Title: Happy Anniversary Bulma

Pairing: VegetaxBulma

Rating: K+

Summary: Vegeta decides to do the most unlikely thing imaginable for Bulma. The Prince of all Saiyans writes her a little message and gives her a rose for their anniversary. Set right after Future Trunks leaves.

Bulma was half convinced she had returned to the wrong house. The blue-haired woman looked at her front yard and was shocked to find that Capsule Corp.'s front and back yards had been completely mowed. That and all the yard decorations had been cleaned up.

Something is going on, Bulma thought as she unlocked the front door. Work that day had been hectic as usual, but she had gotten home very late that night. It was now 11:00pm. By now Trunks was in bed already.

Bulma slowly made her way over to the light switch and turned it on so she could see her living room. The scientist's eyes bulged slightly at the sight of her extremely clean living room AND dining room. Even her kitchen was spotless. Bulma's jaw dropped, she had never seen the house this clean except for the one time Vegeta had gotten fed up with tripping on random spare parts or found food-covered dishes.

Then it smacked her in the face like a tornado hits the ground. The only one who would have enough patience to clean that house WAS Vegeta. Bulma went up to their room only to find the Saiyan wasn't there. Bulma made a puzzled expression before going to check on baby Trunks. When she got to his nursery she nearly fell over from the sight of her baby being missing as well.

Calm down Bulma, don't be like Chichi. Maybe they're just somewhere else in the house. Bulma blinked as she remembered a lump on the couch. Maybe that was them.

Bulma quietly returned to the living room to see the blue comforter from her and Vegeta's bed lying on the couch, a faint sound of breathing coming from within. Bulma gently pulled down the top of the blanket to reveal the sleeping face of her husband. Nestled close to his chest was their almost one-year-old son, sleeping soundly with his father's hand resting gently on his tiny back.

Bulma could not help but smile at the sight. Then something on the coffee table caught her attention. There was a single brightly colored beautiful red rose in pale blue ribbon, almost the same shade as her hair. Beneath it there was a very extravagantly designed piece of paper. Tears began to fall down Bulma's cheeks as she smiled reading the note.

Roses may be red, Violets may be blue. I would gladly give up my rank for you.


After wiping away her tears of joy at the note Bulma walked back over to her sleeping Prince of Saiyans and placed a small kiss on his nose.

'Thank you for the anniversary note Vegeta.' Bulma said before turning to walk to their room. Bulma nearly jumped when something grabbed her wrist. Bulma looked back to see a still sleepy Vegeta looking at her dazedly before he pulled her onto the couch, her falling perfectly beside the baby so that her arm was around him while Vegeta's arm wrapped around her waist, the free arm wrapping the thick blanket back around them.

'Now it's a "Happy Anniversary Bulma".' Vegeta said with a small smile as he kissed her gently on the lips. Bulma nodded.

For all his arrogance and aggressive behavioral issues, she thought she had the sweetest 'brute' there was. Soon the two parents had fallen asleep, joining their son's retreat into dreams.