It was the first day of junior year. Finn was walking to his locker when he noticed Rachel. Rachel looked up and gave him a small smile. Over the summer, they began dating, but after two months, they decided to mutually part ways. They were just too different. The rest of the summer they still hung out, but only as friends. Rachel left during August though to go to New York, and Finn hadn't had a chance to talk to her since she came back. He tried to talk to her multiple times, but she always claimed she was busy or had something to do.

Finn walked over to Rachel.

"Hi Rach."

"Hi Finn," Rachel replied with a smile.

"How was the rest of your summer?" Finn asked.

"It went well. I visited some family in New York and of course went to see some Broadway plays. I saw Mamma Mia! and The Phantom of the Opera, which were both exquisite. You should really see those plays. I have them on DVD at my house."

"That could be cool, I guess. But, why didn't you reply to any of my texts over the summer or return any of my calls?"

"I...ummmm...I was really busy. I had pressing matters to deal with," Rachel said nervously. Then, out of no where, a short brunette walked up to Rachel.

"Hey, Rae. Can you show me where Miss Sylvester's office is? I have to meet her in 5 minutes," the mysterious girl asked. Finn looked at her and noticed her bright blue-green eyes and dimples. He had to look down to see, since she was the same height as Rachel. The mysterious girl was wearing blue skinny jeans, flats, and a yellow empire waist top.

"Oh. I am so sorry. How rude of me. I didn't notice you were in the middle of a conversation. I'll just wait over there," the mystery girl said.

"No, no! It's perfectly fine. We were just done talking. Oh, no! I totally forgot you had to meet Miss Sylvester. I have to go talk to Mr. Shue," Rachel rambled.

"Rae, it's fine. I'll just find my own way there," the girl shrugged.

"I'll…uh...I'll take you there," Finn blurted out.

"No, Finn you don't have to do that," Rachel replied.

"It's fine. My next class is down that way so it won't be any trouble."

"Are you sure?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah." Rachel turned from Finn to the mystery girl.

"Finn, I would like you to meet Alison. Alison, this is Finn Hudson. He is the quarterback for the football team and lead male in glee," Rachel said.

"Hello, Finn."

"Hi, Alison."

"Oh, look at the time. I have to leave. I have to talk to Mr. Shue about possible solo options for Sectionals. Bye!" And with that, Rachel turned, leaving Finn and Alison there.

"So, you have to go see Miss Sylvester. Why do you?" Finn curiously asked while him and Alison were walking.

"I'm auditioning for the Cheerios. She told me to meet her in her office this morning for try-outs."

"Oh, that's cool. Were you a cheerleader at your old school?"

"Yes. I was head cheerleader, to be exact."

"Are you trying out for that?" Finn asked.

"Yeah. I figured, there would be no harm done if I did indeed try out. It might make my transition to your school easier. Plus, I am a natural leader, and I enjoy being in control and in charge."

"Wow. You talk just like Rachel," Finn blurted out. Alison gave him a confused look.

"It's just that….you ummm both use big words and talk really fast," Finn mumbled, blushing.

"Oh, well that certainly makes sense. Oh, here we are. Thank you, Finn for walking me here."

"Oh, it's no problem."

"Have a nice day," and with that, Alison walked into Miss Sylvester's office and closed the door.

Finn smiled and went to class. Maybe this year will be good, Finn thought as he walked away.