed you or nothing..."

"Oh hush. We all know you missed her." Sango said with a grin.

"Inu-yasha!" I said his name in a singsong voice. His ears perked up and his eyes flickered over to me. "I brought your favorite kind of ramen."

"Really?" His eyes lit up which struck a nerve. Me coming back wasn't a big deal, but his favorite ramen? Almost as great as the big bang.

I watched with minimal disgust as he scarfed down the bowl of freshly cooked ramen. I couldn't forget what Kikyo had said to me and I was shocked when I found myself agreeing to her deal. It would be insane to leave Inuyasha's protection. But then again all great adventures should be against all odds. Danger could make things more fun.

Then there was the whole issue of trusting Kikyo. I mean we're talking about the woman who has tried to kill me and Inuyasha not to mention the countless times she basically seduced him. I had no good reason for trusting her. And yet something told me I should.

I stared out the window of the hut for a long time just wondering what path I should take. Inuyasha of course paid my mood no mind and proceeded to rummage through my backpack for more food. I sparred him no second glance as I set out into the village once more. I sat next to Sango who had taken a place on a wooden fence.

"What's on your mind, Kagome?" She asked as I set my gaze on the horizon.

"Oh nothing really..." I sounded a bit to nervous to be believable, but surprisingly she didn't push for details.

"Come let's go already! I'm tired of sitting around!" Inuyasha barked from the hut.

"You're just saying that because you ran out of food!" Shippo replied unhappily.

"Uh- Inuyasha! I don't think we should go just yet. Can't we wait til tomorrow?" I asked, rushing up to the hut.

"We don't have any time to waste!" He growled.

"It's just til tomorrow. I need to go get more food since you ate it all." I retorted bitterly.

"Feh... Whatever." He crossed his arms and walked back into the hut.

I sighed with relief and then froze in my tracks. Why had I insisted on staying? I pondered the reasons until nightfall and decided that it must have been because I wanted the choice for once. The choice of whether or not I took the opportunity to join Kikyo on her quest. I mean sure it was kind of like betrayal to Inuyasha, but I knew my friends would forgive me. At least I hoped they would forgive me.

"Kagome it's time for bed!" Sango called to me from the hut's doorway.

"Coming!" I walked slowly to the door and avoided everyone's eyes as I settled into my sleeping bag. No one asked questions, but I wouldn't have answered half of them anyway. I fell into a restless sleep as the world went quiet around me. Shippo snuggled into the sleeping bag next to me providing extra warmth.

I woke in the middle of the night suddenly and found myself unable to get back to sleep so I stared at the fire. I hadn't fully made up my mind about going with Kikyo, but the more Inuyasha growled, huffed, and barked at me the more I wanted to go. After a long battle of conscience I settled on my future course of action. My mind grew weary again and I finally found peace in a deep dreamless sleep.