Adventures In Babysitting

Disclaimer: I admit that I don't own Criminal Minds, but I do own the show on dvd.

Summary: Jack Hotchner plots to make Hotch and Emily fall in love.

A/N: This chapter is different then all the others, and this was originally one of my earlier works but I decided to make it the final chapter in this series. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a review.

"A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer." Author Unknown

Hotch knew it was a bad idea but he agreed to it as there was no other options.

"Daddy?" Jack said, looking up from his coloring book, "Can I go visit Miss Penelope?"

"Sure buddy" Hotch said, looking down at his son, "Go ask Reid to take you."

The dark haired man Hotch watched his son set down his crayons and leave his office.

Hotch looked down in the bullpen as Jack walked down the stairs.

Hotch watched his young son talk to Emily, a smile growing across his face as the brunette profiler kissed the little boy's forehead. A swell of pride at the tender moment between his two favorite people.

His gaze traveled towards Reid, watching the young agent take Jack's hand both walking out of the bullpen, then JJ open his door to inform him she had a case for the team to review.

An hour later as the team passed along to Team B the profile Jack ran into the conference room to Hotch and Emily and jumped on Emily's lap.

"Captain Jack" Emily chuckled, wrapping her arms around the young boy "Who brought you up from Miss Penelope's cave?"

"Mr. Anderson he said that Miss Penelope needed to help the other team" Jack said, "Daddy when's lunch? I'm hungry."

"In a few minutes buddy, than we can go to lunch" Hotch told Jack.

Jack sat impatiently in Emily's arms, contemplating how he could get his dad and Emily together.

"Can Miss Emily come with us to lunch, daddy?" Jack asked.

Jack really liked Emily, she was funny and smart and made Hotch smile, especially when he thought no one was looking.

"Jack, I don't think..." Emily began.

"Please, daddy? Emmy's really fun" Jack asked putting on the puppy eyes for Hotch and then turning his face to give Emily the Hotchner trademark dimples.

'I know Emmy won't say no to the dimples, she never does' Jack thought.

"Aw, he's so sweet" JJ said smiling at Jack.

'Got one, now flash another smile to Emmy' Jack looked back up at her.

Emily looked over at Hotch who was smirking at this.

"Okay buddy. Emily would you care to join us for lunch?" Hotch asked flashing his own dimples at her.

'So not fair' Emily thought 'How can I say no to two Hotchners?'

"Sure" Emily said, tickling the boy's stomach.

Dave smirked at that, eyeing the miniature family while JJ awed again.

"Good afternoon, sir" the young hostess greeted the trio "How many?"

"A table for three" Hotch told her, looking at Jack who held Emily's hand.

Soon after a waiter came to take their order, which came soon, and Emily helped Jack cut up his chicken.

They all talked, while Jack was telling them about his friend's new mommy, he decided to ask.

"Daddy?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, Jack?" Hotch said cutting into his steak than taking a sip of his water.

"When are you going to marry Emmy so she can be a part of our family?" Jack asked.

Both Hotch and Emily started coughing.

"What makes you ask that question, buddy?" Hotch asked.

"Well the way you both look at each other is the way Sam's dad looks at his new mommy" Jack said, "Sam's daddy said people in love look at each other that way. That means you love Emmy."

"Jack, their are all kinds of looks and..." Emily began looking at Hotch for help with this line of questioning.

"And when people love each other they get married. If you marry my daddy Emmy, that means you'll be my new Mommy" Jack said, looking at the brunette agent, "Just like Sam got a new mommy when his dad got married."

"Jack, now listen... " Emily asked she looked at Hotch and said, "Aren't you going to help?"

"No I'd rather like to hear your explanation" Hotch sighed rubbing his throat.

"Daddy?" Jack asked, "When are you going to marry Emmy?"

"Buddy, Emily and I are not dating so we can't get married" Hotch began.

"You have to have feelings for someone to marry them..." Emily continued and Hotch looked at her in surprise.

"But you love me right, Emmy?" Jack asked eyes wide with concern.

"Oh of course I do" Emily told him, missing the eye roll that Hotch shot his son, "You're my Captain Jack."

Emily kissed his forehead earning a smile from the young boy.

An elderly couple walked by the booth and smiled at the three.

"You have a lovely family there, sir" the elderly woman told Hotch.

"And a very pretty wife" the elderly husband added, his wife poked him in the ribs.

Emily sighed, "I'll be right back."

Emily walked into the ladies room, trying not to hyperventilate as she pulled out her cell phone and called JJ.

"Yeah?" JJ answered.

"I feel like I'm in the freaking Twilight Zone over here" Emily sighed.

"What happened?" JJ asked.

"Well the second we sat down Jack asked Hotch when he was going to marry me to make me his new stepmother" Emily said in one breath, "Damn near choked on my chicken."

The brunette narrowed her eyes when she heard the blonde on the other side of the phone chuckle.

"Don't laugh, this isn't funny" Emily huffed.

"Sorry but that, I would of paid to see" JJ said through tears of laughter.

"Then Mother and Father Time walked right on by and told Hotch he had a lovely family" Emily said banging her head against the bathroom stall.

"Stop banging your head, you don't want to knock yourself out" JJ scolded lightly.

"Maybe I can knock myself out and wake up to all this being some bizarro world" Emily said.

"Nope, this is the world we're in. So deal with it. If you think Hotch doesn't want you, just let Jack down gently, poor kid has been through enough" JJ said "Now go back to your table or they'll think you fell in."

Emily muttered a spiteful word before hanging up. Taking a deep breath she looked at her reflection in the mirror, trying to find the will not to escape through the window.

When Emily left, Jack kept pestering Hotch about being with the brunette agent.

"Daddy" Jack said "You look at Miss Emily the way Uncle Dave looks at Miss JJ."

Hotch raised an eyebrow at that, 'If Jack can see the way Dave gawks at JJ. Than am I that obvious?'

"Daddy?" Jack said "Miss Emily looks at you the same way too."

"What makes you say that, buddy?" Hotch decided, 'He's not an unsub so it's not really an interrogation.'

"Because I heard her say once that she likes Agent Dimples to Miss JJ. Miss JJ said she liked Agent Italian Stallion." Jack said, "Who's he?"

"Uncle Dave, buddy" Hotch said, 'Agent Dimples? Hmm I still got it. After fifteen years out of the game.'

Emily returned and noticed Hotch looking intently at her. "God he's going to tell Jack he's not into me'.

Hotch noticed her looking uncomfortably, 'Let Agent Dimples out' He flashed the dimples.

Emily calmed at the sight and Hotch thought 'Yep, still got it.'

The finished up lunch in silence, just light chatter directed at Jack.

'My gosh, they're so quiet' Jack thought as they headed to the car 'When we get back to work, I'm gonna have to call in reinforcements.'

They arrived back at the BAU, and Jack asked to go see Miss Penelope.

Emily dropped Jack off to Garcia's office, as she was closing the door when something caught her ear.

"So, my little Junior G-man, how'd it go?" Garcia asked Jack.

"Well I asked daddy when is he gonna marry Emmy to make her a part of our family, and they both coughed loudly. Then I asked if two people look at each other the way they did, than they must love each other" Jack told her proudly.

Garcia laughed and clapped her hands together, "And than what happened?"

"I told them that if they look at each other that way they should be married. And that Sam's dad said people in love get married" Jack said "I asked Miss Emily if she loved me and she said she did, than an old couple told daddy he had a lovely family."

Emily backed away slowly, not looking behind her, that she bumped into Hotch holding files.

"What's the matter?" Hotch asked looking at her pale skin.

"Garcia did it" Emily whispered pulling Hotch away from Garcia's lair, to a supply closet.

"What did she do?" Hotch asked feeling slightly thrilled at being in an enclosed space with her.

"She had set Jack on his 'Emmy and Daddy need to marry' mission" Emily said watching Hotch's jaw drop "I just overheard them."

"So what do we do?" Emily asked when Hotch hadn't replied 'He's too humiliated to even speak. He doesn't want to be with me like that.'

Hotch still saying nothing out of shock, turned his face up to think, when Emily fidgeted to get comfortable his chin grazed her cheek, 'Should I go for it?'

"Sorry" Hotch said "I think maybe we should..."

Emily turned her face to him to see why he cut himself off, and he grabbed her face and kissed her.

"Hey anyone seen Hotch or Emily?" Morgan asked when JJ alerted them to another profile they needed to do.

"Have Garcia track their cell phones, while we go look for them" Dave said "Ready?"

"Lead away" JJ said smiling at Dave.

Garcia joined in on the search with Jack following them.

"Should be right here" Garcia said as Dave opened the door to reveal Hotch and Emily making out.

"Yes!" Jack said high fiving Garcia, while JJ and Dave smirked at their friends.

"Excuse us," Hotch said looking at his son and their friends.

"We'll give you two five more minutes, we've got a profile" JJ said smirking at Emily.

When Hotch and Emily returned, Garcia held out her palm and said, "You can thank me later."

"Am I grounded daddy?" Jack asked Hotch who gave his son a small parental glare.

"No, but no more scheming with Miss Penelope" Hotch told his son as Emily came up and joined them.

"But we were suppose to lock Uncle Dave and Miss JJ in that closet this afternoon" Jack said as Emily bent down to ruffle his hair.

"Aw Hotch maybe this next one we can slide?" Emily said.

Jack looked from his daddy to Miss Emily, and saw the two look each other in the eye.

'Yep totally worth it' Jack said looking at the new addition to his family 'But why did it take them so long to admit it. Silly grown ups.'

"Their is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." George Sand

The End

I hope you all enjoyed this little series, don't forget to leave a review.