~Love Game~

Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

The gates opened as the Night Class re-grouped, shielding their precious leader almost totally from view.

'After all, it wouldn't do for their beloved Kuran-sama, their esteemed Oji-sama to be even glimpsed by mere mortal eyes…'

Or at least, those were the thoughts of one Kiryuu Zero as he leaned on a nearby tree and observed the daily ritual of the Night Class' passing through the gates.

As per usual, the bastards -again, the silverette's words- strolled down the path as Yuki struggled to keep the girls –and one boy- in line. Sighing, he decided to help her. Pushing himself off the tree, he stalked to the front of the commotion occurring. With a glare, most of them were immediately back in line. Well, except for the ones still cluttering around the blue-eyed blond; 'Idol-sempai.'

Approaching the crowd, Zero made eye contact with the origin of the whole mess.

"Idol-sempai…" He began with a vicious glower and agitated tone; fingering the grip of the Bloody Rose. "Do I have to remind you of the school rules? You too, you dumbass fangirls… Get your damn 'kya, kya kya-ing' asses back in line!"

And with that the young women got their 'kya, kya kya-ing' asses back in line, muttering phrases that ranged from the typical, 'You're such a drag, Zero,' to the highly aggravating, 'You're just jealous that he's hotter than you!'

Obviously, that was not the case.

Zero was not jealous.

….Especially of Aidou Hanabusa's supposed 'hotness.'

"Pift..."He snorted.

He'd rather be a plain-faced ass, than be a certain 'noble' beast kissing a certain pureblood's ass, any day, anyway…

As Zero headed back to his precious home-base aka the tree he was leaning on before, the Night class passed him by, and the girls –and one boy- began their return to their dorms with the aid of Yuki, he caught the eye of a certain pureblood that had strangely enough remained behind.

'Speak of the devil…' He thought to himself.

Indeed, Kuran Kaname; the epitome of sin, sensuality and in Zero's mind hypocrisy, was staring at him.

The elder's gaze was intense –as it had been of late- and seemed to pierce through him completely; seeing past his mask to the soul inside.

But if that wasn't creepy enough, it felt as if the other was –now forget 'undressing him with his eyes'- the other was practically screwing him in his mind's eye.

Zero shivered, but it was from anything but the chill of the evening.

The atmosphere seemed to intensify; become charged somehow, as they gazed at each other. One, in primal, lusting hunger… the other in loathing, confusion -and though he may not be aware of it himself yet- an equally passionate, basic need –as intense as his partner…

Kaname's cherry lips parted – Zero never noticed before, but they were quite full… it was kind of sexy, only kinda… he was another guy- and a smooth tongue poked out to wet them; teasing Zero's already hormone-crazed, teenage mind. The pureblood and Level D swallowed, simultaneously as they took each other in.

In Zero's case, he saw a head of molten-chocolate, curly locks and elegant brows, exquisite, notably flushed, high cheek-boned, regal chinned, porcelain face with aristocratically straight nose and soft, plump folds for lips. He saw thick, black, long, fluttering lashes surrounding mesmerizing crimson-maroon orbs that flashed a brilliant scarlet every few moments; physically demonstrating his lust.

As for Kaname, he saw a head full of straight, mildly disheveled silver locks and brows upon a perfect ivory face with slightly chiseled, manly jaw, captivating violet-amethyst eyes that just drew him farther and farther into their depths and were bordered by thick silver lashes that glowed when they caught the light. A pert nose and slightly flushed cheeks completed it all.

'Gorgeous…' They thought simultaneously as their feet brought them face to face.

"Good work, Mr. Perfect…" Breathed the smooth, sensual baritone of the sexy burnet; practically purring the nickname.

Zero shivered; only managing a nod.

"You work so hard…" Spoke Kaname in a breathy whisper. "…To protect our… lil' secret… It too bad that you're so underappreciated…" He continued; eyes glinting with promise. "You deserve to be rewarded."

"Oh?" Inquired Zero oh-so- eloquently. "How so?"

"Well…" The Kuran's arousing eyes flashed as he purred out the answer, "That's a secret…"

Zero's brows rose.

"Really?" He panted out; his pants tightening to a near painful point.

Kaname's lips twitched upwards in a wicked smile; fangs catching the soft, glowing rays of sunset as he glided pass. Smirking as such, he looked very much like the dangerous predator he was.

'Dangerously sexy…' Supplied Zero's mind.

The brunet vampire chuckled; the sound making Zero's entire body tingle in delight and nearly making him come in his pants.

"Sayonara, Mr. Prefect…" He breathed; his voice making even more –how that was possible we will never know- blood pool in the prefect's pants. "And keep up the good work."

And with that he was gone… the scent of his cologne (Axe Phoenix, if Zero wasn't mistaken, or maybe Axe Marine…?), the only thing –besides the silverette's raging hard-on- that proved he was even there…

I wanna kiss you
But if I do then I might miss you babe
It's complicated and stupid

Got my ass squeezed by sexy Cupid
Guess he wants to play,
Wants to play
A love game
A love game

Kaname looked out through the open window as he sat in class, at where the prefect that had been invading his dreams of late stood; looking over the grounds.

Zero -the focal point around which his wet dreams revolved- stood tall and proud with his strong, broad back to Kaname, the ivory moonlight highlighting his sexy, slim blackened outline and made his silver hair glow.

Surprising the pureblood the prefect suddenly pursed his lips and began to whistle.

It was a simple tune and made the normally grumpy and depressed teen seem so much younger… And happier…

Kaname's heart rate speed up as his spirit soared.

The urge to kiss the boy had never been stronger, and Kaname hand to bite his lips just to prevent himself from climbing out the large window, pouncing on the poor teen, and do some… unspeakable things…

But no…

The younger had responded to his flirting earlier that afternoon but…

He didn't want to move too fast and scare the other away completely, but, at the same time, he didn't want to move to slowly and let someone else take what was his.

No, that would be unacceptable.

…But then… how?

How would he make the other his?

How would he bring his plans to fruition?

How would he do so without casting suspicion upon himself?

How would he!

'Oh why was love so complex?' Cried the beauty in his mind.

Sighing, he gazed at the form just beyond his reach; his mind wandering and imagination conjuring up something to entertain him…

Kuran Kaname gasped; tossing atop the sheets as the passionate thrones of pure sin encased his very soul.

Or at least, that was how it felt.

The other's hands were trailing up and down the pureblood's sides- ghosting over them as he bit and sucked on the other's nipples sensually. And then, suddenly, the prefect's hands grasped at his ass; groping him.

Hold me and love me

Just want to touch you for a minute

Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it

Let's have some fun,

This beat is sick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Don't think too much just bust that kick

I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

"Ah~!" Moaned Kaname; arching -as well as he could with his hands and feet bound with charmed rope- into the Level D's touch.

Then the index of Zero's left hand trailed up the underside of Kaname's engorged manhood and pressed teasingly against the slit as the index of his right hand simultaneously pressed against his aching entrance. Zero kissed his way down his lover's manhood, teasing him endlessly as he delayed the inevitable.

"Come on…" Groaned Kaname in desperation. "Hurry up~! This isn't fun anymore! You promised!"

Zero chuckled evilly as he softly pressed his lips to the elder's- farther delaying and ignoring Kaname's groans and complaints completely.

Oh how he enjoyed torturing his lover until he was nothing but a moaning, whimpering, pleasured mess upon the sheets- begging for release!

Which often, he denied his smexy little kitten- just to tease him.

Or in this case… punish him…

Really, Zero supposed the other honestly deserved the torture this time.

Allowing that Aidou Hanabusa to actually touch him –even if it was only an accidental brush of fingers on their way to class.

The thought of it pissed him off to no end; enticing his possessive side to come out and play some more.

Without warning, Zero swallowed Kaname whole.

The pureblood's eyes rolled back as he nearly passed out from over stimulation.

Kaname shuttered heavily.

He was so close…

Just a few more moments of that treatment and he'd finally come!

Unfortunately enough for him, Zero's hot, warm, velvety mouth pulled away from his member; momentarily leaving him gasping for breath and grasping for purchase on the sheets…

And then Zero pulled away completely-removing his weight, hands and mouth- only allowing his hot, steamy, panting breath to fan the brunet's flushed skin.

The normally ever-composed man whined, nearly sobbing in frustration at the loss of contact.

He'd been so close!

So, so, so blissfully close!

Damn it!

Damn it all to hell!

Aidou would pay for this suffering he had to bare- indirectly or not - by his hand!

Smirking, Zero pulled himself up onto his knees and reached over the side of the bed to get something. Just what he'd reached for was revealed in the next breath when he brandished a thick silver cock-ring.

Kaname's eyes widened, nearly falling out of his head- as undignified as that would be- when he saw it.

Without waiting from the pureblood's shock to wear-off, Zero attached it to the other's member and resumed his sinful teasing.

Kaname lost it.

He tossed and turned; trashing on the sheets, as curses fell unchecked from his full, kiss-swollen, red lips.

Damn it all!

What he wouldn't have done right then, to just break loose from those bonds and ride Zero's god-damned cock for his insolence!

Kaname breaths began coming out in soft pants as a scene from one of his particularly kinky fantasies came back to him, but hitched when the other turned to him.

The wind blew and played with both of their hair; making the locks whip about their faces.

Kaname's already quickened heartbeat tripled its efforts, nearly bursting out of his chest.

There was no denying it then….

He was officially in love Kiryuu Zero.

There was no way that lust covered the emotions filling his heart then.

"Kaname-sama…?" Came a hesitant voice from his right.

He turned, not wanting to break eye contact with the object of his affections but also not wanting to seem suspicious, and met the worried gaze of Ichijo Takuma with an elegantly raised brow.

"Hum…?" He inquired wordlessly.

"Are you alright?" Asked the blonde with a heavily concerned look upon his face. "Your heart rate suddenly speed-up. And now you seem heavily flushed." He explained in a whisper so quiet it was only audible to himself and his beloved leader.

Kaname cleared his throat.

So much for avoiding suspicion…

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

A week later…

Siren knocked on the door to Kaname's balcony.

"Enter…" He called without looking at her; focusing solely on the papers in his hands. He had to finish his work so that he'd have more time to put his plan to make a certain silverette all his…

Smiling softly towards her when she bowed and laid the file to the corner of his desk he'd motioned to, the pureblood dismissed her; telling her to just drop off the latest letter he'd written to a certain someone, and then continue her surveillance on, 'The Subject,' tomorrow.

After all, he wanted to exalt over his new pictures of his charming rogue hunter alone and wanted no interruptions.

Rido could come a-knockin' and he couldn't have cared less!

Opening the file when he was done with as much paper work as he could have forced himself to do with said innocent-looking manila folder taunting him with its Zero-ness, at the upper right-hand corner of his desk, right within his reach, Kaname had to close it immediately upon coming face to face with a picture of a sweaty, shirtless Zero.

He swooned.

Upon recovering minutes later, only slightly worse for wear –his nose spontaneously decided to hemorrhage and squirt blood all over his champagne-coloured shirt- he groaned; shaking his head furiously to clear his thoughts and picking himself up off the cream carpet.

After showering while 'exalting' to that image, re-dressing himself in a lilac/amethyst shirt the exact colour of Zero's eyes, and then burning the blood-stained shirt, Kaname returned to his desk.

Avoiding the pictures-for now, after all he'd just showered and it would be a shame to have to shower again, and burn yet another shirt (particularly this one, it had taken him forever to locate it)- he flipped to the crisp white pages of information. As he browsed through them, he hit gold and immediately began singing Siren's praises.


Sitting there,

In the pale cream folder,


Zero's School Schedule and a photo copy of some pages of the boy's Day Planner, which contained an extensive notation of his plans for the next two weeks!

Kaname felt like crying.

'So… So, so beautiful…' He thought; eyes shining with tears comically as he nearly groveled –I'm sorry, I meant, appraised (Kuran Kanamé did not grovel!)- the pages before him; a wicked plan already formulating in his pretty little head.

Step one: complete.

I'm on a mission,
And it involves some heavy touchin' yeah.
You've indicated your interest,
I'm educated in sex, yes.
And now I want it bad,
Want it bad.
A love game,
A love game.

Another week later…

Kaname's now scarlet eyes lit up brighter as he watched the prefect step out of the bath- perfectly naked.

Apparently, the other had brought a towel with him, but somehow, it just disappeared…

'Hum…' Mused the pureblood as he observed the prefect's perfect ass as he bent over to continue his search for his missing towel as he himself- who sat on the tree outside the small window of the communal bath in a deep gray cotton-wool cardigan sweater, black, skinny leather pants and mid-calf, high-heeled, grey, suede, crinkle boots - fingered said towel. 'I wonder what happened to it?"

Today was the day.

The glorious day he finally got Zero Kiryuu right where he wanted him!

And what a lovely autumn day it was!

He couldn't have hoped for a better day to entice the object of his attentions…

The sun was glowing but mild, the winds were chilly but not freezing and the thick carpet of leaves were like a shimmering blanket of gold because of the little moisture that remained from the light drizzle of icy precipitation that the heavens had graced them with just a bit earlier, whilst Kaname was cat-napping.

He'd spent the previous day on a shopping spree for some more appropriate (sexy) wardrobe options –clothes, shoes, accessories… etcetera, etcetera - and at the spa (with the yaoi fangirls, Takuma and Shiki who'd given him some very interesting information and educated him of what it would entail), the previous night getting some beauty sleep –not that he needed it, but, he soon planned to be extremely tired out- and then entire morning prepping. You know… the works. He spent an hour in the shower scrubbing, exfoliating and then a half an hour moisturizing. The next hour was spent carefully rubbing rose and jasmine scented oils into his soft, flawless, perfect skin. And finally he decided what he would wear and perfumed his clothes with rose water.

But he couldn't get dressed immediately- it was just a few minutes past eleven in the morning and he'd originally planned to set his plans in motion at sunset. But since he finished getting ready faster than he'd expected… he'd decided to take a little nap.

But he'd awoken around half past two from a fantasy of the hunter so vivid, than he'd actually thought it was real until he realized he was still hot, panting, flushed and in great need of the other- who wasn't next to him as he'd dreamt.

Tears of frustration had burnt at the corners of the pureblood's eyes as he realized it.

He couldn't wait.

If he did the other might push him even farther away.

And he wanted it sooo bad…

Immediately he got dressed and decided to go for a stroll and see if his beloved had gotten out of the showers yet. After all, he supposed that it was as good a place to start as any.

He had no patience left.

He had to make his move.

This past week Zero had ignored every single one of the vampire king's gifts and letters. Actually having the audacity to tear every letter up and burn every passel. And when Kaname sent him a fire-retarded crystal rose, he smashed it into practically a billion pieces and then personally handed the pureblood a sack filled with the shards during the exchange the next afternoon, calmly requesting that 'Kuran-sempai stop sending him gifts, cause as flattering as it was, he wasn't interested…'

Talk about complete and total public humiliation…

Not only did everyone realize he was gay- or at least bisexual- but he was then publicly rejected.

The Day Class went berserk.

For the next few days nearly all of the girls randomly burst in tears at the very mention of his name (they were still crying actually), all fearful at their already little chance of winning him over just diminished farther –if not vanished completely- and completely blamed Kiryuu Zero, claiming he'd lead Kaname on or was even blackmailing him! After all, they believed he, the cruel, Night-class-hating prefect was capable! Others were cheering. 'All hail yaoi!' they'd cried as they laughed in the others' faces for not believing them when they said that Kaname was gay. All guys that hot are G-A-Y! And as for Zero, they claimed it was just a matter of time before he came out of the closet, too. What? You don't believe them? Man, Zero was so far in the closet he didn't even realize he was in the closet in the first place! And weren't you listening to them? All guys that hot are G-A-Y! Most were sympatric to Kaname, his poor, young heart being crushed by that blind fool! Could he not see the perfect, flawless, glorious, awe-inspiring beauty that was Kuran Kanamé! He guy was rich, handsome, and sensitive! What more could he want!

As for his precious girl, Yuki, well he hadn't a chance to speak with her in person, but she's sent him limitless supportive looks - and once, even a thumbs-up - every afternoon at the exchange since that… incident.

She was so sweet!

And as for the Night Class…


It wasn't uncommon for purebloods to take on lovers of their same gender. And it wasn't like he had the risk of diluting his prestigious bloodline, since it was a well known fact that pureblood males could bare pureblood children with another male without him being a pureblood himself.

Kaname supposed they were a bit surprised at whom exactly he favored, but they wouldn't question his 'divine, all-knowing, eternal wisdom.'

And then there was his inner-most circle…

Takuma was expecting it.

Aidou went nuts.

Kain was indifferent.

Aidou went nuts!

Shiki congratulated him on finally coming out.

Aidou went nuts~!

Rima was happy that he finally decided to be honest with himself.

Aidou went n-u-t-s~!

Ruka went bonkers and broke down into tears. Not only was Cross Yuki- a human, in her way, but now, Kiryuu Zero- a hunter of all people, too! Kaname loved everyone but her!

Aidou went N-U-T-S~!

And did he mention Aidou went N-U-T-S~?


Well, Aidou went N-U-T-S~!


Yes, that's right. It's in caps, italicized, underlined, with dashes, a curvy dash thingy and an exclamation mark.

You'd think it was a bit much.

But you forget.

This is the Aidou Hanabusa… in connection to the Kuran Kanamé-sama…

He remembered it quite clearly- you didn't forget things like that.

It was a scene the likes of which only Aidou could make what with him denying it for nearly a whole hour, then crying, shouting and going raving mad and sprouting nonsense and nonsensical blabbering about the hunter casting some wicked spell over his precious pureblood leader, (the idiot nearly outted them). Then it was the long speech about how much a disgrace it would have been if Zero's 'evil plan' had actually worked andhis immaculate Kaname-sama had actually fallen for a filthy, lowly, Level E.

And when Kaname and Zero simultaneously corrected him, saying, 'Level D…'

…He just cried more and begun voicing his concerns for the pureblood's chastity! He actually had the gall to demand that Kaname be, erm… checked and that he and Kain be allowed to arrest the silverette for rape- of all things- and salvage the brunet's honor whilst they could!

Thankfully, once Kaname quickly managed to snap out of his stupor and will away his scarlet blush, he grew tired the noble's pure stupidity and silenced him with a backhand- straight to the face, the likes of which only Kuran Kanamé could pull-off.

"Silence, Hanabusa!" He'd said. "I'll not have you insult my honor farther! I love Zero! Accept it or not, you will not be allowed to criticize him - whether in my presence or not! And if you respect me you will heed me and plead his forgiveness…"

Shocked, but not willing to push his beloved leader any further, Aidou did just that.

Nevertheless, Kaname was never one for calling it quits, and would not be denied just because the other was shy.

Jumping down from his position on the branch to the earth below with the grace of a cat -or lion, rather, judging from the glint in his eyes- the Kuran Prince decided that he was pulling out all the stops.

It was time he used the Basic Sex-ed he learnt from his talk with Takuma, Shiki and the fangirls.

"The Game continues, Kiryuu Zero..." Purred Kaname to the winds. "But beware, you are about to witness L'Art de Séduction…"

He chuckled.

"Kuran Kanamé style…"

Hold me and love me
Just want to touch you for a minute
Maybe three seconds is enough for my heart to quit it
Let's have some fun,
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick
Don't think too much just bust that kick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick

Later That Same Day…

Zero grumbled to himself as he stalked through the currently abandoned Moon Dorms.

It was well after the exchange, and the Chairman insisted –more like ordered- that he head over to the Moon Dorms immediately and carry a package of some sort to him…that pureblood bastard, 'Kuran Kanamé-sama,' that'd been making his life a damn living hell for the past few weeks.

'Speaking of which…' He thought; taking the small passel out of his pocket.

As he'd stated previously, it was quite small, no bigger than six inches in length and two in width, max. It was rectangular and looked like an over-sized ring box- what with the black velvet covering its surface. It even had a silky, silver-tipped, azure ribbon and a little golden pin with the initials of that bastard's name in a crescent moon with an arrow through them, pinned in the bow's centre.

For a moment he was tempted to open it.

He could…

No-one was around…



He remembered the Chairman's words when he asked that very question earlier…


"So…" The silverette began as he glanced down at the black, velvet box in his left palm, with his right in his pants pocket, as he stood before the strangely sweating Chairman of Cross Academy, who looked as if the devil had just told him he was going to invade the school and kill them all. "Why can't Yuki carry it his-royal-faggy-pain-in-my-ass?"

Chairman blinked twice as he took in what Zero said, and promptly began giggling.

Yagari Touga snorted in amusement, a smirk promptly setting on his face.

Raising a brow, Zero wondered what was so funny and re-examined his last sentence.

Then, the double meaning hit him…

Flushing, he glared viciously at his laughing 'father' and smirking teacher.

When he calmed down, the chairman answered the poor young man, "Kaname- I mean…the person who left this package for Kaname-kun, told me that it needed to be you, and only you, who is to hand deliver this particular package."



"Can I open it?" The younger hunter questioned him.

The Chairman paled.

"No!" He cried. "Kaname- I mean…the person who left this package for Kaname-kun, specifically instructed me that it was not to be opened! Or else…!"

"Or else, what?" Zero inquired as he shook the small box and brought it near his ear to figure out what it was.

"That's of no importance!" The blonde man cried as he practically jumped over the table and gently pried the box from his adopted son's hands. "All you need to do is uphold the honor and longevity of both your father," He gestured to himself, and then spend his arms widely and with gusto as he continued, "…and this establishment by doing as you're told and delivering this package like a good little boy!"

And all the while he was practically shoving Zero out the door, and once the other was in the hallway, he said, as he pried opened his left palm placed the box carefully atop the limb, "Now you have the box…" He dusted Zero's school jacket off and fixed his tie and cross-pins as he continued, "…And you look presentable…!"

With that he turned the other around and began pushing him down the hall, down the stairs and out the door so fast it had Zero's head spinning. And with strength Zero would always deny the other possessed, Cross Kaien gave him a great, final shove in the direction of the Moon Dorm, with an airy and light, "Goodbye and good luck~!" tossed over his shoulder as he returned to the inside of the building and sent Zero to be devoured by the wolves – or lone, sexy, wolf, rather…

End Flashback

Sighing, Zero decided to get it over with.

Quickly, he ascended the staircase and headed straight for where he sensed the pureblood's aura… right down that hall…

Idly, he wondered why Kaname would send himself a package, and force the chairman, force Zero to deliver it at this hour in the night.

Surely after, 'The Incident,' -as they'd all dubbed it- he'd have given up?

Reaching the end of the hall, the teenager looked up at the large, intimidating double doors and gave himself a moment to shiver at the cold, eerie atmosphere. Once he was cool and collected and had fully assured himself that though he'd fallen for the other's tricks on that afternoon, a few weeks ago, that we wouldn't fall for them again, he raised his right fist to rap on the door.

But it was quite unnecessary as the door merely swung open.

"Okay…" The prefect muttered to himself. "Not creepy at all…"

"Kuran-sempai!" He called as he entered what appeared to be an office.

He looked around, nothing.

"Kuran-sempai!" He called again.

There were a set of double door to his right, and as he headed for them, his hunter instincts screamed for him to run away.

But his vampire instincts urged him on…

'Go,' They said. 'Go home to paradise…!'

Next, he entered a private library complete with rows upon rows of bookshelves and a single black, leather recliner on a cream Persian rug with crimson vines and what-not embroidered unto it, in the centre of the whole room and a small, round table next to it with a single, long-stemmed, red rose in a crystal vase, and three window as its back drop.

Then, he came upon a sitting room with ceiling to floor windows, pale blue drapes with gold trim, and many cupboards with board games and surprisingly enough, video games. There were throw pillows, beanie-bag chairs(!), a set of Victorian couches with a cherry wood coffee table with a chess game in progress on top of it (the white king had just taken a black knight judging by the black horse piece that laid at the feet of the towering white piece), in the centre of them. A full entertainment centre- with LCD, 72 inch, plasma TV with built-in DVD player and surround-sound -all built straight into the wall, and both a WII and PSP2 hooked-up to it- was also present and accounted for.

Zero blinked, all the things in the whole room screaming normalcy and happiness, but the current atmosphere reading ominous.

His hunter's instincts were by now cursing his stupidly and begging him to dump the box on the coffee table and GET. OUT. OF. THERE!

But his vampire instincts keep coaxing him gently, nudging him towards he suspected might be the last double doors, and obviously therefore, the bedroom.

With a deep breath, the elder twin was pushing them open.

'There you are…' Thought the silverette as he spotted the pureblood, before his mind registered just what he was seeing.

Then it hit him.

Kaname was on his bed, practically naked.

And oh…!

Zero had to admit what a lovely picture it made.

He was partially sitting- partially lying on the soft, black silk that contrasted so well with his bare, ivory skin; on the middle of the bed. The brunet lay between the true plethora of black pillows of all shapes and sizes with navy blue, embroidered patterns and silver tassels- and the pillows were in such excess, that some hand fallen of the bed and were on the rich crimson carpet that surrounded the snowy canopy of the four-poster bed, that fell delicately from the roof, encasing the stunning image - and the navy comforter, on the strip of softly shining black bedding upon which a legion of little white feathers were spread. These were quite similar to the three large, cottony, white feathers that sprung from the top of a silver, sapphire and diamond encrusted, decorative comb that lay pinned right above Kaname's right ear. His left knee was slightly bent, the high heel of his black, leather, fold-down, ankle boots pressing into the mattress, and the right leg lay flat – sole pressed against open air. Both legs were covered with long black stockings that ended at his mid-thigh, and had a cute, golden-trimmed, little scarlet bow at each of the sides of the elastic strip that held the material up. In the crock of his elbow lay an opened, white-silk, black-lace, fan that was clutched in his right hand and was the only thing protecting his modesty –if you could call it that.

But what gave Zero a real kick, was Kaname's eyes… right in the middle of his sexily, smirking face.

The sinful promises clearly displayed in those scarlet orbs with their coyly fluttering lashes were enough to make a saint go straight to hell for merely even seeing them!

'Oh…' Thought Zero as he absentmindedly kicked the door closed. 'Now I get it…'

He'd finally figuring out what Kaname had sent himself, and why.

Flicking off the cover of the box in his hands, he chuckled as he saw the innocent looking tube of edible, strawberry lubricant -well, as innocent as lube could be, anyway- lying on a crimson cushion.

He was right.

"Come play with me, Mr. Prefect…" The pureblood purred; smirking like there was no tomorrow, as he gave Zero his most erection-inducing 'come-hither' look.

Within seconds, their 'game' had begun.

Let's play a love game,
Play a love game
Do you want love or you want fame?
Are you in the game?
Dans le love game?

A/N: Well… What do ya think?

I feel as though the ending was rushed a bit though…


Kaname's dress –or lack of it rather- was inspired by a scene in the movie Marie Antoinette with Kirsten Dunst- I think that's her name- which I do not own!

I do not own Vampire Knight.

I don't own Axe.

Review, plz!

And the theory that pureblood males could bare pureblood children with another male without him being a pureblood himself… is Lea Nicolaie's.

