Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto; if I did then Kyuubi would be a hot chick and end up with Naruto…

Its xNamikazeKyuubix here with a more dark romance oriented story featuring my all-time favourite couple of Naruto and FemKyuubi! Please read the notice on my profile if you haven't, as I stated there I have a major writer's block concerning Force Unleashed and will be concentrating more on Demonic Shinigami and this new story. Really sorry to everyone who enjoyed Naruto: Force Unleashed but it will continue the moment I sort out some issues and ideas about it.

In the meantime, I realised I never really written a action/romance fanfic or even a fanfic that is not a one-shot with a straight pairing instead of harem. So the answer to the above realisation is this story, which I wrote mainly for all the Naruto x FemKyuubi fans out there, the main one's being Naruto loves FemKyuubi, Mikie-From-Ireland, Rise-And-Rise-Again and … some other people… .

Summary: …there is no summary! Read if you want to find out what happens…

Chapter 1:Corrupting Darkness

Uzumaki Naruto or now revealed as Namikaze Naruto narrowed his eyes at the panting cloaked individual opposite him that was crouched on the floor. The figure looked up slightly, thus revealing a mask that had a ripple-like design and three comma-like holes with two being used as eyeholes. From these two eyeholes shown two completely different eyes, one was a purplish-grey with a ripple-like pattern much like the mask while the other had a red background with a black design on it.

"Madara… Sasuke has already fallen by my hand and you are next…" Naruto said coldly as he was once again shrouded in the yellow chakra cloak of his final jinchuriki form.

"That was… unexpected to say the least… I didn't think you would have the guts to go through with it." Madara sneered.

"Well it's amazing how your personality can do a complete turnabout when you merge with your inner darkness." Naruto smirked as he walked slowly towards Madara, who struggled to stand up from his crouched position.

"Heh… looks like I underestimated you Namikaze…" Madara admitted as he coughed out some blood that splattered against the inside of his mask.

"Yes… yes you did, you expected a foolish blonde-haired teenager to come running in screaming about forgiveness weren't you?" Naruto smirk turned darker in nature. "Too bad that merging with my darkness opened up my eyes and cleared my mind for me…"

"…" Madara had nothing to contribute as he merely listened as the blonde circled him.

"It showed me that I was a fool to believe that Sasuke could be redeemed, a fool to believe that peace can be achieved and a fool to believe that peace would be achieved with you gone." Naruto's smirk had vanished and replaced with a cold mask of indifference. "Peace is nothing but an illusion… a dream that can never happen as long as we exist. For as long as humans exist, than so will war and war breeds hatred and the cycle continues…"

"You know when I was young, the villagers beat me, glared at me and called me 'demon brat' behind my back… but now I'm wondering what exactly is the difference between humans and demons?" Naruto crouched next to Madara and placed a chakra claw underneath his chin.

"…Humans are much more intelligent while demons are just merely tools for us to use." Madara offered his opinion since he didn't have anything to lose.

"You don't know how wrong you are… demons are just as intelligent as we are some even more so than others." Naruto slapped Madara's mask playfully, earning a growl from said man. "Humans say demons kill humans for no reason, so do humans. Demons are power-hungry, so are humans. Demons play around with your mind and guess what? So. Do. Humans."

"My father the Yondaime Hokage killed hundreds to thousands of Iwa shinobi during the war; does that make him a demon? You killed your own brother and stole his eyes; does that make you a demon?" Naruto asked rhetorically. "So tell me what exactly defines the line between humans and demons?"

"…" Madara was silent as he thought about it; several Konoha ninjas had made it to the battlefield but paused when they heard Naruto's speech. Among them were Senju Tsunade, Hatake Kakashi, the rookie nine generation and the Konohamaru corps.

"Let me tell you the answer ne?" Naruto continued despite their presence there. "The answer is honour…"

A shocked silence greeted him as he said his answer, everybody including Madara wanted to know what he meant but only one person actually asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Shikamaru asked his blonde friend.

"The difference is honour… shinobi have no honour while demons actually do…" Naruto smiled at the mixed reactions he got from his gathered audience. "Ninjas have no honour; we do whatever it takes to accomplish our mission even if it means lying or backstabbing. Demons on the other hand have their own code of conduct and do you want to know what one of it is…?"

"What is it Naruto?" Tsunade asked.

"So glad you asked Baa-chan, the conduct state that… no demon shall harm a child, be it for good or evil, be it demon or human." Naruto grinned darkly as pointed fangs poked out from his upper lip. "You know I actually laughed when I heard that… apparently I should have run off to find some demons when I was a kid since they treat kids better than humans do…"

The Konoha shinobi bowed their heads in slight shame for what the villages of their village had done to Naruto when he was younger; they had heard it from their parents about his life.

"Naruto… where did you even hear all this from?" Tsunade asked worriedly.

"Oh I learnt it all from Kyuubi, who I was not told about until Mizuki-teme practically threw it in my face." Naruto growled.

"Naruto how can you be-"

"Demon's code of conduct number eight, demons are not allowed to break a promise… so I promised Kyuubi to tell me the truth. You realise I find it ironic that one of my beliefs was actually a demonic conduct? 'Don't worry Sakura-chan, I will definitely bring Sasuke back and we will be a team again! I promise you and Uzumaki Naruto never goes back on his promise, Dattebayo!' Ha!" Naruto imitated his original self mockingly causing everyone, except Madara, to cringe. "Too bad I am not a demon, so the bastard is finally reunited with his clan in the deepest, darkest pit of hell."

"N-naruto you don't mean…?" Sakura gasped.

"Yup! Arrogant ass thought that his Sussano (God of Storms) could stand up to my fully charged Imari (Menacing Ball) and now not even his ashes remain." Naruto examined his fingernails.

"Brat I am sick of your speech, just end it already." Madara sighed.

"Aw is Madara-chan bored? Well let me fix that for you!" Naruto manipulated the chakra claw and used it to rip Madara's head clean off his shoulders, a fountain of blood sprayed forth from his corpse. Naruto just stood there as his cloak receded and let the blood fall on his head and body, several of them blanched at the brutality that Naruto hadn't displayed before.

"Naruto… are you alright?" Kakashi placed a hand on his student's shoulder.

"Ya I'm fine Kakashi-sensei, we won the war… let's get out of here." Naruto smiled at his teacher but it was a fake smile, like the ones he always had on when he was a kid or the ones used by Sai. Kakashi noticed it but chose not to comment as he merely squeezed Naruto's shoulder gently as they left the battlefield back to Konoha.

A week later

One week had passed since the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War and the five great villages had split up once again before returning to their respective countries. News of Madara's death had spread like wildfire and every village praised Naruto as a national hero but for some strange reason the blonde didn't seem happy about the news.

Naruto was sitting cross-legged on his new bed, which used to be his parents, as he meditated and entered his mindscape to talk to Kyuubi. Instead of the original dripping sound when he always heard upon entering his sewer-like mindscape, now it was a bedroom with everything being coloured crimson and black.

Naruto's expression softened upon seeing the red-haired goddess sleeping soundly on the crimson sheets of the bed, yes ladies and gentleman the Kyuubi no Yoko is indeed female. Naruto let out a small chuckle as he recalled when he first saw her in this form.

Flashback no Jutsu!

Naruto had done as Kirabi had instructed and found himself in the familiar sewer that he had come to associate as his mindscape and spotted the huge metal gate that contained the Kyuubi. However something was strange as he could not see the crimson slit pupils or sharp-teeth filled maw of the Kyuubi, it was just darkness as far as he could see into the cage.

Naruto suddenly picked up the sound of footsteps coming from within the cage and grew confused since he knew that the only being behind those bars was a gigantic demon fox. His eyes widened considerably when a beautiful woman stepped out into view; Naruto felt his jaw drop at her beauty.

She had blood-red hair that flowed freely down to her waist with two bangs that framed her face; she had the figure of a goddess along with toned legs. Her ruby-red lips looked so soft that he instinctively felt the need to kiss them and her crimson pupils seemed to entrance him completely. It was then that he noticed the black vertical slits running through her pupils and the pair of orange fox ears on her head along with the nine orange fox tails fanned out behind her.

"K-Kyuubi?" Naruto exclaimed in shock.

"Glad that you recognise me Naruto… I take it that you like what you see?" Kyuubi did a little twirl for him and he thanked every single deity above that she was wearing a black and crimson kimono or he might have died from blood loss.

"You're a girl?" Naruto blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

"Of course I am, are you trying to imply that females can't be powerful?" Kyuubi asked menacingly causing Naruto to gulp.

"N-no, I meant that I didn't realise that you were female since people state that Bijus are genderless masses of chakra." Naruto quickly explained his reasoning.

"Shows how much you humans know about demons…" Kyuubi sighed as she shook her head sadly.

"What do you mean? Weren't you all originally a huge entity known as the Juubi (Ten-tails) and the Rikudou Sennin (Sage of the Six Paths) split it up into nine different entities that became the Biju?" Naruto pointed out in confusion.

"Hahaha! Trust you humans to come up with something so nonsensical, I am me and I was never part of the Juubi. I am the Kyuubi no Yoko, queen of Makai and ruler of the other Bijus!" Kyuubi announced proudly causing Naruto to sweat-drop.

"That's nice and all but… I kind of came in here to take your youki and control it so…" Naruto trailed off uncomfortably as he scratched his head.

"What makes you think I would willingly let go of my power?" Kyuubi asked with an amused tone.

"Who said anything about willingly, I came in here expecting a fight. I just have to release the seal…" Naruto's hand lit up with a sealing matrix along the entire arm and glowing fingertips.

"Before you do something foolish, I ask you what you plan on using my power for." Kyuubi conjured up a chair and sat down on it with her legs crossed.

"That's easy; I will use it to defeat Sasuke and Madara." Naruto replied instantly.

"Yes that is all nice and good but what about after that, when the war is over and done with." Kyuubi asked.

"Then I will return it to you." Naruto answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"W-what?" Kyuubi had been expecting many answers but not that one.

"You heard me, what use would I have for that kind of power when peace is achieved." Naruto explained.

"When you have lived as long as I have, you learn that peace is something that can never be achieved." Kyuubi sighed.

"What do you mean; I promised Jiraiya-sensei and Nagato that I will bring peace to the land!" Naruto demanded angrily.

"As long as people remain then there will never be peace, tell me did you really believe peace will be achieved just by disposing of the Uchihas?" Kyuubi looked him dead in the eye.

Naruto met her gaze straight on and it was then that he saw not only evil or rage within those crimson pools but also years upon years of wisdom, he wanted to say yes but…

"Exactly…" Kyuubi gave him a small smile. "Humans get jealous over petty things; this then escalates into hate and finally war… thus why peace is nothing but a figment of your imagination."

"Even so… I still have to rid the world of both Madara and Sasuke." Naruto clenched his fists.

Flashback no Jutsu KAI!

Naruto was broken out of his recollection by the sound of ruffling sheets and a yawn, signifying that the red-haired demoness was waking.

"Did I wake you?" Naruto asked as Kyuubi opened one eye to gaze at him before sitting up fully.

"No, not really. So what are you doing in here?" Kyuubi looked at him curiously.

"The war ended with Madara's death last week so I'm here to return the power you lent me." Naruto replied as he held out a glowing crimson orb that signified her power. Kyuubi merely looked at the orb before looking at Naruto and asking him a question.

"So was peace achieved after the war ended?"

"Yes… for a total of three days. On the fourth day we already got reports of bandits attacking merchant caravans and slaughtering innocents." Naruto sighed as Kyuubi nodded at his answer before accepting her power back, her body glowed crimson as she reabsorbed her youki.

"So what are you planning on doing now?" Kyuubi asked in curiosity.

"I'm not too sure; Baa-chan will probably send me on another mission tomorrow or something…" Naruto shrugged in response, Kyuubi suddenly smirked which somehow both aroused and scared him.

"What about settling down with a family?" Kyuubi asked innocently causing Naruto to blush at the question.

"Umm I'm not sure…" Naruto replied hesitantly.

"What about the pink-haired one you have been chasing about since you were a kid?" Kyuubi asked.

"No. Ever since I merged with my darker half, I realised that Sakura never really had any kind of feelings for me and just used me as a means of getting Sasuke back. Fat load of good that did her as the teme is now nothing but a memory." Naruto chuckled darkly sending a pleasant shiver up Kyuubi's spine, which she chose to ignore.

"What about that weird eye girl?"

"Who? Hinata? Well I just don't see her in that light, you know what I mean? I barely know her and I find it really creepy that she stalked me around when I was younger…" Naruto shivered as Kyuubi laughed at her host's misfortune.

"Well no need to worry about that, there are still plenty more fish in the sea… or however that saying goes." Kyuubi muttered as several women ran through Naruto's mind at the statement which Kyuubi was one of them, Naruto blushed and quickly shook the thought away.

"I guess so… well it looks like I better get going." Naruto said as he prepared to leave the mindscape, Kyuubi bit her lip nervously before deciding to risk it.

"Wait Naruto!" Kyuubi shouted causing Naruto to blink and look at her.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you could let me out of the seal for a while. I haven't seen the outside world since I was sealed into you…" Kyuubi shuffled her feet, thinking that he wouldn't approve.

"… sure, just promise me that you won't do anything that would harm the village or my friends." Naruto replied as Kyuubi smiled brightly and nodded her head vigorously.

Outside the mindscape

Naruto used the key to the seal to unlock it and allowing a trail of crimson youki to flow out of the seal and gather into a humanoid shape in the middle of his bedroom. One crimson flash later and there stood Kyuubi in her human form but there was a problem… she was naked. Naruto blinked once, twice, thrice before being blown back by a massive nosebleed.

Kyuubi opened her eyes to find herself in Naruto's bedroom; she looked around and spotted the twitching mess that was known as Naruto sprawled on the floor.

"What are you-oh…" Kyuubi realised that she was naked and thus the reason for Naruto being sprawled on the floor, she snapped her fingers and instantly she was dressed in a crimson kimono with black leaves on it.

"What hit me?" Naruto groaned as he sat up rubbing his head, he blushed when he remembered what happened.

"A train of perverted thoughts." Kyuubi sarcastically replied before giggling as Naruto froze up and slowly turned in her direction, he sighed in relief when he saw that she was fully clothed.

"You can't blame me for that, any straight man would have that reaction since you are the hottest woman I have ever seen." Naruto defended his actions causing Kyuubi to blush at the compliment. "So what do you want to do?"

"How about getting something to eat? I haven't had any real food for so long…" Kyuubi blushed again as her stomach growled in agreement.

"Alright now I can introduce you to the wonder that is Ichiraku's Ramen!" Naruto grinned as he started dragging her out of the bedroom before pausing. "What am I supposed to call you when we're in public; I doubt calling you Kyuubi would be acceptable."

"How about Kyu for short? That shouldn't arouse any suspicion." Kyuubi suggested.

"Kyu-chan it is!" Naruto declared happily as he resumed dragging her to the ramen stand, missing the blush that formed on the demoness' face at being called in such a familiar way.

"N-Naruto slow down, I can walk by myself you know!" Kyuubi managed to free herself from Naruto's grip as he sheepishly apologized and they resumed walking at a more sedate pace. For Kyuubi this is the first time seeing the village through her own eyes since the attack didn't count as she was being controlled by a genjutsu. She watched as the villagers walked up and down the street with their children, they greeted her host with smiles and waves instead of grimaces and glares.

'He should be happy, he finally got what he wanted but… why does he look so indifferent?' Kyuubi mused to herself as she saw that her host had just returned the smiles and waves with a small grin at best.

Naruto sighed inwardly when he saw Kyuubi look at him curiously; he knew exactly what she was curious about but would wait for her to actually ask him before answering.

"We're here!" Naruto brightened up considerably as he and Kyuubi sat down. "Hey Teuchi-oji-san, two Miso ramen to start off and whatever she wants!"

Teuchi smiled as he heard his favourite customer's voice and wiped his hands before coming out to the front, he paused when he noticed the beautiful company that his customer had with him.

"Well miss what will you have?" Teuchi asked with a smile.

"Hmm, I guess I will have what he's having." Kyuubi pointed at Naruto causing both him and Teuchi to blink.

"Are you sure?" Teuchi asked again.


A few minutes later Teuchi came out with their orders, Naruto broke apart his chopsticks with a quiet 'itadakimasu' before digging in to his bowl. Kyuubi shrugged and brought a few strands to her mouth and ate it, her eyes widened as she experienced an explosion of flavour inside her mouth. Before she knew it, she had already finished her first bowl and was halfway through her second bowl.

"Another bowl please!" Two voices echoed, Naruto and Teuchi gaped at the fact that there was someone other than Naruto who could inhale ramen at that speed.

"What? Is there something on my face?" Kyuubi asked as both males turned away with a simple 'nothing'. Teuchi came back a minute later with four more steaming bowls of ramen and watched with dollar signs in his eyes as both his customers devoured his ramen.

"So Naruto… this lovely lady your girlfriend?" Teuchi broke out laughing as both his customers spat out the ramen that was in their mouths with similar blushing faces.

"N-no, she's just a friend of mine that I met while out on a mission in the past." Naruto quickly thought up an excuse on the spot causing Kyuubi to feel an odd tugging sensation in her heart when Naruto claimed that she was his 'friend' only.

"So what is she doing here?" Teuchi asked after coming back out again with more bowls of ramen.

"Umm… I'm visiting a relative of mine that stays here in Konoha and happened to bump into Naruto-kun here." Kyuubi answered after swallowing another mouthful of ramen but was thinking. 'Where the hell did the –kun come from?'

"So how long do you plan on staying here?" Teuchi asked as he started washing the bowls that the duo had finished with causing the two to look at each other.

"I'm not sure but I may be planning on moving here to stay with my relative." Kyuubi replied after a moment's hesitation.

Half an hour and twenty ramen bowls per person later, the two finally left the stand with a grinning Teuchi holding a huge wad of cash. Kyuubi had been mildly embarrassed when Naruto offered to pay for her meal but he had waved it off saying that his inheritance was so large that he didn't know what to do with it anyway.

Naruto had shown Kyuubi the Hokage monument, the different clan grounds, Konoha's market district and now they were walking through Konoha's national park.

"Well isn't someone a hero?" Kyuubi smirked as they paused in front of a golden statue of Naruto in his sage clothes holding up his signature rasenshuriken.

"I told them that I didn't want the statue…" Naruto sighed as he looked at it. Kyuubi grabbed him by his arm and marched him over to a park bench and sat down beside him.

"Okay you are going to tell me exactly what's wrong with you. If I remember correctly, the old you would have killed for this kind of recognition." Kyuubi glared at him.

"Correct, the old me would have but I'm not the old me." Naruto met her gaze evenly without flinching.

"So what happened?" Kyuubi asked.

"The fusion with the real me happened…I realised that the villagers should have accepted me from the start, not after I had accomplished so many deeds." Naruto gestured to the statue. "I had to prove myself to them when it should have been them apologizing to me, for what reason should I have pushed myself so hard… just to gain something I should have had from the start?"

"Is this what has been on your mind?" Kyuubi looked at her blonde host beside her.

"Yes and no, I always wondered who my parents were but nobody would tell me and in the end I found out myself from my father himself. When I confronted Tsunade and Kakashi about not revealing my heritage to me a few days ago, they just told me that my father had too many dangerous enemies." Naruto clenched his fists as a barely noticeable amount of killing intent began leaking from him. "Yet I have the Akatsuki on my tail along with a crazed Uchiha hell-bent on revenge, yup those aren't dangerous at all!"


"Sure I save the village countless times yet all I get are congratulations and pets on the back but where are the apologies?" Naruto grit his teeth as he tried to calm down.

"That just shows that they weren't sorry for what they had done to you in the past." Kyuubi spoke truthfully.

"All the villagers just see me as their good little weapon that defended their home…" Naruto whispered softly but Kyuubi still picked it up with her sensitive hearing.

"I told you already that humans are selfish and hateful creatures, they look out only for themselves." Kyuubi whispered, her hot breath tickling his ear. 'A few more pushes…'

"You're right… humans are the cause of war and with them around then peace will never be more than a dream…" Naruto turned and looked at Kyuubi; his normal blue cerulean pupils were now crimson with black vertical slits. "Kyuubi…"

"Yes Naruto?" Kyuubi asked.

"Is there a way for me to turn into a demon?" Naruto asked the demoness.

"Yes there are multiple ways but why do you ask?" Kyuubi feigned ignorance.

"The world is tainted by humans… the only way for true peace to be achieved is…" Naruto paused before continuing in a demonic tone.

"To wipe humans from the face of this world!"

So how was the first chapter of my new story Naruto: Downfall of Humanity? This will be a dark Naruto story and he will be paired with a dark/manipulative Kyuubi. Kyuubi doesn't seem dark in this chapter because she was just playing along to corrupt Naruto to her side, since Naruto still has the power to place her back in the seal.

This story takes place at the end of the Fourth Great Shinobi War and my version of what should happen if Naruto's merging with his inner darkness caused him to have a darker outlook on life and humanity in general. You would be able to spot the subtle manipulations that Kyuubi is using to turn Naruto against humans but at the same time her words are truthful. Kyuubi's words are actually my take on humanity in our world, fighting happening just because of either petty or stupid reasons…

Well please drop a review in or feel free to PM me at my account, remember that Force Unleashed is on hold until I sort out the issues regarding the story! Don't worry about Demonic Shinigami as I am still continuing it.

Ja ne!