I don't own Rango or any of its characters. However, Sekai is mine. I will tell you of any other OCs as I think of them. There are characters that are unnamed in the movie that I have given names so that they may be used in my story. So far the only ones are "Legs" which is the spider undertaker and "Samuel" who is the raccoon kid. Enjoy.

Update 6/22/2014: Apparently the spider and the raccoon kid are named 'Mr. Black' and 'Boo Cletus' respectively but I'm not changing the older part of the story no matter how awfully I believe it's been written. I am keeping 'Legs' and 'Samuel', they will just be a different spider and raccoon kid.

When I first wrote this everyone kept saying Sekai is a Mary Sue. I don't think she is one but if she seems like one then good. She's supposed to because of what happens to her later in the story. I'm tempted to just say what happens because I don't know if I'll be finishing this story but when I feel like giving up on a story, a nice review here and there makes me feel like I can go a little bit further. Thank you 'Gwen' for your review which brought me back to this dusty old relic of a fanfiction. Chapters 7 and 8 are all thanks to you.

Rango tapped the colossal jug firmly a few times. After the air gurgled its way to the top the water line rested at 8 days.

The alarmed townsfolk gasped softly.

"We had plenty. It's only been a month," said the Sheriff uneasily as he stared at the container in disbelief.

"It couldn't 've last forever, Sheriff," Beans consoled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Even if you flood the whole place, it'll just go back to bein' a desert. It's the way it is."

"I know, it's just that … I thought I licked this problem."

"You saved my daddy's ranch and gave Dirt hope."

Rango nodded in agreement as he regained his composure with a sigh. He cleared his throat before getting into character and turning to address the rising panic of the crowd.

"Aright, everyone, simmer down! Eight days is plenty o' time and your Sheriff is gonna fix this! Now, we're all gonna hafta tighten up! Save what little water you have in your keepin'!"

Assorted groans and grumbles of discontent rose from the audience.

"Take heart, folks!" Rango continued," Can't get much worse. The only place to go from here is up!"

"Actually, Sheriff, tomorrow's Thursday," Priscilla solemnly interposed. "Rattlesnake Jake'll be comin' for another soul to steal."

"T-that's right!" Spoons added, "And we ain't got no more mariachi owls to give 'im!"

The murmurs of dread exploded into an uproar.

"Folks, calm down! Just you focus on the water. The Lord'll provide a means to dealin' with Jake … and if He doesn't …I'll just have to take care of my 'brother' myself."

"Hey, uh, S-Sheriff?" Buford croaked anxiously from just outside the bank door, "T-t-there's a lady here lookin' for ya."

"Really?" Rango inquired excitedly, "Them personal ads go through real quick, eh, Beans?"

The desert iguana rolled her eyes as he winked at her and followed him out to see what was going on. The pair gasped when they looked upon Buford, frozen in fear, as he stared down the barrels of two gold-plated revolvers. The bushy-tailed creature wielding the shimmering weapons turned her green eyes to Rango. In a flash, she was before him and his eyes now ogled the guns' brilliance.

"So you're the Sheriff then?" She growled.

"Y-yes I am," he stammered, voice cracking in apprehension. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda thirsty."

Rango gulped as the golden guns clicked simultaneously when she drew their hammers back.

The townspeople watched powerlessly as the newcomer helped herself to their precious water. When she'd had her fill the water line sat at a sobering one week.

"What're you gonna do, Rango?" Beans whispered, "You said things couldn't get worse. This – this … fox thing drinkin' up all our water is worse. You better do somethin'."

"Fret not, Beans. I've got about an inch on her. I can take this little girl."

As if she'd heard their hushed conversation the newcomer set her borrowed cup down and gave the Sheriff a glare, turning to face him in anticipation. Unable to do nothing with the expectations of the town on his back, Rango sauntered up to her until their noses nearly touched. Her eyes narrowed and a growl began deep in her throat as he entered her personal space. His eyes were just above her black and auburn hair. He looked down at her with the little height advantage he had, "Listen here, shorty! We don't - ahh!"

He yelled and stumbled backwards as the biggest pair of ears he'd ever seen shot above him and stood fully erect. The town exclaimed in wonder at the spectacle.

"Who are you? What are you?" Beans inquired, staring as she came to Rango's side.

The stranger chuckled and returned to her chalice. After emptying it one last time she replied, "Name's Sekai. I'm a fennec."

"You quenched your thirst so why don't you just be moseyin' along now," the Sheriff dusted himself off, downplaying his fall.

"I've been fryin' in this desert for a year. You're crazy if you think I'm leaving a source of water," she replied. "A little froggy told me this town doesn't have a mayor."

The crowd turned and looked at Buford.

"What? She was gonna shoot me!" The toad explained.

"If it was this easy for me to stroll in here and get what I want then you guys are gonna need someone tough to protect your water and your town," the little fox continued. "I nominate myself for the position."

"Thanks, but no thanks. I can protect-," Rango began, sentence cut short by the bright revolver barrel swiftly inserted into his mouth.

"Any other objections?" Sekai asked.

"If anyone should be mayor it's Rango because he's the sheriff and he's been here longer," Priscilla said.

"Ah, yes, he is the sheriff," Sekai withdrew her firearm from his mouth and threw an arm around Rango's neck, pulling him down a bit.

"Just so you know … if you shoot all the townsfolk, t-there'll be no point to you bein' mayor," he panicked.

"I'm not gonna harm the townsfolk … just you. Your hand please, Sheriff?"

"N-no, you'll hurt it."

"It's your hand … or your head."

Rango once again found a radiant revolver in his face.

"Be gentle," he whimpered as he reluctantly gave her one of his hands.

"Oh, absolutely!"

Quickly, she holstered her gun and secured his arm behind his back in a wristlock. Rango yelped.

"Little girl, tell me all the reasons why you think I couldn't be mayor … but this coward should."

"Well," the cactus mouse began, cognizant of Rango's predicament. "One, we don't know you. Two, we're facing a drought and you're drinking up all our water. Three, Rango's no coward. He's our hero and he should be mayor. Four, …"

The trapped chameleon screamed as Sekai twisted his wrist with each count from Priscilla.

"She really must not like you," the fox chuckled to him as Priscilla went into the double digits.

"… and seventeen; there aren't fennecs in this desert. That means you're a stranger and strangers don't last long around here."

"Mercy," Rango cried in submission, having been forced to the ground.

"Well, little one, that gives me a lot to think about. Anyone else wanna speak for the sheriff's sake?"

Waffles raised a hand.

"NO! Nobody else wants to say anything!" Rango hollered, free arm waving in anguish.

"Well, I was just gonna say that … I think you should be mayor," the horned toad grinned, his eyes locked in awe on the foreigner.

"What? Why?" Elgin questioned.

"Uh, uh, well," Waffles stammered upon realizing the puzzled looks everyone was giving him. "S-she's got some really nice guns and a commandin' outfit. T-that's more'n Rango had when he came to town."

The crowd murmured in agreement so Sekai awarded him a brief grin.

"Ya got any of them credentials?" Yelled Spoons over the debating throng.

"I'll do you one better!" she replied, "Who's the toughest gunslinger to ever amble through this town? I'll go round 'im up and make an example out of 'em."

The town unanimously pointed to Rango.

"Really? Well … mission accomplished then," she chuckled. "If that joker's the best you've got then ya'll can't afford to not have me as your mayor."

"There's still Rattlesnake Jake," Beans sneered.

"Who's that?"

"He's the outlaw who kills all our sheriffs … and our last mayor. You'll be next if you hang 'round here actin' like you can do somethin' 'bout 'im."

Sekai approached the doubting rancher with a glare, "Point the way and I'll show you what I can do."

"Now now ladies," Rango came between them, having recovered from his ordeal. "There'll be plenty o' time for our new mayor to meet Rattlesnake Jake."

"New mayor?" Beans scoffed skeptically.

"Relax, Beans. This is a blessing in disguise," he whispered softly with a grin. "We needed someone to give to Jake and here she is. The Lord works fast."

He ushered Sekai out of the bank and into the street, "Now let's get you settled into office."