Authors Note:

Hello everyone! It sure has been a long time since I have even been on my account. However, since I am back, I am using this time to rewrite my stories to the best of my ability.

I am going to be doing one chapter at a time and I am going to start with my finished stories and then hopefully finish my other ones. It will take some time so if I still have readers out there, bare with me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I Do Not Own Naruto.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled as I stood at the front door of the hospital "When did you get out of there?"

"I got out a little while ago. Don't worry I haven't waited too long." I gave a warm smile when I felt him put a hand on my shoulder.

"You should have waited for me inside."

"Naruto, I have been in the hospital for over two months. I had the chance to go outside and I took it. You don't understand what it is like." I heard him sigh "I knew I would be fine waiting for you out here."

"I know that we are safe here. But I am still going to worry about you. I mean you don't know where you are going or you could trip and really hurt yourself." He didn't bother hiding the concern in his voice.

"Naruto, I know my limits. Besides, I am pretty sure that I can catch myself if I fall." I laughed as I held out my arm "Now take me home."

He wrapped his arms through mine "Alright Sakura. Let's get you home!"

"When is Hinata going to get here?" I asked once Naruto and I were inside

"She should be here any moment now." He sat me down on the couch "Do you need anything? Are you hungry?"

"No, I am fine. I am just happy to finally be home after so long." I heard him laugh as the door opened "Hinata?"

"Welcome home Sakura." Hinatas soft voice replied as she walked into the living room "Everyone is so happy to know that you are finally out of the hospital."

"I'm sure everyone is going to want to come by and visit." I could hear the smile in Naruto's voice.

"I will have nothing to do for a while, so I will be happy with all the visitors."

"If you don't mind me asking, when will your eyes be healed?" Hinata asked as I felt the other end of the couch sink in.

"They are not sure. Lady Tsunade did everything she could. Right now I just have to keep my chakra running through them and in a few months we will be able to see if they are going to heal or not."

"What happened?"

"We were on a mission trailing the Akatsuki," I began

_Page Break_

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled as the knuckle head took off in another direction "Damn it."

"What should we do Kakashi?" I asked as we all came to a stop

"We have to go after him. Hurry, we can hopefully make it back without losing the trail."

Sai and I nodded in agreement as we all strayed from our path after Naruto. It didn't take us long to catch up, but once we did he was already engaged in a battle with Sasuke.

"Naruto, we don't have time for this!" I yelled as I saw Sasuke freeze out of the corner of my eye "We can't lose this trail!"

Naruto didn't hear me as he attacked Sasuke once again. "We should stop this before Naruto becomes useless." Sai commented as he pulled out his ink scroll and summoned snakes.

"Sakura, be careful." Kakashi ordered as he and I ran towards the two fighting men. I blocked the punch Naruto was throwing at Sasuke and pushed him back into Sais ink snakes. I watched them wrap around him and drag him out of the area. "Watch out Sakura!"

I pulled out a kunai and spun barley blocking Sasuke's sword "Leave this place, Sasuke." I growled. He stayed silent but before I heard Kakashis warning, blood started flowing from my eyes. "You bastard." Everything went black.

_Page Break_

"I am so sorry Sakura." Hinata whispered as I felt her hand over mine "Naruto and I will be here to help you until you get better."

"Thank you Hinata." I smiled knowing my friend would do anything in her power to make this experience better.

There was a knock on the door as Naruto answered it. "Sai is here."

"You need to get down there." Sai spoke as he entered the room.

"Where do you need to go Naruto?" I asked

"Sakura..." He paused "Sasuke came back to the village." My breath caught in my throat. Sasuke? Came back? There was no way he would have done it on his own, he was dead set on revenge. "He came back on his own about a week ago."

"Why did no one tell me?"

"You were in the hospital with more important things to worry about." Sai interrupted "You would have done something stupid in trying to see him and only make your condition worse."

"Sakura.." Hinata whispered, worried about what I would do next.

"Naruto, you should go see Sasuke. If Sai was sent over here to get you then it must be important." I lowered my head. I could feel he was about to argue "Hinata and I will be just fine on our own."

"Hinata is needed as well." Sai spoke from the corner of the room "I can watch over you until one of them gets back."

"Are you sure that is the right thing to do?" Naruto questioned

"Naruto, go." I left no room for arguing "You're needed, now go."

"He asked about you, he wanted to know when you will come and see him."

"Not anytime soon." I growled

"We should go." Hinata got up off the couch "Sai will take good care of her."

"Tsunade is not in the mood to be kept waiting." Sai insisted

I heard the two walk out of the room, only to have the door open and close a few moments later.

"How is the cherry blossom trees?" I asked

"I came from there earlier." He sat down next to me "Do you remember the way?"

"Could you take me?"

"We have to be back before they do. I do not feel like dealing with dickless yelling my ear off." I couldn't help but laugh

"Then let's hurry." He picked me up in his arms

"Whatever you say, ugly." I slapped him over the head before he left the house. Soon enough, he set me back down "We are here."

"Thank you Sai." I felt around me trying to find a tree to sit against. I didn't trust walking around by myself just yet.

"I was doing some research." Oh this should be good "How much do you know about expanding your chakra?"

This wasn't what I was expecting "What do you mean?"

"There are reports about blinded ninjas being able to live on their own." I raised an eyebrow "Apparently, they expanded their chakra into the ground around them in either a constant flow or a pulsing matter."

"What did that do for them?"

"They were able to create a mental image of the world around them." Sai sat next to me "You should give it a try."

I sat there in silence as I sent my chakra into the ground below me. After a few minutes of trying different things I was able to make out what was a tree and where Sai was sitting.

"It took a lot of chakra at first, but I think I got the hang of it." I smiled as I felt sweat roll down my forehead.

"At least you got it. You can practice more on your own I'm sure." I heard him walk next to me "However, it is time to take you back."

I nodded my head as he picked me up and ran back towards my house. Soon enough we were back in my living room. "Good night Sai."

"See you around." He left the house without another word as I made my way back to my room. I laid on my bed in silence, waiting for Naruto and Hinata to get back from their meeting with Sasuke.

"Why did he even come back?" I kept asking myself. None of the answers I thought of made sense. There is no way he killed his brother and even if he did, he wouldn't return. He would never accept the fact that he couldn't defeat his brother. Nor did he come back because he felt bad for what he did to Naruto and me. There is also no way he would come to us asking for help in his revenge. Nothing made sense and I am definitely not going down there to ask him. "Why is he asking to see me?" I know Naruto wants me to go down there to see him. He was the team back together again. But he wouldn't make up a lie like that to make me go down there. The fact that he even wants me to go down there brings up more questions. Sadly, the only way I will get those answers is if I go down and ask Sasuke myself.

"She is sleeping Naruto. Let her rest. We can talk to her in the morning." I heard Hinata whisper from outside my door.

"Let's get some rest Hinata." Naruto spoke as he opened a bedroom door and I heard Hinata follow.

I waited until I heard Naruto start snoring to get out of my bed. I opened my window before they got home so they wouldn't hear the noise. I jumped out of my room and landed softly onto the ground. My mental clock was telling me it is somewhere around midnight. I used the trick Sai taught my earlier and made my way outside of the village towards the cherry blossom trees.

I found a spot deep within the forest, knowing no one would wonder all the way out here looking for me. I relaxed against a tree, trying to cool myself off after the small adventure I just had. Using my chakra in such a way is going to take some time getting use to it. It has saved me the trouble of getting terribly lost on the way over here, but it did tire me more then it should have.

As I rested my again against the tree I took in the cool night air. I gave a small smile knowing that I would not be able to do this every night. Not a moment too soon, I heard a snap of a twig. "Oh no, what a great moment to be blind."

So I really did try my best in keeping it the same with the original but a lot was changed. Like I said, bare with me.

Again, I am working on one chapter at a time, it will take a little bit for me to post each chapter but I will work on them as fast as I can.

Thank you for reading.